Chapter 24

024 – Clear


“Muweak! Kwieeek!!”


The crimson-hot metal beads, now moving at an excessively fast speed, left laser-like trajectories as they shattered the target into pieces, even though they hadn’t precisely hit the intended spot. Under the overwhelming force of the attack, which left crater-like impressions resembling meteor impacts, the monsters were left with no defense.

The monsters roared and desperately searched for the attacker’s presence, but their actions were futile. The point where Myung-jun had launched the metal beads was a staggering 1.5 kilometers away from the point of attack.


When the second metal bead hit with an even greater explosion than before, there was nothing left near the impact site. Around the enormous crater, as if a meteor had fallen, only the flesh and crystal stones of the monster were scattered.

Having annihilated another group of monsters, Myung-jun smirked and lowered the aiming sight of the slingshot.

“Could I make it a bit stronger?”

<Are you crazy? Are those real metal beads? Are they loaded with gunpowder?>

“They’re metal beads. I’ve tinkered with them a bit.”

During his first encounter with the Rank 3 monster, Myung-jun had approached combat with not only reinforced rubber bands but also enhanced durability of the slingshot itself. He poured all the points he had earned from hunting monsters outside.

Using his attributes transformation ability to enhance the slingshot, Myung-jun could stretch the rubber bands beyond their limits, and the metal beads fired with such heightened tension pierced through the body of the Rank 3 monster with the force that could take down an anti-tank shell.

As Myung-jun continued testing the limits of his power, he soon recognized a flaw in his plan. He noticed that if the projectile’s velocity exceeded the limits of the metal bead’s durability, it would evaporate due to friction with the air.

Hence, he began to apply attribute transformation to the metal beads themselves, enhancing their heat resistance and durability to the utmost limits. The result was the creation of the “Portable Cannon,” a specialized metal bead capable of producing a tremendous explosion that resembled a meteor impact.

“The name Senior gave it suits it well. Portable Cannon.”

<But if it’s this powerful, shouldn’t we call it a Meteor Launcher?>

“Meteor Launcher. That sounds impressive too. However, this isn’t enough. If I encounter a Rank 5 monster, this might come down to a single shot. My victory if I take down the boss in one shot, and my defeat if not. In this case, defeat means instant death. Let’s proceed carefully. I’ll give it my all with what I can do now.”

Myung-jun once again started searching for the next target. In this place, there were abundant hunting targets that would provide points to Myung-jun.


“It’s boring.”

Sitting alone in a motel room, Soo-jeong sighed as she gazed endlessly at the window that Myung-jun had left from. Then, she looked at the night sky with an intense expression and said,

“I wonder if Myung-jun is okay...”

Soo-jeong was well aware of Myung-jun’s plan to overload the gates. She was the one who had fiercely opposed it when Myung-jun explained the plan to her for the first time. Her argument was that, if it was for the sake of gathering Crystal stones, she would prefer a safer, albeit slower approach. However, Myung-jun dismissed her opinion with the explanation that there were reasons he couldn’t disclose. He promised her that he would return safely with a plan in mind.

Soo-jeong knew Myung-jun was not the kind of person to make empty promises, but belief and emotions were separate matters. In the current situation, it was Myung-jun who seemed likely to make rash attempts to keep his promise, even in a situation with deadly consequences.

Soo-jeong briefly considered surprising Myung-jun by visiting his location, but she quickly discarded that thought. In countless movies and dramas, the protagonist’s plans getting messed up due to the heroine’s impulsive actions were almost clichés. Soo-jeong had no intention of becoming such a triggering character.

“As long as there’s nothing special, I’ll wait for Myung-jun here. After all, that’s the promise between us.”

She knew. As much as Myung-jun stirred up emotions in her, he was also passionate about her. Even though the time they had spent together was short, Myung-jun was someone who showed infinite affection to the person he considered his own.

–Knock, knock–

The sound of knocking on the hotel room door, which shouldn’t have been visited by anyone, reached her ears. Soo-jeong immediately sensed that an unexpected change had occurred.

The current time was 3 AM. It was never a time for hotel staff to come knocking, and she had never requested any room service.

Soo-jeong desperately calmed her startled heart and pondered how to handle the situation. What should she say in response? Or should she simply pretend to not be there?

Holding the tranquilizer gun Myung-jun had given her in her hand, she cautiously positioned herself behind the door. Then, she addressed the presence beyond the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s an emergency, Miss Han Soo-jeong. I’ve been sent by your mother.”

“I haven’t received any contact from my mother. What are you talking about?”

“Well, we were asked not to let Miss Han know about our existence. But this is an emergency situation. Whether you believe it or not, if you don’t open the door, we’ll break in.”

“Warning! I’m armed!”

“Isn’t that the tranquilizer gun Mr. Myung-jun handed over to you? We’re aware of it. However, the current situation isn’t something that can be resolved by the tranquilizer gun alone, so I’ll proceed regardless. Time is ticking even as we speak. If you don’t open the door by the count of three, we’ll break in. One, two.”

“Hands up and step back!”

In an instant, the door opened, revealing Soo-jeong holding the tranquilizer gun. She aimed the muzzle of the gun at the man’s face and demanded that he show his hands.

“They’ll arrive at the hotel in three minutes. They narrowly managed to escape.”

“Are there any pursuers?”

“If it was just for surveillance, we’d have approached with our usual personnel. But this time, it’s different. There are suspicions about seven vehicles. It seems they’ve deployed at least thirty personnel.”

“Miss Soo-jeong, did you perhaps leak nuclear bomb blueprints or something? Why does the government want to catch you?”

Soo-jeong struggled to remain calm and answered with an expression of not knowing anything.

“I said I don’t know. Would the situation change if I did know?”

“That’s true. I’ll stop asking questions. First, I need to explain the escape plan. Fortunately, there’s a harbor nearby, and we’ll try to secure a ship for smuggling there. It would have been good if we were prepared in advance, but this situation came up unexpectedly, so we have to accept some risk. Then, once you’re on that ship and sail to Japan, our personnel there will provide you with new disguises and identification. The current plan is to then move quickly to Panama. Any questions?”

“Why Panama?”

“Because it’s one of the countries where the Korea has not concluded an extradition treaty with criminals.”

“But I’m not a criminal!”

“That doesn’t matter. I’m just following the manual.”

At that moment, Soo-jeong lifted her head and urgently asked the man, her expression anxious, “Myung-jun! What about Myung-jun?”

“Are you talking about the person who’s with you, your lover?”


“Unfortunately, it seems impossible to take them with us right now. However, my colleagues have received an emergency call and are on their way here. They’ll take care of Myung-jun. Of course, assuming their objective isn’t Myung-jun, and he successfully evades them.”

“Get ready.”


“We are going there!”

“That’s impossible! Are you out of your mind right now? There are 30-armed government agents chasing after you! The moment you make contact with them, our protection becomes meaningless!”

“Myung-jun doesn’t know anything about the current situation! And their objective is probably to apprehend Myung-jun for his military service! So, I need to tell Myung-jun this fact right away!”

“I’ll refuse. The risk is too great.”

“Is that so? Then how about this?”

What Soo-jeong produced was a small dagger that looked exactly like the one Myung-jun had used to protect himself. Holding the sharp blade in her small hand, she pointed it at her own throat and said to the man, “If you don’t follow my orders, I’ll kill myself right here.”

Seeing her do this, the man looked at her with a bewildered expression, then sighed and said,

“Hey, you’ve watched too many movies. I’m just the CEO of a small security company. I’m not some heroic savior on a mission to save humanity’s future. If you die, the contract will certainly fail. I won’t even receive my success fee. But I can’t risk everything just to get a few million won more.”

Upon hearing the man mention ‘a few million won’, Soo-jeong’s eyes sparkled.

“Then how about a few billion?”


“Ten billion. If you take me to the place Myung-jun mentioned, I’ll pay you an upfront fee of a billion.”

“No, even if you say that...”

“Two billion.”

“Are you crazy? Turn the car around.”

“What? What about the mission?”

“The client just changed. Our goal now is to safely escort the young lady to the location she mentioned.”

“Is it always like this? Miss, where should we take you?”

“Please take me to this location.”

As Soo-jeong operated the navigation system to mark the location, Byung-tae let out a deep sigh.

“Ah, damn it!!!”

Then, he cursed while forcefully turning the steering wheel, and the car with the three of them began speeding through the middle of a rice field, leaving the paved road behind. The pristine white car’s body was soon splattered with mud.

Following behind the car, black SUVs without their headlights on also started racing through the rice field, creating a chase.

Note: I changed the gas gun to tranquilizer gun

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