The hospital

Han Muzi went back to the hospital, and the only person left in the ward was yemoshen himself.

Because Lin Qingqing has lost her net, she has been quite quiet these days. Ye Moshen takes her mobile phone to open Han Muzi's wechat avatar, and then enters her friends, repeatedly looking at her photos and texts in the circle of friends.

She did not deliberately shield her circle of friends, but all open to friends to watch.

There are her self photos, but less. Most of them are life events and her designed works.

Click on one of the photos. It seems that a friend took it for her. She is standing by the sea in her blue dress. The sea breeze blows up her blue silk and skirt. The beach near night and her dark blue gauze skirt blend into one color, which is not like human life.

The night Mo Shen enlarges the photo, looks at the familiar brow and eye of the woman in the picture, the lip corner eye on the face is warm smile.

Tut, this woman

I really like it more and more.

The night Mo deep action is childish, actually stretched out a hand to poke gently between her eyebrows and eyes, and then whispered a sentence.

"Stupid woman."

standing on the side, Xiao Su stood by and said:

Hehe, can he treat himself as a transparent person?

Obviously not!

Maybe his sense of being is too strong, or maybe his eyes and emotions were exposed.

Because the night Mo Shen suddenly raised his head and cast a murderous look at him, Xiao Su suddenly felt cold on his back and started a cold sweat.

"That Little night I didn't see anything just now Xiao Su said with a twitch.

"Oh." The night Mo deep sneer a, and then the lip Cape a close, cold voice way: "roll!"

Xiao Su: "it's All right, all right. "

So he immediately turned around and went out of the ward.

Xiao Su ready to leave the ward, just opened the door of the ward, a figure rushed in from the outside.

Speed is too fast, Xiao Su has no time to stop, that person has already passed him into inside, and then to the night in front of Mo Shen.

"Little night!" Xiao Su exclaimed, "be careful!"

"Well, you stinky boy! How dare you bully other girls

Ye Moshen was still holding a mobile phone. As a result, song an rushed to him and directly knocked him down with a slap.

He did not react, the whole person fell under the bed next to him, and the mobile phone in his hand also flew out!

Plop -

Xiao Su at the door quickly turns around and stares at the scene.

One second

two seconds

three seconds

Xiao Su responded suddenly, yelled a little night, and then rushed forward to help him up: "are you ok?"

Ye Moshen was badly hurt. Even if he had been raised for several days, his wound was not so easy to heal. Moreover, if he was not hurt too much, how could he be overturned by song an and hit the wound right now.

Just for a moment, the beautiful face of Mo Shen at night has become white, and the lips with a little blood color have become pale and incomparable, and a layer of cold sweat seeps out from the forehead.

"I'll call the doctor!" Xiao Su was shocked and immediately helped him up and asked for a doctor.

After seeing this scene, song an narrowed his eyes. At night, he looked like he was hurt.

"You - are you hurt?"

Night Mo deep lift eyes, the whole person seems to be weak, "you say? Little aunt

Song an was stunned for a moment, and then he came forward: "where was the injury? Let me see! "

After getting up, ye Mo Shen did not pay attention to her. Instead, he picked up the mobile phone that had just fallen to the ground. The screen was broken. He could still use it by pressing the phone. However, the picture on the screen was not in shape, and the people in the picture could not see the five features because of the split screen.

Song Anmo vaguely saw a figure. Although she could not see her facial features clearly, she could tell that it was a girl. She seemed to smell a different breath and squint her eyes.

"Who is that?"

Listen, the night Mo deep silent to put away the mobile phone, the whole body sends out the cold breath.

"What are you doing here?"

Without a little welcome, the cold face is obviously full of words, I don't want to see you.

"Stinky boy, don't think I dare to do anything to you if you are hurt! What kind of eyes are you looking at? Your little aunt has come all the way from Suzhou city. Is that all you look at? "

Ye Moshen still looks the same: "what expression does the little aunt hope me to be? As soon as I arrived, I overturned your injured nephew to the ground and broke my mobile phone. What do you think I should do to you? "

Song an:

She has some faults, which is really her fault.

However, thinking of what Lin's mother said to her, song an felt that it was light to hit him.Then he said, "I push you and you fall. When did you become so vulnerable? I'm glad you're on me? "

"When I become so vulnerable, I also need to ask my aunt about the good person you introduced."

"Who I introduced you to? What's wrong with her? " Song an smelled something unusual, so he took a few steps forward, curled his mouth and said, "your face is too white. Where is the injury? I'll look at the wound for you first

"Is it my injury that my aunt cares about? What do I think of you? I'm here to set up a teacher and make a crime? "

Song an: "I really came to set up a teacher to make a crime, but this does not prevent me from caring about my nephew. Is there any contradiction?"

Night Mo deep does not answer, eyes cold like ice, no temperature.

He looks like he's really angry.

How many years, night Mo Shen has not been like this, song an thinks Maybe it's a big deal this time.

However, just a woman, how can he be so angry?

What is the reason for this?

No, she has to ask.

"Well, if you don't want to say that I won't force you, I won't be difficult if you don't let me see the wound. Can you? Now my aunt comes to ask you, it's just a blind date. Why do you want to take a girl to court? How did she annoy you? Even if you have done something wrong, you should look at the friendship between my aunt and the Lin family, and let it go? "

"Open the net?" Ye Mo deeply bit these four words, and then as if hearing something funny, "Auntie, you have never been a stupid person, how come you have become so incapable of thinking today? Did I want to take him to court

Song an is stunned, in the night under Mo Shen's suggestion suddenly reacts.


At that time, Lin's mother cried so much that she was upset. After knowing this, she also felt that the night was too impulsive. How could she brush the face of the Lin family like this? But now calm down, think about it carefully, which is really wrong.

Her nephew is not that kind of unreasonable person, even if he is unreasonable, but the law is fair, how can an innocent person be sent to court?