Maybe her smile is sweeter, and the boy was impatient. After all, the air is very bad in crowded here, and some people ask him, so he is very angry.

But turn around to see is a sweet looking girl and a beautiful and delicate but with cool eyebrows and eyes.

So his attitude changed a lot. He looked at them with a smile. Then he patiently explained, "I don't know exactly what happened, but I heard it was fatal."

"Human life?" Xiao Yan took a cold breath and was almost frightened.

Then she looked at Han Muzi and found that her face was not very good-looking.

"Can you tell me more about it?" Han Muzi pursed her pale lips and asked.

When the beauty asked, the man naturally nodded: "when we came, the police had already surrounded this place. We spectators can only look at it far away and can't move forward. However, when I came here, there were still a few people here, and I heard people they knew said that this man suddenly ran here to commit suicide. In a sudden situation, we didn't know anything about it. "

Han Muzi: "it's just

It sounds very confusing.

"Sudden suicide?" The corner of the mouth of small Yan took a puff, some fear ground holds Han Muzi's arm: "how does this sound so strange? We received it yesterday... "

"Thank you for your explanation. We know." Han Muzi suddenly interrupted Xiao Yan's words, and then pulled Xiaoyan to turn around: "let's go back first. There are too many people here and can't squeeze in."

Then did not wait for small Yan to react to come over, Han Muzi then pulled her back.

When entering the elevator, Xiaoyan couldn't help but ask: "what's the matter with you? Suddenly interrupt me. Is this man's death related to our rabbit

"I don't know." Han Muzi shook his head, his face a little cold: "however, we are still less people know the better."

After all, no one will send them a dead rabbit for no reason. It is obviously just the thing that happened last night, and someone committed suicide early this morning.

The two things seem to have nothing to do with each other

But it's not that simple.

How could there be no connection between the time and the place?

Ding -

when the elevator door opened, Han Muzi went to the door and just wanted to open the sliding cover to input her fingerprint, but her step stopped.

Because she found that the interior door of the burglar proof door was opened. Now she can clearly see the image inside through the door.

Han Muzi felt a little chilly in a moment. When she just came out, she brought the door inside.

Think of here, Han Muzi quickly input fingerprint, and then open the door to walk in.

Xiaoyan saw her step is anxious, also quickly followed in, after Han Muzi went in, as expected found two pairs of shoes on the porch.

As soon as her face changed, she went in without even taking off her shoes.

"Mommy, are you back?"

A sound of milk and milk was heard. Han Muzi looked down at the sound and found that Xiaomi Dou had brought two glasses of water from the kitchen, and two men in police uniforms were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

When they saw the adult coming back, they stood up.

"Hello, Miss Han. You were not in the house before. Your child opened the door to let us in."

Looking at them, Han Muzi found that she was relieved. She thought something had happened to Xiaomi Dou.

"Hello, I wonder what the two officers are looking for me for?"

The other party called her Miss Han so directly that she came prepared.

After asking, Han Muzi took another look at Xiaomi Dou and said with a smile: "Xiaomi Dou, Mommy wants to talk to the police officers. Would you go upstairs first?"

Xiaomi Dou blinked, then nodded, just wanted to turn upstairs.

One of the officers said, "Miss Han, in order to ensure the authenticity of your words, we suggest that your child stay, because we also have questions to ask him."

Although the smile on Han Muzi's face was still polite, it was a little cold. She said slowly, "are the two police officers here to ask questions or to interrogate?"

They looked at each other and sighed: "it can't be said that it's interrogation. It's just for the sake of fairness. Miss Han, I hope you can cooperate."

"Good." Han Muzi beckons to Xiaomi Dou and signals him to come near him. Xiaoyan also follows with some embarrassment.

"Two officers, what do you want to ask?"

"Really don't be nervous. Maybe we were too serious to scare you. However, most of our work is like this. There is no malice. I just heard that Miss Han received an express with a dead rabbit in it last night, right?"

Han Muzi did not deny, directly nodded to admit.


"So Miss Han knows who sent this express to you?""I don't know."

"I don't know?" One of them raised her voice a little: "does Miss Han offend anyone? For example, at work, or emotionally? "

"Whether to offend people or not, you have to ask the other party to know whether I have offended the other party, right?" Han Muzi smile, "you ask me, I think I usually treat people without problems, should not offend others."

Standing beside Han Muzi, Xiaoyan thought silently.

How wonderful

Her reply made the two officers frown, but after thinking about it, they felt that it was really right to say so. After all, offending people really depends on other people. What if others seem to have nothing on the surface but have a grudge behind them?

"Miss Han said it well, but I hope you will recall what you know?"

Han Muzi said with a smile: "I don't know why the police station was disturbed. I didn't call the police, did I? Officer, before you continue to ask me questions, I need to know the process of the matter? I want to know why I came to my house to ask these questions? Is it because of the dead people downstairs? The police suspect me? "

"Miss Han, you misunderstood me. We don't doubt you. It just happens that the deceased is the person who delivers the express delivery, so this connection will be generated. "

Hearing this, Han Mu's purple pupil shrinks, "what do you say? Is the deceased a courier? "

"Yes, we traced the surveillance video and found that he was the courier."

"How could it be?" Xiao Yan couldn't help but say: "if it's him who sent the express, why did he commit suicide this morning? I don't understand. "

"That's why we came to you." The police officer was helpless.

Things have developed to this day, has been particularly confusing.

Express delivery people, why commit suicide, is it afraid of being found, and then commit suicide first? However, just sent a dead rabbit, even if it was found, it would not be dead, right? In a situation like this, at most he will be warned or find the person behind the scenes. He will not even have things.

Behind the scenes

Was it the people behind the scenes who did something to him?