Chapter 341: Sectgoer

Chapter 341: Sectgoer

Ying Lin dropped down into a busy street. Elegantly, she extended her small feet and landed with barely a sound, her robes fluttering around her. Zhubi tumbled clumsily after her, flailing his newfound limbs wildly, his face still stiff but his eyes wide in panic.

All around them, cultivators stopped and stared.

Hui reached out and caught the small child with the long hair, not willing to appear as a child abuser in the middle of a busy street. A small, round face peered up at him, then turned and hugged him tight, the boy hiding his face in Huis robes.

Er who? Hui wondered silently, arms stiff, not sure what to do with this small child.

A second later, he caught the scale pattern on Zhubis robes and the long, winding sheaf of hair. He cleared his throat. Zhubi?

Face still buried in Huis robes, Zhubi nodded.

Hui sighed and petted Zhubis head absentmindedly. He looked at Ying Lin with a sense of trepidation. Why is it that I feel the two of you are a bad luck charm, recently? Every time you appear, Han Qin is not long behind. Dont tell me, is this small clone the next on the chopping block? I dont want to die! Go on, go on, shoo!

What is it, Master? Ying Lin asked, tilting her head.

Hui sighed again. He waved a hand. Nothing, nothing. I cant actually tell them to shoo. One is Zhubi, and the other well, I bear responsibility for introducing her to the world of cultivation. I should see my duties through.

He looked down at Zhubi. Zhubi, its incredibly inconvenient to carry you about like this. Why dont you change back?

Zhubi looked up at him with big, watery eyes. Instantly, Hui waved his hands. No, no! You arent inconvenient, I didnt mean that. Please. I do like your manifestation, its very adorable. So go ahead, be my guest.

Pleased with himself, Zhubi continued to lounge in Huis arms like a little monkey. Hui sighed and shifted Zhubi to his hip.

Ying Lin shook her head at Hui. If you spoil him like that, hell grow up crooked.

What grow up? Isnt he already two hundred and some? Hui asked, looking down at Zhubi.

Zhubi gave him an innocent look.

Still, you shouldnt indulge him so much. Hes big enough to walk. Make him walk, Ying Lin insisted.

Zhubi grabbed on tighter to Hui, practically gluing himself to Huis side.

Zhubi she is right, you know, Hui said.

Zhubi shook his head.

Do you not want to walk? Hui asked.

Of course he doesnt. Thats not the point, Ying Lin grumbled.

Zhubi shook his head again.

Hui let out a big sigh. We can have this argument later. For now, lets get out of the middle of the street.

Ying Lin nodded, and the three of them retreated to the roadside. All around them, cultivators flew on swords or walked, rode shuttles or descended majestically in immortal boats of various sizes.

Taking it all in, Ying Lin stared, amazed. Master is this a cultivation city?

Twin Elemental City. The best place to hear news and gossip and make a few spirit stones, Hui said, nodding.

Ying Lin turned. Her eyes widened. Master, your robes!

Hui looked down at himself. Blue silk brocade patterned with phoenixes and flood dragons stared back at him, the hems a muted gold. He adjusted his robes and cleared his throat. This is nothing unusual. My true body wears something similar. True, he stole them from Bai Xue, and these are robes I bought myself, but theyre similar enough.

Your shoes look at that fan! And the jade decoration at your hip. Master are you rich? Ying Lin asked.

Hui quickly tucked the gold leaf-covered fan into his robes and self-consciously adjusted his belt to hide the decoration under Zhubi. Well modestly so. Ive made a living selling talismans. These are nothing compared to what a true merchant could acquire.

Master! Dont delude yourself. Ive told you, youre talented! It isnt just anyone who could make talismans of such quality that people would pay so much for them, Ying Lin insisted.

Well most fifth-stage talisman masters likely belong to a sect or clan, and have a support system unto themselves. Unlike a rogue cultivator like me, who has to make his own way. Naturally, when a good is rare, its price becomes higher, whether the quality is there or not. Hui cleared his throat, reaching for his fan before he remembered how flashy it was and let his hand drop to adjust his hems instead. Its nothing worth making a fuss over.

What about your house? You have a house, dont you? Ying Lin asked.

A modest hut, Hui demurred.

Her brows furrowed. Master you arent sleeping in the forest again, are you?

Where are you? Are you safe? Whats happening?

The new clone cleared his throat. Elder Brothers, please

Everyone fell silent, waiting. Healer spoke first. Where were you born?

Im on Masters peak. Ive been raising the lotus plants here, growing new clones. Just recently, I thought to try the inheritance, and

Masters peak! How is it?

The new one paused. Its very peaceful. Occasionally, I see All Heavens patrols in the distance, but none can break Masters barrier. Senior Wolf keeps me company, and I check every day to see if Bai Jingwen has woken up.

Healer nodded. What should we call him? Shepherd? Gardener?

How about Peak Lord? Rogue suggested with a laugh.

My votes on Homebody, Mortal chipped in.

The new clone hesitated, then added, And Ive been digging a hole.


Digger for sure. His name is Digger.

Pressing his hand to his face, Healer sighed. Why are you digging a hole?

I dont know. I just feel as if I should.

Sectgoer spoke at last. We all have our oddities. Mortal cant make money, for instance.


So lets peacefully call him Peak Lord for now. In any case, Im busy. Dont interrupt me.

Master? Ying Lin asked, looking up at him.

Hui shook his head and walked on. A daydream. Lets hurry. The shop will close if we dont arrive soon.

Eh? Okay, Ying Lin agreed.

Hui looked at Zhubi, then shrugged. His robes are plenty nice, and hes a manifested spirit beast, anyways. They might even be a part of him. Zhubi, are you sure I couldnt convince you to enter beast form, at least for a while?

Make him walk, Master! Hell never learn, otherwise! Ying Lin whispered from the side.

Zhubi shook his head, somewhat distracted. Head turned about, he watched the cultivator city with wide eyes.

Come to think of it, he might be able to see more colors in human form. In which case, its no wonder he wants to spend a little longer as a human, in such a colorful city. Hui swapped Zhubi to his opposite side and walked on.

Master youre spoiling him, Ying Lin complained.

Hmm, Hui commented.

Tutting, Ying Lin shook her head. Such clear favoritism. When this disciple has sore legs from sword practice, she has to walk, but Zhubi sits around all day and gets carried?

Your legs will get less sore if you walk, Hui replied helpfully.

Ying Lin shook her head. Hes a fifth stage spirit beast! Hes much more powerful than me. Theres no need to carry him. This much walking is nothing to him.

Ying Lin, are you jealous? Hui asked. Zhubi turned to her as well, his big eyes blinking innocently.

Ying Lin scowled. I am not!

Hui gave her an indulgent look. How about this. When you hit fifth stage, Master will carry you, as well.

Who wants that! Ying Lin retorted.

Its alright, Ying Lin. Theres no shame in it. Master, too, wasnt carried much as a child. Ill carry you all you want once you hit fifth stage, Hui said, smiling gently.

Ying Lin stared back at him, her cheeks pursed and her face red with indignation.

Hui fought the urge to laugh aloud, turning away instead. Has it always been so much fun to tease people? No wonder everyone always teases me!