Xiaomi bean and Xiaoyan went out.

Han Muzi is really tired. He didn't sleep well last night. He also fell asleep in the afternoon. Even his neck was painful at the moment.

After the silence around, hanmuzi lay on the sofa and soon entered the dream.

In her dream she went into a forest.

The forest is full of fog, and can not see the way when it comes, nor can you see the front.

Han Muzi stood in the middle, and the whole people were confused.

What's going on with this?

"Who did you have with that child?"

Suddenly, a cold male voice came from all directions, frightening hanmuzi. She turned back to find the figure who made the sound.

But the surrounding empty, where is there?

"What have you done with me in the past five years?" The man was getting closer and closer, and with the strength of the mountains and rivers, she could hardly lift her head.

Clearly she is not wrong, but Han Muzi does not know why, the pressure is very backward.

Suddenly, it seems that there is something hard on the back.

Han Muzi turned back and saw a handsome but cold and firm face.

"Ah! It's you! " Han Muzi exclaimed, turning to escape.

The man's hand came round like a chain, and lay on her slender waist, and then the other hand held her shoulder, and trapped her between the tree and his arms.

The night in the dream is not a bit tender.

It's totally different from him under the tree at the door of that hospital.

Han Muzi felt his back against the rough tree pole, the bark made her back hurt, and the men in front of her eyes were all haze, and the body was full of black air.

"Answer the question I just asked!" He shouted in a low voice.

Han Muzi hung his eyes, so nervous that he could not speak.

Chin was held by him, and she was forced to look up at it at night.

"Say! Who is the child? These five years! Who did you have a baby with on your back? "

"Let me go!" Han Muzi was so angry that he wanted to push him away, but how could not be pushed away. The man's hand was like a nightmare and pestered her, and hanmuzi shouted directly at a critical moment: "are you forgetful? I was pregnant five years ago, and you knew that, the child... ""

Her words have not yet been finished, the man in front seems to be looking at her in dismay because of her words.

A moment later, he clenched her jaw again, "the boy of the wild man before? blamed! You really gave birth to the child! How can you be so ashamed? "

Hanmuzi: "I am not sure that I can do it Let me go! "

The other side ignore, cold and emotional thin lips without warning down.

His kiss was a little big, and the teeth had broken her lips.

The kiss of the two was stained with blood.

This kiss It's not gentle at all.

Yes, it's just rude! Reckless, she doesn't!


Han Muzi exclaimed to open his eyes, and what he saw was a snowflake ceiling, hanging in the crystal chandelier not far away, and broke into her eye curtain.

After a dozen seconds of brain death, Han Muzi reached out and wiped a cold sweat on his forehead.

Why is this the case

She dreamed of the night, and was still such a terrible nightmare.

Sure enough, night is not deep now for her, is it a nightmare?

Five years

Five years has been hanmuzi.

You still don't get out of your own mind.

That man You should have forgotten.

Thinking of this, hanmuzi took a deep breath, the whole person curled up on the sofa, like a helpless child.

*"The porridge is cool when there is less night in the hospital." Xiao Su kindly reminded a sentence.

Night Mo Shen with mobile phone, has been frowning, face is very bad.

Hearing Xiao Su's warning, his face turned blue and he shouted coldly, "don't remind me of it."

Xiao Su: "I am not sure that I can do anything about it It's no longer available. "

"Then fall." A voice without hesitation.

Xiao Su: "is it necessary to send new ones again?"

"No!" Night not deep impatiently to open his collar button, always feel angry to his temperature also burned.

Mingmingka is her off work time, and gives her enough time to return home, but why does this woman still not return information?

Damn it.

Don't you want to take care of him? Three or four times did he ask her to come? Or is it a self abusive way to get her over?

But night is not deep-rooted, yesterday night's move can not come back today.

If she used the trick of pitiful, she would have only a disgust for herself.But He couldn't help seeing her.

Think of here, night Mo deep heart more and more irritable.

As the assistant of yemoshen, Xiao Su naturally doesn't want to see him feel sleepy all day long. He also wants to help ye Moshen out of trouble.

Thinking of this, Xiao Su said in a voice: "little night, or..."

"Or what? Say

"Miss Han doesn't want to see her at night. She can go to see her."

Listen to me, Mo thought it was a good way.


"Give Miss Han a few days off first. After all, she has been taking care of her in the hospital for a few days, and she is very tired. If she is always allowed to run back and forth, her body will not be able to bear it. Take advantage of her rest time, take a good rest at night, and then leave the hospital... "

Hearing this, the night is not deep, probably to understand the meaning of Xiao su.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at him inquisitively.

Xiao Su was the night Mo deep look at the bottom of his feet cold, began to doubt whether he had just said the wrong thing, otherwise night less how can use this kind of eyes to look at him?

"That night is rare. If you think what I said is not available, then..."

"Yes." Who wants him to say half, the night Mo Shen interrupts his words, "let a person make meal to send over."

Since he wants to keep fit, he has to eat well and can't waste it like this.

And he's in the game, so he can't see.

Recently, Han Muzi has been working hard to take care of him. Now she has to deal with the work accumulated in the company when she goes back, but he is trying to call her here.

In the middle of the night, she had already gone to bed, but still for him to come out of the bed, put on a coat and came over.

Remembering the way she wore her nightgown last night, he didn't know how bad he had done.

Xiao Su A Leng: "night is little, really let a person cook meal to send over?"

"Well." Don't nod at night.

"OK, I'll go right away." Hearing that the night is not deep enough to eat, Xiao Su quickly went to the door to call.

At the same time, he was very proud. It seems that his advice from Xiao Su is quite useful. After all, he is the right remedy to the case.

But The premise of all this is for that woman.

For ye Moshen, his assistant has no status at all.

Forget it, he Xiao Su is not so stingy. Bala's people go to grab a place with a woman.

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