The bright red suddenly pricked the eyes of Mo Shen at night. Shen Qiao was released consciously by his subordinates, but his eyebrows were frowned deeply. "Damn, what are you doing?"

Shen Qiao ignores the bright red on the hand, the figure shrinks to the corner.

She hugged herself with hate in her eyes.

Night Mo deep squint eyes, "you hate me?"

Shen Qiao does not speak, but that pair of eyes put clear to the night is full of hate.

"Blame me for yesterday?" The night Mo Shen sneered, but his eyes unconsciously looked at the bleeding place on her wrist. The voice gradually became cold: "you can't take a soft word, and you won't give an explanation. What's wrong with you all day?"

Shen Qiao bit his lower lip, still staring at him indignantly.

Night Mo deep heart helpless, can only say: "come here."

But Shen Qiao was not moved at all.

Night Mo Shen's blue veins protrude from his forehead, and his anger hides in his brow. His voice is cold: "my patience is limited. Do you come by yourself, or do you want to make me angry?"

The ward fell into a very heavy atmosphere, Shen Qiao's hands are still bleeding, but she just sat there and refused to move forward, a pair of beautiful eyes angrily staring at the night.

Xiao Su stood behind and looked at this scene, and felt extremely shocked.

Assistant Shen What's going on here? She was brought out of the villa by yeshao last night!

"Damn it!" Night Mo deep low curse a, big hand toward Shen Qiao to probe.

Shen Qiao wants to avoid his touch, but he grabs his thin arm and drags it over. He grits his teeth and says, "go and call the doctor."

Xiao Su was stunned for a second and nodded.

After the doctor came, he bandaged Shen Qiao's hand, and then sighed, "wake up, but this young lady is too weak. It's better not to move around."

"I see. Thank you, doctor." Xiao Su thanks the doctor and sends him out at the same time.

In the whole process, Shen Qiao is not willing to cooperate, but her strength can't earn the shackles of the night.

It's strange that he is a man in a wheelchair. How can he have such great strength?

"The night is deep, you let me go..." Shen Qiao is not angry, has been trying to break away from his hand, but the night deep hand is as tight as a chain in her hand.

His eyes were black and frightening.

"You'd better be quiet, or I'll throw you downstairs from here

Listen, Shen Qiao moves.

Night Mo deep thin lip micro motion, added: "this is the sixth floor."

Shen Qiao: It's the night, you bastard

"Oh." The night Mo deep can't help but sneer, holding her arm's hand gradually used some strength, "is really bold, dare to call my name."

Shen Qiao saw his brow frown, black eyes suffused with frightening light, subconsciously on the way: "do you think I will be afraid of you? If you have the ability, you can throw me down

The night is not deep

Shen Qiao bit pale lips, "anyway, if I die, you can't escape."

Killing pays for life.

"Oh, who said it would die if you fell down?" The night Mo deep hand moves behind her head, presses her back brain to approach oneself, two people's distance suddenly draws close, the breath nearly melts.

Night Mo Shen's beautiful face is the biggest in front of her eyes, so big that her eyes can't be focused. In her eyes, only the sharp eyes revealed by his dark eyes and his deep charming voice sounded in his ears.

"It's the most terrible thing to be alive and half disabled. Then If I break my arm or leg, I'm in a wheelchair every day. "

“……” Shen Qiao breathed heavily and her pupils dilated. "You

I didn't expect him to say such a thing to himself. Obviously He has been sitting in a wheelchair, clearly That's his pain!

He said it in such a grand manner.

"Do you want to try it?" Night Mo deep pressure on the back of her head, two people's forehead against each other, breathing fusion.

Shen Qiao I heard my heart beating slowly.

If the previous is because of anger and violent beat, now, it is because of the night close, his body gradually enveloped in the breath, male hormone breath haunted her.

Her heart beat with tension.

As long as you breathe, it's all his breath.

Shen Qiao blinked nervously, and the mood in her beautiful eyes changed a little.

She was so nervous that she reached out and pushed his chest, "you let me go Well... "

Without warning, Shen Qiao's soft lips are kiss.

Night Mo Shen almost subconsciously took a step forward and grabbed her lips.

Shen Qiao stares at her big eyes, and the light in her beautiful eyes trembles with surprise.

He actually Kiss her again.

After indulging her in the dark house, she was not even taken away, but she was here to kiss her head.What on earth does he take her for? What do you think of it????

Do you think she looks so miserable and ridiculous that she intentionally humiliates her?

Shen Qiao was very surprised at first, but after he figured out the twists and turns, his anger increased.

But night Mo Shen's kiss is getting deeper and deeper, and even wantonly put his tongue into her mouth to absorb more sweetness and fragrance belonging to her.

"Well. Put... " Shen Qiao struggles hard, but it's ok if she doesn't struggle. When she struggles, Mo kisses deeper at night. Even her other hand reaches out and pinches her lower jaw to keep her from escaping.

Shen Qiao was almost forced to bear his kiss.

There is nothing beautiful about this kiss, only shame!

Endless shame!

Shen Qiao can't push him away. He can only think of other ways.

She bit his tongue with sudden force!

"Hiss..." At night, Mo took a deep breath and snorted bitterly.

A strong smell of blood diffused between their lips. When Shen Qiao thought he would release himself, he even bit her lower lip.

"Well -" Shen Qiao's face cried out in pain, and her facial features wrinkled into a ball.

Slowly, night Mo Shen back to his lips and tongue, eyes evil to stare at her.

"Still bite?" He asked against her forehead, because of the blood, so his lips are particularly bright red, with that pair of deep and deep eyes, he looks a bit seductive at this time.

Shen Qiao touched his bitten lower lip, so angry that he raised his hand and slapped him in the face.


She didn't have much strength, so she slapped him in the face. It didn't look very strong.

But for ye Moshen, it was the first time that he was slapped by a woman. He didn't expect that the woman who seemed to have been too counselled in front of him would suddenly be bold enough to slap him in the face.

"How dare you..."


Shen Qiao pushed his inch forward and slapped him on the other side of the face.

She bit her lower lip. "It's your shameless price!"

Night Mo deep turn head, eyes as fierce as a wolf, almost will she tear down swallow stomach!