Chapter 31: Echoes of the Past

Name:Master of the Loop Author:
Chapter 31: Echoes of the Past

Chapter 31

Echoes of the Past

Sylas was reeling, fuming, and seethingand though all those three things effectively meant one thing, he still somehow managed to be all three separately. At the same time. Stretching in front of his eyes, after all, was a sight that shouldnt be possible it was a mountain valley, perched between two cloud-pierces. Though they werent the most massive mountains Sylas had ever seen, they were still hefty, each standing at least five thousand feet high.

The mountains were barren and grey, their summits hidden in the fog. The valley itself was wedged between them, speartip-shaped, with waist-high grass swaying gently. Trees or patches of flowers were rare, but Sylas hardly had the mind to inspect it.

Though nobody expressed it quite as audibly as Sylas did, others were hardly in a better mental shape. They expected to find a lot of thingseven an army of the Undeadbut certainly not two mountains and a valley. There were no records of anything like this existing. No, there was a good reason for itthere wasnt enough space to house even a single mountain of this size, let alone two in addition to a valley.

Rynes lips stiffened; she had an idea as to what was happeningin fact, she had several ideasbut each was more insane than the last. Really, anything from the grand illusion to teleporting array was possible and she was beyond unqualified to make any conclusions. She knew that her priority had to be going back to the castle and informing the Paragon Council as quickly as possible. If anyone had a chance of knowing what this thing was, it was them.

Alright, alright, calm down, calm down, Sylas mumbled, drawing attention to himself. Hey, its something, right? Its different. New. At least its not the same fucking trees over and over again. Lets go, then. Theres a fuckin valley that shouldnt exist to be explored.

He was the first to take a step forward and others soon followed, Ryne included. Though her instincts told her to retreat, the curiosity, as per usual, won over. She had to know, as did the others. Even Tenner and Tebek could hardly sate their curiosityafter all, existing beyond the wall they had been manning for years, decades even, was something that they never even conceptualized.

To Sylas', and everyone else's for that matter, shock, just some four hundred feet into the valley, they saw something else that shouldn't exista cabin. It was fenced off very simply, as itself was built, with a slanted roof and a pair of windows at the front. The wood's state of rot and decay indicated that the house was old, if not ancient and that nobody likely lived here in at least a couple of hundreds of years.

It was overcome with weed and overgrowth, from top to bottom, yet it still managed to stand out since, well, it was a cabin. Habitat in the middle of nowhere. In a place that shouldn't really even exist. Taking a deep breath, Sylas completely forgot the impossibleonce again, excitement took over.

Ignoring others caution, he sprinted forward and vaulted over the fence. Behind him, shouts and pleas echoed, but he didnt care. Ramming into the doors, he realized they were jammed after being bounced back. A few extra attempts and they didnt budge. By then, Tenner and others showed up, their swords drawn already.

Knock this thing open, Sylas said, pointing at the doors that wouldnt budge under his mighty strength.

Are are we sure we want to? Tenner asked with caution.

Huh? Why not? Whats the worst that could happen? That theres a couple of skellies in there that we need to beat up? Come on, it might have answers for this fuckin place. Arent you tired of being yanked by your balls left and right? Lets yank em back!

Sylas excitement led to him using jargon that others were clearly unfamiliar with since, well, hed just made it up. Nonetheless, the meaning was transferred well enough, causing Tenner to loosen the doors with his sword, chopping away at the hinges and edges before kicking them down.

Rather than falling down, the doors shattered into pieces as Sylas cheeks flushed. He truly, unquestionably was pathetically weak. Coughing lowly and ignoring the odd stares, he looked forward into the darkness that slowly began being shed away with the faint rays of light coming from the outside.

The cabins interior was extremely ordinarybeyond the sheer levels of disrepair, there was only a bad, a single chair, a table, and what looked like a cauldron. There were no skeletons and there were no ghosts, just the stench far worse than either. Cringing, Sylas covered his nose and led the charge inside. The entire place was truly decrepit and looked to be a slightly stronger gust of wind away from being utterly blown off the face of the world.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Good. Dont ever say that to anyone again, Sylas said sternly. Later, we can tell them that you were confused and mistaken. Understood?

Y-yes? though Ryne was confused, she was also grateful.

Good. Sit here and eat, he added. I might need your help translating some words. Having said that, Sylas immediately dove into the diary, realizing quickly that certain chunks were missing since, ever so often, the skips between the entries indicated twenty years of time.

Ruyan, 44th day of the Moon, 1773rd Year of Teler Calendar

--Ive woken distraught, again. Ive woken such because of my dreams. Ive seen it again. After so many years, its returned. That hallowed face, those horrifying eyes. I thought I had forgotten. I thought I had moved past it but I was wrong. It still haunts me. Even here, even away from it all.

Ruyan, 8th day of the Moon, 1774th Year of Teler Calendar

--The mountain rumbled today, too. Its coming, I know it. When I was banished here, I never thought I would have to fulfill my duties. My punishment my punishment will become my honor. Will you honor me, my love, when you hear the tale? Or will they lie to you?

Ruyan, 1st day of the Moon, 1778th Year of Teler Calendar

--Twice today, thrice yesterday, forty-five times this week alone. I'm growing tired. I'm growing distraught. There is no news from the Regents, there is no news from home. I am alone. I know now. I know what true loneliness feels likewhen you have been abandoned by the world, by the world you are so desperately trying to protect. Will my valiance ever even be known? Or will I become forgotten bones at the edge of the known world?

Ruyan, 51st day of the Moon, 1801st Year of the Teler Calendar

--Days, months, years, decades I cannot even be certain anymore that my dates align with reality. It is just as the records saidit is a flood, a neverending, unrelenting, undying flood. No man can stop them, not even me. Tayna I only wish to see you before I perish. I desperately hung onto your image but Id forgotten. Id forgotten my love. Will you forgive me? Will you ever know me? Do you even remember me?

Ruyan some day some year

--Did you know, Tayna? There are eighteen stars north of my sky. Ive counted. Each shines as brightly as our sun. Remember our sun, Tayna? Remember it? I dont. It has been time innumerable since I last saw the light. All I see all I know is darkness. Darkness stretching into my mind, Tayna. Ive lost. Ive lost, my love. Ive lost. I cannot go on manning the gates. I cannot fulfill my duty. My honor. Will the world know of my sacrifice? No. Nobodys come to see. Nobodys come to ask. Nobodys here. Nobodys here. I am alone and cold, my love. Will you remember me? Do you remember me? Have you forgotten? Do you remember, my love? That promise. Promise that promise promise promise promise

A line trailed off from the last e, bounding the rest of the page and disappearing. It was the last entry. The last words this man ever conceived. Rynes eyes had long since turned teary, while Sylas maintained their clarity. Beyond the huff and puff of love that got to the teenage girl, he picked up on the implicationsand, as he suspected, they provided answers to some key questions that will go a long way to helping him understand this world down to its very core.