Shen Qiao didn't stay in the hospital for a long time. After the doctor came to have an examination, Shen Qiao made sure that she was all right, so she put forward the idea of leaving hospital.

The doctor frowned: "my suggestion is to stay in hospital for another two days. After all, your physical fitness is very poor."

"Doctor, I'm really OK. Can I leave the hospital today?"

Finally, Shen Qiao really insisted that the doctor saw that she did not have any major problems, and told her not to drink any more in the future, and agreed to her discharge application.

When she left, Shen Qiao went to go through the procedure of leaving the hospital. She borrowed some money from Han Xueyou and promised to return it to her later. When Han Xueyou knew about her situation, she took out the money happily and asked her not to pay it back.

Although Han Xueyou said so, Shen Qiao would not take her money in vain. She remembered the amount and returned it to her immediately after she got the salary.

After leaving the hospital, Shen Qiao went home to clean up some things, and then took the rest of the hospital expenses to buy himself two sets of new clothes. After changing them, she went to work. When she got to her job, she took a look at the time. Although she was late, she sat down at her own post and began to work.

She's not done with her previous information.

Shen Qiao sat down and arranged for about half an hour. Xiao Su came out of the elevator without any expression. After passing the place where Shen Qiao was working, she walked past without looking at her eyes, and then quickly backed back. Then she leaned over to the door and looked at Shen Qiao.

"Assistant Shen?" Is he right? How can people who are still in the hospital suddenly appear in the company?

Xiao Su reached out and rubbed his eyes.

Shen Qiao did not look up, still focused on the information in his hand, should be a.

Xiao Su: "it's Assistant Shen, why are you here? "

And it's a little more mild, isn't it?

Shen Qiao said, "this is my job. What's strange about me here?"

"I mean Isn't assistant Shen supposed to be in the hospital? "


"You're going in there looking for Yee Shao, aren't you? By the way, send me this information. I don't have time. "

Finish saying, Shen Qiao will arrange good data to Xiao Su, Xiao Su had to reach out to take over, and then nodded.

After entering the office, Xiao Su finished his report, and then took the information Shen Qiao gave her.

"Yeshao, this is the information that assistant Shen asked me to help deliver."

Listen to words, night Mo deep raise a head, "what do you say?"

"It's strange. Assistant Shen should be in hospital at this time. But when I came to yeshao's office just now, I saw that assistant Shen came back to work. Yeshao, if there is nothing wrong, I will go first."

After Xiao Su left, the hand that night Mo Shen holds pen slightly tightens, brow frowns.

Isn't this damned woman still in hospital? How did you get out?

Thinking of this, night Mo Shen put down the pen in his hand and turned the wheelchair to the outside.

Shen Qiao knocks down the last line of words, then saves the data sheet and clicks print. Just as she wants to get up, she hears a cold voice.

"Why did you leave the hospital?"

After listening, Shen Qiao gets up and looks at the source of the sound.

Mo Shen sat there, looking at her calmly.

On his deep eyes, Shen Qiaodun, and then explained: "the body is not a big obstacle, so first discharged from the hospital, night less."

"No problem?" Night Mo deep squint eyes, the body's breath suddenly become sharp up: "the doctor did not let you stay in hospital for observation for two days? Are you born with ears? "

Shen Qiao bit his lower lip and clenched his pink Fist: "little night, don't you speak so bad? I also made an application with the doctor when I was discharged from hospital. The doctor agreed, which means that I have no problem with my health. "

Don't smile hard at night.

"It's also true that a woman of deep mind like you might even pretend to be ill. How could she allow herself to have an accident?"

Words fall, night Mo Shen also no matter what reaction Shen Qiao is, directly turn around and turn wheelchair to leave.

His words let Shen Qiao heart angry, but what in the heart of her traction, she clenched her fist to catch up.

"If you think I'm even sick, why do you send me to the hospital? Don't you always do something to slap your face

Mo Shen's action in the night, followed by his side eyes, voice cold as hell.

"Next time, you should stay away from the company. I won't even look at you."

Shen Qiao:

A careless, Shen Qiao bit the lower lip.

Night Mo deep left, Shen Qiao Qi Qi, shoulders shaking.

Not yet, she lowered her eyes, and the whole person was like a balloon that had let out steam.

Forget it. It's OK to know who he is at night. She doesn't have to look forward to it.

Shen Qiao calmly stretched out his hand to take out the printed materials, and then bound them into the folder.When she was about to leave work, Han Xueyou called her and said that she had stewed chicken soup for her. She wanted to come to see her and ask if she could go down and bring her up.

Shen Qiao thinks that Han Xueyou is really interested. He thinks that it's almost time to get off work and let her come up without any problem. She gets off the elevator and takes Han Xueyou to his work place.

"I didn't expect that I could come to Yeshi group one day."

"Come here What's the matter? "

"Yeshi group is the biggest group in Beicheng. Most people don't have a chance to come here. Even my brother, I may not have a chance to come here. After all, there is no cooperation between the two companies, but I came here today on your behalf." Han Xueyou holds her arm in her arms.

"By the way, this is the chicken soup that I asked our chef to stew for you. She told me that pregnant people drink the most tonic, and there are a lot of ingredients in it. Although I can't say it, but she's from the past. It must be right to drink this soup."

With that, Han Xueyou opens the heat preservation barrel and pours a bowl to Shen Qiao.

All of a sudden, the thick aroma of chicken soup instantly diffused around, Shen Qiao's stomach greedy was hooked, so he took the chicken soup to drink a few mouthfuls.

"Xueyou, thank you."

"Don't be so polite. We are friends, by the way Where is the little night office? " Han Xueyou rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "can I have a visit?"

Hearing this, Shen Qiao showed a puzzled expression.

Go to the night office? How dare the man be? Shen Qiao twisted her eyebrows: "Xue you, this may not work. He has a bad temper at night. If you let him know, he may..."

"Oh, don't be afraid. I won't pull you into the water. You can drink slowly here. I'll find it myself."

Finish saying, wait for Shen Qiao to stop, Han Xueyou then quickly walked out.

For a moment, Shen Qiao was so nervous that he didn't dare to drink chicken soup. He put down his bowl and chased him out.

Han Xueyou walked very fast, quickly ran to the front of the office, and then pasted it by the door and secretly looked at the night inside.