Chapter 666: Computer Models and Mental Models

Chapter 666: Computer Models and Mental Models

A bitter flavor assaulted Mortals tongue. He pulled his hand away from his mouth, pursing his lips in disgust. Oh. Ugh. Thats not good.

Following the bitter flavor, a wave of heat flowed through his body. It flared for one moment, almost unbearably hot, then faded away. Mortal pressed his lips together thoughtfully. Perhaps a heat poison? Or some kind of heat-heavy yang pill, meant to expel yin poisons? One way or another, it was a success. Lets put it to the side and memorize the recipe for now, to come back to later. Ill figure out all the low-level successes, and use them to build up to the high-level successes.

So far, I have one success. Theres plenty more low-level herb combinations. No time to celebrate this small victory. On to the next!

Using different parts of the same three plants, he tried a few more combinations, but nothing came out but ash and smoke. Mortal coughed a few times, waving his hand as smoke spewed out of his throat. Gotta say, using my dantian as a pill furnace isnt the most pleasant idea Ive ever had. At least Im not using my physical bodys dantian. If I permanently scar it doing this, Ive only ruined a single mental clone, and I can easily respawn a new body for myself.

Cautiously, he added the bulb to the original mixture of the three. The skin of the bulb, the pulp, and the flowers all did nothing, but when he squeezed the bulb and extracted a glistening drop of milky red sap, it mixed cleanly into the pill. Even without testing the resultant pill, its powerful yang aura told him everything he needed to know. By adding the bulbs sap, I can create a more powerful version of the heat/yang pill. In other words, the bulbs sap accentuates the yang and heat attributes of the other ingredients around it.

Setting the first three herbs aside, he turned to the next set, drawing in the herbs associated with life: the black leaf, the dried bud, and the half alive-half dead branch. This time, he hesitated a moment, eyeing the black leaf in particular. That thing absorbs life qi. Whatll it do in my dantian? I need to take care.

Turning to his dantian, he quickly shuttled the life qi out. A dozen golden songbirds burst out and perched on his shoulders. Rather to his surprise, another strange bird slid free. He peered down, confused, as it plopped to the floor.

A blue-colored translucent penguin stared back up at him, covered in gray dust, the same color as the soot and smoke hed just coughed up. It flapped its wings and shook itself, and bits of yang-tinged ash flew off its dark-blue back. Without the yang covering it, it exuded powerful yin energy and an icy-cold aura, cold enough for Mortal to feel it on his skin.

Mortals eyes widened. Wait, hold on. Is this is this what the yin energy we absorbed condensed into? Penguins? How?

I mean, it kind of makes sense. Penguins are birds that love the cold, and theyre basically the opposite of phoenixes. Phoenixes fly and are heavily associated with flame, while penguins cant fly and are associated with ice and water. Still. Yin penguins? Yinguins? How did I not notice?

The penguin stared at him for another moment, then waddled off, moving away from him.

Ah I guess if its the representation of the yin energy Ive collected, it wouldnt be too happy with me brewing yang-flavored pills in my dantian. Er, sorry about that. I didnt know you were there! nove(l)bi(n.)com

Hui considered for a moment, then shrugged. Thats what the whole point of using myself as a model is, right? I try the herbs and figure out how they work together. So here we go!

He took the life-oriented bits and sent them into his dantian. Spinning them together, he applied the heat and pressure and waited.

The life-absorbing heart of the black ridged leaf opened wide under the heat of the flame. A great pressure emanated from its core and wiped out the rest of the ingredients, rendering them directly to ash. Despite having flushed his stores of life qi, the black ridged leaf sucked at Huis own life qi, withering his body in the space of a breath.

Hui threw his hands out, forcibly tossing the leaf out of his dantian. It sucked at the air around it, absorbing so furiously that the light around it faded for a moment before it cooled, returning to a relatively inert black leaf heart.

Panting, Hui stared at it with wide eyes. Holy fuck! I almost died! Pill cultivation is dangerous, far more dangerous than I anticipated! I know I said I was willing to die for experimentations sake, but I take that back, I take it all back! Even this small clone doesnt want to die!

But damn, putting that thing in with only life qi around is like throwing a sponge at a puddle. It soaks it all in so greedily that nothing can get out!

Is that what its supposed to do? Am I supposed to fill it with life qi? Or maybe He looked at the non-life-associated parts of the other two plants. Maybe do these plants act as inhibitors, when used in whole?

Or or they could make the absorption effect even stronger

Hui looked at the two other herbs and swallowed. Im starting to regret my decision to try using my dantian as a pill furnace

Oh well. Ive already absorbed most of my own life qi. At this point at this point, I, I might as well! I can do this! Do it! Just try it! I can definitely throw it away again! I wont die! Im just a clone, Ill be fine even if I die! No, no. Im not dying. Its just energy dissipation! Fundamentally, I cant die until the main body dies, since I dont have my own soul anymore. Im basically just a slightly more autonomous thought than the other thought-clones!

Taking a deep breath, Hui stared down the herbs. Without letting himself think about it for a second longer, he waved his hand and sent the herbs into his dantian, both the life and anti-life parts.

I already regret thisahhh, dammit! Here goes nothing!