"I'm wearing shoes. It's OK."

Han Muzi, with a light complexion, walked to the model who had been pushed away. After thinking about it, he said to Xiaoyan, "don't come in. Help me get a set of gloves first."

Xiao Yan originally wanted to go in, but after hearing her say so, she had to turn around to get gloves for her.

So the scene is only cold moon and Han Muzi.

Cold month finally eased over, she wiped away the tears on her face, looked at Han Muzi and said: "you want to take the clothes up? But The skirt has been destroyed to such an extent that it is useless to take it up. "

Han Muzi glanced at her.

"Who said it was useless?"

Listen to words, cold month a Zheng: "what meaning?"

"It's not time for despair." Han Muzi looked around calmly, and then said in a low voice, "first, tell me how you found this place to be like this."

"I..." The cold moon tooted her lips for a moment and said, "I was very happy yesterday, so I invited everyone to drink, and then This is the first work that I can go to the exhibition hall. Although it is the exhibition hall that no one has visited, it is very happy for me. So I came back to have a look at the dress. It was still good at that time. When I went to see it again this morning, it became like this. I think Xiaoyan is right. It may be that someone broke into the house and robbed the place to such an extent. "

"Burglary?" Han Muzi gave a few low smiles: "do you think Will the robbers make such a big noise? "

What do you mean

"If it's a burglar, it's a thief who wants to steal some property. But if a thief wants to steal property, why destroy this place like this? "

Cold month blinked: "perhaps, because there is no property in the company, so angry?"

"If you're a thief and you're stealing this company, would you be so angry at night that you smashed all the glass, including the contents inside, to attract the residents nearby?"

"No, how could I be so stupid? These things are very loud and easy to attract people. "

At this point, the cold moon suddenly thought of something.

"Is it It's not that someone comes in and steals, but... " She glared at Han Muzi.

Han Muzi didn't solve her puzzle. Just at this time, Xiao Yan took the gloves. After wearing them, Han Muzi bent down to pat the glass fragments on the dress, and then rescued the dress from the pile of debris.

When she came out with the dress, Xiaoyan and Lengyue wanted to go to pick it up. Han Muzi frowned and said, "don't touch it. There may be some broken glass in it. Don't hurt your hands."

So Xiaoyan and Lengyue had to retreat to one side and wait.

Looking for an empty mine, Han Muzi put down the dress and took off the gloves.

"Muzi, you hurt your leg." Xiaoyan noticed that there were several bloodstains on her white wrists. Han Muzi didn't feel hurt, so she didn't answer: "it's OK. There may be many hidden glass in the dress. We need to find it."

Cold moon squatted down beside her, looking dejected.

"But what will happen when you find out? This dress has been destroyed, and The press conference that Lin Xinghuo is going to attend is just these days. We don't have time to rush out new ones, do we? "

Xiaoyan also squatted down beside her. Looking at the damaged dress in front of her, Xiumei also wrinkled up, "Muzi, how to do? The dress is badly damaged. Time is running out. Do we still have a chance to repair it this time? "

Han Muzi looked at the damaged dress in front of her. She felt a little depressed, but there was no low point. She was silent for a moment and then said, "first get out the glass fragments, and then talk about the rest."

She is very calm and calm, but this is also abnormal. After all, the dress has become like this. Xiaoyan and lengyueyue are not anxious. Xiaoyan has been with her for a long time, so it is OK, but the cold moon month is different. After all, she just met Han Muzi. She was very angry when she saw her plain appearance and said, "let's talk about it later? How do I say this? Why don't you worry about the destruction of the skirt? This is our company's conference dress for Lin Xinghuo. Do you have any countermeasures? "

"No Han Muzi tells the truth.

As soon as it happened, she was in a mess. How could she think of a solution immediately?

However, the current affairs must also be dealt with in an emergency, and then we can think of Countermeasures after that.

“…… Then you don't panic at all. " Leng Yueyue sucked her nose.

"Can panic solve the problem? Can you take the pieces of glass out of it? Stop talking nonsense and deal with it quickly. "

Xiao Yan also whispered to Leng Yue: "according to Mu Zi, she won't pit you. Although this is your work, don't forget that the person in charge of the company is mu Zi. If something goes wrong, it's all her."

Xiaoyan said that, the cold moon also seems to react, this just nodded, seriously picked out the glass fragments in the dress.After finishing the work, Han Muzi said coldly: "everything goes as usual after you go back, as if nothing happened."

"What?" Leng Yueyue's eyes are unbelievable. However, seeing Han Muzi's calm appearance, he felt that he should believe her, so he nodded and stretched out his hand to wipe the wet tears from the corners of his eyes: "I know. By the way, I didn't cry just now. I was just in a hurry and saw that his works were destroyed like that."

Han Muzi said I see. Go back. "

Han Muzi took the dress to her office alone, then sat in a chair and looked at the skirt in a daze.

The person who destroyed the dress was careful, because this dress belongs to the silk type. It must not be able to bear the sharp things. So the damage is very serious at the moment.

Some headache, Han Muzi stretched out his hand and twisted his eyebrows.

Suddenly, wechat rings.

Han Muzi took a look, it was the message that Lin Xinghuo sent her.

Lin Xinghuo: {my goddess, I heard that my dress came out? }

when she saw her name, Han Muzi was in a trance. She didn't come when she asked her to try it before. Now that her dress is destroyed, she has come to ask, which is really heartbreaking.

Han Muzi thought for a moment and then returned.

{well, it came out and put it in the exhibition hall on the sixth floor. }

after thinking about it, her eyes sank a bit, and then she typed a line of words and sent it.

However, there was a little accident. }

Lin Xinghuo: {what accident? Don't scare me! }

there was also a look of panic behind her, which made Han Muzi hesitant at once, wondering whether to tell her directly or take photos to send her directly?