Chapter 91: Twice and Thrice

Name:Master of the Loop Author:
Chapter 91: Twice and Thrice

Chapter 91

Twice and Thrice

It was happening again, Sylas realized. The symptoms were all the same--and, unlike the previous times, they appeared even more aggressive. The castle had only been aware of it for the last few days, yet over twenty people had already been bedridden, with three even dying. Just like before, Master Audin attributed it all to the winter chills, but Sylas knew that he couldnt ignore it anymore.

Its intentional, he concluded aloud, standing up and leaving the hashnery, a morgue-like room where corpses were held for additional inspection.

What confirmed it for him more so than anything else were the inconsistencies--it didnt occur naturally within every loop. It was clear that his actions were affecting it, but his actions never affected natural phenomena. After all, just because he did something didnt mean it wouldnt snow tomorrow. Similarly, it didnt mean a plague would choose to not infect anyone.

Clearly, as his actions affected the castle itself, the nature behind the disease elected not to infect the people--or the other way around, all dependent entirely on the circumstances that the world, the objective world, didnt care for.

His frown deepened, anger rousing once more. It was a person, once again, that judged the people inside the castle and condemned them to death. Sylas wasnt angry with the dead--whether they were zombie-like creatures that only knew war, or even another Kingdom entirely, their attacks at least stood tall to the scrutiny. They had a purpose, a goal. But Tebek, Dyn, the human scum that sicced the dead onto the castle...

He was angry with the living. With the unhinged vermin feasting on the carcass of kindness shown to them by being allowed to live and breed among people. The heartless who stirred fires and then ducked behind the curtains, laughing while watching others die for their creed. Hed hated them on Earth, and he hated them here. Nothing has changed, not in the hearts of people, anyway. Demented existed here as there, wearing the mask of sheep to cover the demons in their eyes.

Knowing that it was intentional, however, didnt tell him who was doing it. What's more, uncovering who was doing it... was almost impossible due to the nature of it. After all, the plague could have been started in a number of ways--coughing at someone, smearing something at them, spiking random water well, or a herb, or cattle... unless he caught someone in the act, it was all but impossible to trace the origins back to a specific individual.

Itll be a long loop, he sighed. There was only one way, in the end--work his way from the top. Cross off every single person in the castle, one by one, by shadowing them. Eventually, hell find his culprit. Huuuh. A few years at least, right? Well, if I dont luck out early on.

He already planned on crossing off a few names without inspection--Valen, Derrek, Ryne, and him. Though there were quite a few others he was fairly confident in, he wanted to be beyond thorough.

One by one, he mumbled. One by one.

Months passed swiftly while Sylas crossed one name off the list after another. By now, he had stalked so many souls he had grown entirely numb to it. Despite doing despicable things, he felt... nothing. Not anymore, at least. In fact, last night he watched two people have sex and didnt even flinch or for a moment think he was doing something awful.

And yet, despite it all, he was yet to come across anything suspicious. Well, that suspicious. Hed seen people steal, gossip, cheat, and do many, many, many awful things, just not quite as awful as unleashing plague upon the castle. Furthermore, each and every time he chose to wait until the plague began spreading through the castle before pulling the plug on the loop.

And, at the start of each loop, he was forced to write down the list of names of all the people hed checked already lest he accidentally did it twice. By now, he knew some of the people inside the castle better than he knew himself--and it was hardly a happy occasion.

Another name crossed off, he sighed, finishing off the cup of wine. Thats... all the maids, right? That leaves... the young butlers, and a few guards, he began to tap away with his finger, leaning his head against his free hand. If its not any of them... is it really natural? But triggered by something specific that I can somehow alter without consciously choosing to do so? Shit, for all I know, maybe my shit is the source, and--no, no. No. Right? Nope, nope. God, Im going mad, to even entertain that idea.

What idea? a somewhat solemn, yet attempting-to-be-chirpy voice interrupted him, causing him to jolt.

Ryne?Read latest chapters at Only

Thats me! the young girl exclaimed, the sound of the staff rapping against the stone floor finally entering Sylas ears. You didnt hear me come in?

No, he said, standing up and walking over to the young girl, helping her to a seat. Are you alone? Where is your maidservant? Shit, Ill have to reprimand her--


ENOUGH!!! JUST WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!!! Sylas ripped the iron bars apart with his bare hands without even realizing it, anger burning through his veins, and stomped into the cell, quickly reaching Tebek, picking the man up by his neck and pinning him against the wall. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!!!!!! he screamed into the mans horrified expression.

I-I--I--I--AAAAGAGGGGGHGHHHH!!!! without letting the man finish his excuse, Sylas gripped the neck tighter and slammed the man into the ground, breaking his spine in the process as both his legs went limp. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


I--I dont---

Oh, fuck you to high-heavens,


A limp body fell to the ground, head bent unnaturally to the side, eyes wide open, foam fizzling at his mouth. Just as the body fell, a window appeared in front of him, startling him for a moment.


You have completed a quest: Charted Dreams!

You have defended the castle against all odds and proved yourself worthy!

You have been granted a new reward: Archery Mantra --Soulseeker--

New Quest: Soulseeking Arrow

Content: Successfully alter arrows trajectory midflight

Reward: a new skill --Soulseeking Arrow-- (a once-a-day guided arrow that cannot be detected by sight)

Good luck!

Sylas stood still in confusion, the hurried footsteps belting against the stone approaching the cell. Hed figured it out--the last component. What he couldnt figure out, however, was just how Tebek fit into the whole narrative. Just fuckin how...

Ill have so many questions for you, Sylas said, taking out a knife from his belt. I certainly hope youll be in the mood for chatting.

You have died.

Save point Death has been initialized.