Around a corner, Han Muzi didn't see Xiaomi Dou and didn't care. The supermarket was so big, and it was on the third floor, so she didn't care at all. She thought Xiaomi Dou was just playing with her.

So he pushed the shopping cart and said, "Xiaomi Dou, it's not that mommy doesn't call your uncle. It's because your uncle is too fierce these days, and Mommy is a little afraid. If Mommy is so kind to you and takes you to the supermarket, you can make a phone call for Mommy ~"

"and you don't think that you are younger generation. You can call your uncle, and your uncle will answer more Should it? What if Mommy calls, if your uncle is still angry and doesn't come? "

"Think about it. It's all losses, right? So I think it's Xiaomi Dou's a favor to help Mommy call your uncle, OK

Han Muzi said a lot, but Xiaomi Dou did not respond.

Han Mu Ziwei frowned: "millet beans? Why don't you talk? Isn't what Mommy said doesn't suit you? Well, Mommy knows it's wrong. You come out and Mommy calls your uncle in person

However, there was no response, Han Muzi felt a little strange, so he pushed the shopping cart around to search for Xiaomi Dou's figure.

Just she turned for a while or did not see millet beans, Han Muzi then some not calm.

"Xiaomi Dou, stop making trouble and come out quickly."

"If you don't come out, Mommy will be angry..."

"Mommy is really angry!"

However, there was no response.

Han Muzi's breathing became more and more urgent, and her face began to pale. Her hand pushing the shopping cart tightened unconsciously. Then she even did not care about the shopping cart, directly put the shopping cart in place, and then stepped on high-heeled shoes to find Xiaomi Dou everywhere.

"Xiaomi Dou, come out quickly." As she walked, she called out Xiaomi Dou's name.

But Xiaomi Dou has not responded to her, which makes Han Muzi in a mess.


After a pause, she thought of Lin Qingqing, who she saw in the detention center today.

At that time, her eyes were full of hate, although she sincerely repented.

But She is a person who can do that kind of thing. Does she believe her wrong?

Xiaomi Dou has always been clever and considerate, how could she not have done such a thing as leaving her.

Han Muzi is anxious to get some redness in her eyes. How is this going on?

However, in the next corner, Han Muzi's step suddenly stopped.

She saw a figure in front of her, familiar, small.

Han Muzi was stunned for a few seconds, and then ran to squat down to embrace the small figure.

"Xiaomi Dou, you scared mummy to death Just now it's all mummy's bad. Don't do it again. "

When Xiaomi Dou was hugged by her, she just regained his mind, and then blinked his eyes and did not reply.

"Do you hear me? Don't do this again next time. Promise Mommy

Seeing that he did not speak, Han Muzi pressed his shoulder, pulled him to face himself, and then demanded.

Xiaomi Dou blinked at her and finally reached for her neck: "Mommy, I'm ok."

Seeing him like this, Han Muzi has a feeling of being lost and recovered. Then she reaches out and hugs him again and holds Xiaomi Dou's small body into her arms.

"Next time, don't frighten Mommy like this. Mommy's heart can't stand such a toss."



Han Muzi is holding Xiaomi Dou to talk when she suddenly hears someone calling out her name. Her body is frozen.

The voice

Han Muzi slowly raised her head, and a familiar figure came into her eyes.

It seems that there is a hammer forced into her heart, Han Muzi felt that everything was in an instant collapse.

The blood color on her lips faded in an instant, and the whole person was like a cave in the ice.

How could this be so

Why did she meet this man here?

"Mommy?" Probably sensing something wrong with her, Xiaomi Dou called out to her.

Soft waxy voice of Han Muzi's mind pulled back, she came back to God, just realized what happened in front of her.

Han Muzi can only force himself to calm down, quickly thinking about the Countermeasures in his heart, and then slowly stand up.

In the end, she used the most stupid way.

After getting up, he hooked his lips directly toward the man, smiling strangely, "Mister recognized the wrong person."

With that, she took Xiaomi Dou's hand in the opposite direction. Although Xiaomi Dou didn't know what had happened, she could feel that Han Muzi took her hand with a little strength, which made him feel some pain.

Looking up at Han Muzi, she found that her face and lips were pale, and then did not dare to speak.

And on the other sideNight Lenghan stood in the same place, he also took the wine bottle from the shelf in his hand, and looked at the tall and slender girl in front of him leading the child away.

Clearly is the memory of the face, although it has become beautiful, but that face and the pair of cold sea like eyes or not changed.

That's her.

There's nothing wrong with that look.

But She said she was wrong.


Night Lenghan hesitated for a few seconds, put the bottle back on the shelf, and then turned to open his straight legs to catch up.

Around a corner, Han Muzi leads Xiaomi Dou to push the shopping cart. Xiaomi Dou also has a tacit understanding and doesn't open his mouth. He walks with her, raising her head to look at her from time to time.

But now Han Muzi's mind is in a mess.

She actually met the night Lenghan here. Did he see Xiaomi Dou just now?

What does he think now? Will he find himself in the future?

Thinking of this, Han Muzi felt in a mess.

She just wants to get out of here now.

But things never meet people's wishes. After a while, Han Muzi heard footsteps coming from behind. Soon someone caught her wrist and said, "warping? Is that you? "

Han Muzi felt the blood clotting all over her body, and her steps stopped without turning her head.

"Sir, I've said you've got the wrong person."

Her voice grew colder, as if to be frozen.

Night cold frowns, eyes complex look at her.

"Please respect yourself, sir, and let go."

Night Leng cold was said by her, had to slowly put the hand to open, but the body still did not retreat away, but stare at her side face way.

"I haven't seen you in five years. Don't you want to tell me even if you haven't seen for a long time? When we left without saying goodbye, didn't you think that someone else was worried about you and worried about you? "

Night cold words let Han Muzi heart a smother, and then she slowly side face looking at him.

For the cold night, she did not love or hate.

Even though Han Xueyou told her that night Lenghan was a strange man that night.

However, her heart always subconsciously resists this matter.