"You Well. " Han Muzi wanted to defend herself, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the other side's lips pressed down again. She took all her breath and blocked all her words.

In the dark he asked.

Han Muzi also slowly returned to his soul and pushed him away.

Night Mo Shen a stagger back a few steps, but he soon pasted up, but this time Han Muzi has quickly found his side of the light switch, directly press.

The room was bright again.

Han Muzi saw each other clearly, and then found that he was wearing a silver gray mask, and the decoration on the corners looked a little familiar.

Recovery of the bright obviously let night Mo deep Leng for a moment, but he quickly react to, under the mask eyes narrowed up, looked at Han Muzi did not speak.

Looking at each other for a while, Han Muzi's eyebrows wrinkled, "the decoration on your mask..."

The night Mo deep but lean to come over, eyes evil spirit ground hook her, "don't ask who I am?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

He got closer. "It seems that after five years, you haven't forgotten me."

It is said that Han Muzi seemed to have been seen through his mind, and looked up at him in a little flustered: "why do you appear here in this way? If I remember correctly, you're not on the party list tonight, are you

"Oh?" Night Mo Shen, the smile on his lips deepened, and his eyes became more evil and charming: "did you specially observe whether there was me?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

It is probably because she has been drinking wine that she would say this kind of words which constantly let the other party take advantage of.

Thinking of this, she simply stopped talking and glared angrily at each other.

But I don't know that she has just been deeply kissed by Mo at night. Her lips are a little red and swollen. In addition, her eyes are a bit confused. What's more, the charming wine color on her eyebrows makes her extremely beautiful this evening.

At this moment

The night Mo deep looks at the Han Muzi in front of the eyes, throat involuntarily rolled once.

Such an ineffable thing, she was seen by other men for so long.

He quickly clasped her hand. "You're not allowed to wear it again in front of other men."

Han Muzi frowned and wanted to get rid of his hand, but his hand was fixed on her hand like a chain. She was a little impatient and said, "you let me go."

The night Mo deep did not loosen, but took advantage of scratching her palm, while she struggled with the situation with her fingers tightly, will hold her hand tightly.

This rascal!

Han Muzi was so angry that she could change the cumbersome skirt as long as he didn't break in. However, he just broke in, so that she couldn't change the dress. Now she has to stay so close that she almost takes her breath away.

He did not speak, as if enjoying the atmosphere, a pair of dark eyes staring at her.

It doesn't move.

With such burning eyes, Han Muzi felt almost burning a hole in her face.

She gave him a hateful look at the mask on his face. She held out her other hand to tear off his mask.

Before his hand touched him, he was held by the other hand of yemoshen.

"What I just said was put in, did you hear me?"

“…… Do you want me to show up in front of people with a mask like you do She sneered: "I'm not as leisurely as you are. You and"

before her words were finished, night Mo Shen suddenly took off his mask and put it on her face.

Han Muzi Leng in situ.

What she had touched with the tip of her nose was cold, but now the mask that Mo Shen had worn at night still had the temperature on his face, which covered her face like two people's faces were close together.

So Han Muzi couldn't help but blush and said, "what are you doing?"

"It's just a set." Ye Mo Shen raised his hand and tied the chain rope behind the mask for her.

As he tied the chain, his chest swayed in front of his own eyes, and the familiar smell lingered on her side.

Although they have known each other for such a long time, he has never done such a considerate action as he does today. For a moment, Han Muzi felt that her eyes were warm.

She lowered her eyes and bit her lower lip.

Don't be soft hearted, absolutely not soft hearted.

She will never forget his unfeeling love in those years. When she left, he was almost a nightmare that she began to have when she closed her eyes every night. It was only a year later that the situation was relieved. Up to now, she still has nightmares occasionally.

Thinking of this, Han Muzi took a deep breath, eased his mind and asked softly.

"Didn't my brother order the dress? Why do you have a mask? The designers didn't either... "

"No, did you?" The night Mo deep receives her words, the voice low ground opens an explanation way: "that is because I did not let him say.""What is that?" Han Muzi closed her eyes and tried to control her emotions.

"Well?" Night Mo deep squint eyes to look at her, for fear that she will have a bad mood.

Now he was in a state of worrying about the gains and losses of the woman in front of him. He unconsciously wanted to please her, but he was afraid that she would not accept or be angry.

It seems that his central point revolves around her.

"You're going to step in even the dress my brother ordered for me?"

Han Muzi looked up and looked at him.

The night Mo deep a Leng, see her this kind of questioning eyes some flustered God, thin lips unconsciously open a mouth: "you don't like?"

Without waiting for her to speak again, ye Moshen said again, "then I will not do this in the future, or ask what you mean before I do it?"

"The night is deep, when have you become so humble?" Han Muzi finally couldn't help but roar out, "I'd rather you treat me like before, a second married girl, and treat me as a vain woman with money in her eyes."

A burst of melodious music suddenly sounded, especially clear and fluent in the quiet dressing room.

Han Muzi listened and recognized that it was a melodious ensemble, suitable for dancing.

Hand was held, night Mo Shen's hand around her waist, voice line dark mute: "dress so good, do not jump a song is really waste, do you think?"

The sound of the music continued to ring, without the meaning of stopping, and all this was obviously prepared by the night.

But the music doesn't ring on its own, which shows that there are people he bought in.

Han Muzi pursed her lips, and when she wanted to refuse him, she had already danced with him.

At first, she wanted to refuse, but the eyes of Yemo Shen seemed to have magic, which made her gradually lose her resistance, and then followed his steps to the rhythm of the melody.

Han Muzi thought, perhaps this moment, she may forget the past those right and wrong.

Only This moment.