
At night, Mo Shen didn't expect it. The bowl of porridge in his hand fell to the ground like this. The sound of porcelain falling on the ground shocked him and hit Han Muzi's heart at the same time.

She turned her head and turned her back to her body.

"I don't need you to pretend to me here. I can take care of myself when I am sick. Even if I am dead, it has nothing to do with you. I don't need you to feed me porridge here. I don't need anything!"

There was silence behind him, as if no one was there.

But only Han Muzi knew that night Mo Shen was probably seriously injured by her.

She was angry at the same time, scolded him at the same time, her tears also fell down the corner of her eyes, can not stop.

She didn't want to, didn't want to see the night Mo deep to oneself so low browed and agreeable appearance.

Such a night is a violation of his previous self. He is not such a person. He is the favored one galloping in the shopping mall, rather than a man who only condescends to humble himself in front of himself.

She didn't want to see him like this.

Han Muzi reached out to wipe her tears, then lay down with her back to the night, pulled the quilt to cover her, and tried to bury all the voices.

The room was quiet for a long time, and finally a little noise came out.

It was the crash of pieces of porcelain. It was small enough to be heard clearly in a quiet room.

Is this night Moshen cleaning up the debris on the ground? Han Muzi's eyes were filled with tears, and he bit his lower lip tightly.

Why did he suffer? Why?

She has already treated him like this. Can't he just turn around and leave?

Why do we have to stay here and suffer from these grievances?

Han Muzi closed her eyes and tried to let herself ignore these sounds. Finally, the room was quiet. Han Muzi quietly poked her head out of the quilt.

She took a deep breath and sat up to find that the ground had been cleaned up.

This is not deep for the night, her heart is not a little joy, but the heart is tight.

However, she could not face the night with a smile.

Both are difficult.

What she hopes most now is that he will not appear in front of her.

Because, once he appears, his heart becomes very chaotic.

I don't know how to choose.

Quietly got up, Han Muzi went into the bathroom to change his clothes. When he came out, he came across the night and brought in a new bowl. But this time he didn't go forward. He just said in a deep voice: "since you don't want to see me, I'll go first. I'll take the bowl for you again. You can remember to drink porridge later."

Han Muzi: "it's just

Instead of picking up his words, she turned her head and didn't even look at him.

After the sound of footsteps, is the sound of the night Mo Shen left.

Han Muzi finally couldn't help but turn her head to see his back.

His back is very rough, but now it shows a sense of loneliness and desolation, which makes people feel terrible.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Han Muzi moved, and then walked to the table.

The porridge is kept warm in the pot. It was brought up by Mo Shen at night and put into her room. It should be convenient for her to eat.

A new bowl has been brought up. Han Muzi sat down and filled himself with a bowl. Finally, he took a spoon and scooped it into his mouth.

Hot porridge with a touch of rice fragrance, Lingering between the lips and teeth, Han Muzi ate one after another, tears did not come down.

In the end, she couldn't help crying.


Can't he just turn around and go?

Why do so many things for her

She has clearly said that she can not accept him.



after going out at night, Mo Shen went back to the opposite room. The first thing to do in the room was to press the light on the screen, and then sit there and observe.

After a long time, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach. At night, Mo Shen held out his hand to cover the position of his stomach, and his thin lips pressed tightly.

A moment later, he laughed at himself and fell back on the sofa.

"Crazy, must be crazy."


in the evening, Han Muzi felt less dizzy, so she opened the door and prepared to go downstairs for a walk.

She didn't want to go out today after what happened last night, but It's daylight, and those people shouldn't be that rampant.

What's more, it's no way to sit around and wait for death.

But Han Muzi went out to wait for the elevator, suddenly heard the voice of the opposite opening.

She was a little puzzled. She had moved here for such a long time. It seemed that she had never met her neighbor. She thought there was no one living in it. But now think about it, she and Xiaoyan work every day are early and late, maybe the other party's time with them simply can't get together, so it's normal that they haven't met each other.Think of here, Han Mu Ziwei shook his head, just saw the elevator floor rise to his own floor.

When she straightened her hair, and then set out to walk in.

Ding -

after the elevator door was opened, Han Muzi's steps just moved, and her wrist was caught.

"How long have you been out of the fever?"

Cold voice sounded in the ear, Han Muzi surprised turned his head and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

"You, why are you here?"

Looking at the beautiful night, Han Muzi must be surprised. After that, she looked at the opposite door behind him, and her lips moved: "you Living here? "

If he didn't live across the street, how could he appear here out of thin air?

However, if he lived across the street, why had she never met him for such a long time?

Is this a coincidence or did he plan it in advance?

As if for her to solve doubts, night Mo deep light explained: "this thing happened, I moved here."

Han Muzi: "it's just

Her eyes widened, but she still couldn't believe it.

Then his speed is too fast, and "How do you know I'm going out?" she asked quickly

The door is closed, isn't it?

Is it possible that he has been standing by the door listening to his own side of the sound? It's not impossible, but it's just weird, and with his intelligence, he won't do it.

So Why did he know he was out of the house? There was only one possibility left.

Han Muzi's eyes are searching everywhere, in their own door, in the door of the opposite door.

Night Mo deep look at her movement, one hand into the pocket, and then lean against the wall.

Of course he knew what she was looking for, but he was not going to tell her.

So that she would not have a rebellious mentality to himself, and he would not be able to protect her.

"Don't look for it. I didn't install a camera. I knew you came out because I had a good heart."

You are a fool, han zi