He didn't agree to break the contract?

Han Muzi was just stunned for a few seconds and then reacted to it, and then smile at night.

"What does it have to do with me if you don't agree to break the contract?"

Night Mo deep smell speech, looking at her eyes color deeper, "it doesn't matter? I'm your client. I don't agree with you to break the contract. You say it's ok? "

"Mr. Ye, please understand one thing. Breaking the contract is unilateral. According to the provisions of the contract, I only need to pay the amount needed for breach of contract. Besides, this contract has nothing to do with it."

Listen, the night Mo deep not to speak, just stare at her.

A moment later, he suddenly raised his lips: "do you want to get rid of me? If you break the contract, will I not place another order? "

Han Muzi said, "you."

"Your company, seems to have a lot of designers?" Night Mo Shen said this sentence, but also deliberately pick eyebrows.

Han Muzi: "it's just

A miscalculation.

She didn't expect Yemo Shen to be so shameless.

Her lips moved, but in the end, she couldn't say a word. On the contrary, night Mo Shen took a step forward, "do you still break the contract? Well? "

“…… What do you want? " Han Muzi looked helpless. She looked at the night in front of her with a little sarcasm. Although she stepped on high-heeled shoes, the man in front of her was still half a head higher than her. When she spoke, she still had to look up at him with her head slightly up, and his threatening momentum was also oppressed around her.

"What do I want?" Night Mo deep low smile, eyes with infinite charm, but his face seems to have a little more self mockery, he put the voice down very low, "what do you want, you can't see it?"

There was a lot of noise around, but the deep voice of night Mo Shen still had no influence on Han Muzi's ears, which directly affected her thoughts and judgment.

She stepped back abruptly, gritted her teeth and said, "please respect yourself, Mr. Ye, if you do this, your wife will not be happy when she knows about it? Are you worthy of her doing so? "

The night is not deep

"Or have five years made you a shameless, indecent person?"

Seeing her disappointment in the eyes, Mo Shen's heart finally rang the alarm.

It seems that she still doesn't know what's going on.

Night Mo deep pursed thin lip, cold voice way: "who told you that my family has a wife?"

Han Mu Ziwei frowns.

What does he mean by that?

"Married night, sir." you said it was yourself

"Oh?" Night Mo deep smile smile: "are you jealous?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

What does this have to do with her? She held back her anger and said in a cold voice, "Mr. night, I really have something important to deal with. I don't have time to spend with you here."

"Good." Ye Mo Shen encircles his arms: "there is a long way to go. I have plenty of time to wait for you. When you have dealt with this matter, we will talk about our affairs."

Han Muzi ignored him directly and walked towards uncle Nan's car. This time, Mo Shen didn't follow up.

Seeing Han Muzi approaching, uncle Nan looked at the night from a distance: "Miss? Are you all right? "

Han Muzi shook his head: "Uncle Nan, don't worry. I'm fine. Let's go back to the company first."

So she got on the car, but Uncle Nan still looked in the direction of the night. The old man's eyes were a little complicated, and then he followed him into the car.

Wait for a walk, night Mo Shen then take out the mobile phone to call Xiao Su directly.

"Help me find out why she is with the Han family?"

When receiving this call, Xiao Su felt a cluttering. He didn't Tell ye Moshen that Han Muzi was with Han's family. How could he know?

But did not wait for him to react, that end already directly to hang up, listen to the beep in the mobile phone, Xiao Su has a sense of despair.

Come on, get busy again.


when Han Muzi returned to the company, she did not expect that the dress incident had spread. When she was going back to the office, she saw Zhang Yu standing at the door of the office, waiting anxiously.

Seeing her back, she ran up the road.

"You're back."

Han Muzi glanced at her faintly, nodded, then pushed open the door of the office and walked in. Zhang Yubu also followed her.

"What can I do for you?" Han Muzi asked.

Zhang Yu nodded, her face a little pale.

"I didn't destroy the dress designed by cold moon."

After hearing this, Han Muzi stopped for a moment. He took off his coat and put it on the shelf beside him. He looked back at Zhang Yu: "when did I say you destroyed it?"

"You, you believe me?" Zhang Yu's lips opened, and the blood on her face was gone. She bit her lower lip: "no, how could you believe me? I've been to you so many times beforeHan Muzi went to the office desktop, just took the photos directly sent to the computer, "speak clearly."

Zhang Yu was so angry that she bit her lips and said, "it's all them. I just learned about it, but they all said that I was jealous, so I destroyed Leng Yueyue's works! I, although I'm not a good person, but I'm not going to do that. Besides, how can I, a girl, have so much power to do this? " Zhang Yuyue said more angry, especially aggrieved in the heart, tears also followed the bar Da Da Da to fall down.

"Yes, I'm angry. I'm angry that you actually like lengyueyue's design works. What's wrong with our works? Why can she be put in the exhibition hall, but although I am angry in my heart, even if I want to do such a thing, I did not do it. "

Hearing this, Han Muzi probably understood her meaning. She slowly raised her eyes, and her eyes fell on Zhang Yu's face.

"You mean, you want to do this?"

Zhang yuleng for a moment, pumping dada tunnel: "yes! I'm just not convinced. I just want to do it! But I didn't! I didn't destroy her design. Why should I bear the slander of others

Hearing this, Han Muzi sighed helplessly.

"So I said it was you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yu's tears stopped for a moment, "what do you mean? You mean Don't you doubt me

"I doubt what you do?" Han Mu purple eyes light: "you go out first, I have other things here."

She has been crying in front of herself, which will affect her mind and disrupt all her thoughts.

Zhang Yu looked at her and blinked her eyes for a long time. Then she responded, "I thought you were the same as everyone else. I must have suspected me. I didn't think of you..."

"You go out first. If it's convenient, please call Xiao Yan for me."

"Good!" Zhang Yu nodded immediately, then turned and went out.

Not long after she went out, Xiaoyan came in.

"What's the matter? That Zhang Yu's eyes were red with tears. Did she not trouble you? "