Chapter 34: Tales of a Prophet

Name:Master of the Loop Author:
Chapter 34: Tales of a Prophet

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Tales of a Prophet

Looking forward at the forest and back to the three people who still seemed plenty confused, Sylas could only smile wryly. It took some heavy convincing, but after playing the Prophet and the Gods missionary card several times, he managed to convince Valen to come along to the expedition into the unknown, expedition that the boy considered to be certain death.

Sylas was quite touched by the level of trust, even with the whole Prophet business. Convincing Ryne and Tenner, on the other hand, was marginally easier. However, due to the fact that he rushed it a bit and relied heavily on the Prince, Ryne was quite doubtful of him still. It didnt matter, however, as he was beyond confident in gaining her confidence by the time they reached the valley.

The group departed without much fanfare. The atmosphere, in fact, was very much dead, as though the castle was bidding the final farewell to its prince. Wanting to escape the tendrils of dread, Sylas rushed them and quickly left, with a Prince, an Exorcist, and a Captain in tow, sounding quite some ways like the start of a bad joke.

Stop looking so grim, he said to Valen and Tenner. Im not leading you to your deaths. I very much like living, myself. Contrary to what my recent experiences would say he mumbled the last sentence, questioning whether he truly liked living considering how many times he killed himself.

But was it necessary for the Prince to come? Tenner asked, beyond anxious. Hed already buried the boy once in his mind, and now hed likely get buried with him.

Yes, Sylas replied firmly. Look, arent you embarrassed? A young girl is handling this way better than you.

she is an Exorcist, Valen smiled bitterly, giving in. Hed already leftthere was no need for the gloom. Whatever happened from this point onward, hed simply accept it. Trusting Sylas hadnt betrayed him yet. Until it does, he shouldnt judge the man. But youre right. I have already agreed to come.

Good, Sylas nodded. Now, I suppose I best disclose the real reason I wanted you to come.

Your dubious looks notwithstanding, Sylas cracked a smile. I couldnt very well say in front of everyone what Id seen, Prince.

whatd you see? Valen suddenly got a bad feeling, staring intently at those brown eyes.

An army of the dead, Sylas said. Fermenting beyond the forest.

WHAT?! Ryne, Tenner, and Valen exclaimed the same word, though with three very different tones. Valens was one of horror and abject petrification. Sylas had, after all, already warned him once of the impending army of the dead, so there was a precedent.

Tenners tone was akin to a father who was questioning his sons mental faculties after the son said something beyond reason, such as I will make top dollar being a clown at childrens party, just you wait, dad!.

Heard of her? Of course Ive heard of her! No wonder, no wonder you are so talented! Valen exclaimed softly, sighing afterward. "Revered Witch of the Lake honestly, considering the stories Ive heard I am both impressed by you and terrified for you.

what do you mean? Sylas asked, noticing the shift in the atmosphere.

Hmm, Valen mumbled for a moment, seemingly uncertain whether to answer the question or not.

Itits fine, Ryne said.

The reason shes called Reverend, Valen continued. Is because she has a good track record when it comes to raising new Exorcist. The reason shes called a Witch

is because her means are abhorrent? Sylas finished the thought.

Something like that, yes, Valen nodded.

"My my Master's methods are harsh, that's true," Ryne said. "But necessary. As Exorcists, we see death almost every day and we face it constantly. We cannot flinch upon its gaze. We cannot cower. We are the vanguards against the Unspoken. Oh, wow, look at that old-fashioned brainwashing, Sylas mused inwardly, glancing at Rynes expression. It was like a mantra to her, he knew, means of rationalizing her childhood. Though he had no means of knowing exactly what she went through, if a child ever needs to rationalize the childhood they had it was not a good one.

Back home, Sylas spoke out. There was this Army General. We called him the Dreaded. Leaders loved him, and everyone else either abhorred or feared him. What hed do is take children as young as four and spend years training them, beating the will to live out of them, until they were empty-headed soldiers. Then, hed hand the soldiers to the leaders whod use the children as the frontline. Imagine imagine you were an enemy, and you saw hundreds of twelve or thirteen-year-olds marching toward you with empty, hollow eyes. They won every battle, Sylas was altering the story from his childhood, but it had little to do with the armyit was a tactic local drug lord used to overtake a quarter of the city within a month. Because nobody wanted to kill the children.

Until, one day, they ran into the group that didnt care, Sylas said. They massacred them all, and then went on to kill the General. That army was made up of the childrens parents. After killing the General, they all killed themselves.

everyone, even Ryne, listened with horrified expressions. Thanks to Sylas dramatization of the events and some flair, he really sold the tale. Unfortunately, however, it seemed that they all missed the point of the story, causing him to speak up again.

Those children also said that they had to do it. That if they didnt, nobody would. That it was their duty, their honor to protect and serve. What Im trying to say many Kingdoms and Empires and forces well beyond ours have risen and fell without needing to stomp on the heads of our children in the process. If there ought to be people to die, there are plenty of us old geezers.

The group fell into silence, though Sylas didn't need them to dwell on his story a bit too long and spot numerous plot holes. As such, he urged them to pack and cross the last bit of distance toward the valley.

Some six hours later, Sylas spotted the thinning of the trees and sighed in relief that they had managed to find their way again. This meant that, if things went awry, theyd be able to find their way back in the next loop as well. As long as Ryne was with them, anyway.

Were here, despite Sylas warning, as soon as the group emerged from the forest and onto the clearing and as soon as their eyes landed onto the valley they turned dumb. After all, Sylas was rightit had to be seen to be believed. Surprisingly, Valen was the first to lose it, and he let the world know.