Soon, Xiaomi Dou saw the situation of each other's computer. When she saw that her mother appeared on the screen, Xiaomi Dou was obviously stunned.

The mother in the video is very beautiful. It was recorded when she wore that gorgeous dress at the party. She was her own mother. Xiaomi Dou was fascinated by it.

Suddenly, the camera turned to the dressing room, where they were dancing.

When Xiaomi Dou saw her father's hand around her mother's waist, she couldn't help but snorted: "lecher Daddy!"

Forget it!

Since daddy is reading this email he doesn't want to see, he'll wait.

Let him see mommy a little more.

So Xiaomi Dou moved his notebook to the side and put it away. Then he slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to have a bath. He brushed his teeth, changed his pajamas and climbed into the bed. He thought that Yemo Shen had finished reading the mail. Who knows he opened his notebook, but it was still the dance interface just now.

Xiaomi Dou thought it was his notebook card. After a little operation, he found that it was not his notebook card, but the other party was still watching the video.


Daddy! Can you watch a video for such a long time?

He muttered: "don't think that if you watch the video for so long, Mommy will forgive you. Men are pig hooves."

When he said this, Xiaomi Dou completely forgot his gender.

Or, he just thinks of himself as a boy.

Forget that boys will grow up and become men one day.

Xiaomi Dou waited for a while, and found that the other party had not finished reading it, but it was time for him to go to bed soon. He really had no patience to wait.

"Stupid daddy, I don't have time to spend with you." Xiaomi Dou complained, and then his fingers began to operate on the keyboard again.

Night Mo Shen found that Han Muzi had magic power in the evening of the banquet. Otherwise, how could he sit here still and look at her again and again.

Night Mo deep pursed thin lips, reached out to cover the position of the heart that piece.

It's like being possessed.

Deng -

a dialog box suddenly pops up and occupies the center of his screen. It prompts you to have new email information. Please check it.

Night Mo deep look at this scene, face slightly heavy.

Email is usually displayed in the lower right corner. How can it be displayed in the middle today?

Is it?

In the night when Mo deep doubt, a few big words on the screen.

Look at the mail, stupid! }

the night is not deep: "

His eyes flashed a touch of darkness, reached out to control the mouse, did not go to see the mail, but to control the computer to track each other.

It turned out that the other side was well defended, and he failed to invade.

Night Mo deep eyes micro deep, although he did not have a special computer research, but also a master, now unexpectedly encounter the invasion can not? Night Mo deep eyes a few minutes, pursed thin lips to think about each other's intention.

{read the email. Why don't you read it? Are you a fool? }

the night is not deep: "

It was probably that Mo Shen didn't read the e-mail at night, so the other party reminded him in a hurry.

He had blue veins on his forehead, and his bony hands were typing on the keyboard.

Who are you? }

{you don't care who I am. You can read my email first. }

at night, Mo Shen did not worry. He tapped the table top with his fingertips and pursed his thin lips.

The other party seems to be in a hurry. Is there anything important in the email?

Don't you read about your woman? }

the next sentence of the other party successfully made yemoshen squint his eyes dangerously. The other party intruded into his computer, so he must know what video he had just watched. Think of here, the night is not deep, this just manipulates the mouse to open the mail.

As soon as he opened the email, he saw a bloody picture. As soon as he frowned, another line of words appeared on the screen.

Look down carefully. There is a video file below. Please remember to download it. }

although I don't know what the other party is trying to do, if the other party is malicious, he won't be here to talk to him so much. At night, Mo Shen pursed his lips and continued to look down in silence.

He downloaded the video file and opened it. After a while, he saw the familiar figure.

Xiaomi Dou stares at the interface and sees that there is no figure of her own in the video. She holds her face happily.

His technique is really getting better and better, hee hee, it's a pity that he can't show it in front of Mommy, otherwise he will scare Mommy.

The night Mo Shen sees Han Muzi and Xiao Yan appear in the camera, and then he feels uncomfortable. His eyebrows are twisted. Because he saw the dead rabbit warning in advance, Han Muzi appears in the camera again.

Later, I saw that Xiaoyan came out with the box and Han Muzi, and the night Moshen had already guessed the result.In that box, that's the dead rabbit.

How can you have these things? }

{it's time. }

don't frown deeply at night.

{what? }

{my bedtime. }

at night, Mo Shen narrowed his eyes and tried to invade the other party's computer again, but the other party typed and sent it.

{don't try to hack into my computer. No one has cracked my computer. }

seeing this sentence, ye Mo Shen sneered. It seems that he met an expert this evening and bullied him, who is not a member of the outer circle.

{good night, mamda}

before ye Moshen reacts, the other party has withdrawn from the manipulation. Ye Moshen waits for a while to make sure that what he says is true.

It's time for him to go to bed

I don't know the exact identity of the other party, but

Night Mo deep eyes cold a few minutes, take out the mobile phone to call Xiao su.

"You're going to check your grandmother's address, all the information around her, and if there's anything wrong with the people she's been dealing with recently."

Xiao Su didn't respond after listening to it for half a day. After a long time, she said weakly: "night, little night, now go to check in the middle of the night?"

"Any comments?" It's like the sound from hell that makes you cold from the bottom of your feet.

Xiao Su made a shiver and shook his head: "no problem. I'll check it right away."

After hanging up the phone, ye Moshen watched the previous video again. After watching it repeatedly, he saw the man who went into the property management office with a box. He was wearing a cap with a duck cap. He kept his hat very low, and he was wearing the same clothes as other couriers. He seemed to be very sensitive to the camera and controlled everything well, but never There's a face.

Ye Moshen cuts off the characters and copies that part of the video separately and sends it directly to Xiao Su's mailbox.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed his phone: "by tomorrow morning, I need to find all the information and information about this person."

Xiao Su has just received the mail, and before he can point in to have a look, night Mo Shen gives another order.

"Night, little night? Did you check this first, or did you check the little grandma first? "
