Han Mu purple Leng for a moment, turned to directly under the single.

"Since you don't dislike it, I'll just order it."

After that, she turned to walk upstairs and said, "you can sit down for a while. When the takeout comes, you should remember to take it. I'll change clothes first."

Han Muzi went upstairs into her room. In order to prevent the last night when Mo Shen followed her into the room, she closed the door and locked it.

So that she will later change to half, night Mo Shen and sneak in.

This demon, it is estimated that he is already the devil in the color.

changed his clothes. Han Muzi washed his face again. In the mirror, he saw that his skin was very dry recently, so he put on a mask to replenishment. When the time was almost enough, she went downstairs.

As soon as I went downstairs, the doorbell rang.

It looks like the delivery man has arrived.

"I'll get it." Ye Moshen gets up directly and goes to the door to pick up the takeout.

He went to get the takeaway. Han Muzi went to the kitchen to take out the dishes and chopsticks. At night, Mo Shen placed the lunch box on the table. Han Muzi looked at him and said, "wash your hands first, I'll serve it."

Ye Mo deep eyes at her, nodded, and then turned into the bathroom.

Han Muzi saw that he had washed his hands, so he went to open the lunch box himself. As soon as the lunch box was opened, something came to her face. She stepped back flexibly. For a moment, she couldn't control herself and screamed and knocked down the lunch box.

At the same time, Han Muzi's steps staggered, and the whole person fell uncontrollably on the cold floor.

The night in the bathroom, Mo Shen just turned on the tap, and heard Han Muzi's exclamation outside. He rushed out of the bathroom without thinking about it.

After going out, the night Mo deep one eye then saw falls sits on the floor the Han Muzi, a dart to rush over to help her up.

"Are you all right?"

Han Muzi looked at the thing that bounced out, and was a little frightened.

It turned out that there was a spring in the box, but it was a dead mouse that jumped out just now. There were two big blood red characters on the open lunch box.


Those two words were as red as blood, which hurt Han Muzi's eyes.

Night Mo deep one hand around her, squint at the scene of chaos.

"I'm not good. I should have checked it first." Night Mo Shen will help her up, Han Muzi was probably just scared, when she got up, her legs were soft, and her body fell back.

Night Mo deep simply beat her to hold up directly, and then put it on the sofa beside.

Probably because of being frightened, Han Muzi grabbed the palm of the night's deep, and his nails pinched his skin.

But the night Mo deep seems to feel no pain, one hand from the pocket to take out his mobile phone to call Xiao su.

"You can check the take out situation of XX shop immediately, as well as the information of meituan riders just now, and send the monitoring video of this community to my mobile phone."

"Yes, I will. I'll find out."

"Also, give the address to Mrs. Lin and ask her to come and cook."

Han Muzi, who has been shivering on the sofa all the time, suddenly reacts after hearing this sentence, grabbing ye Moshen's hand and shaking his head: "no, I can do it myself..."

Night Mo Shen clenched her hand, as if to give her strength, but also handed her a quiet eyes, and then pursed thin lips, and then said in a cold voice: "right, right now."

After hanging up the mobile phone, Han Muzi looked at him and couldn't say a word.

Night Mo Shen's hand but to her head, like coax a child gently stroking: "don't worry, give me to deal with."

Han Muzi frowned.

"It's not right."


"Don't you have people staring at them? And you've been with me all day. According to the practice of the other party last night, you know that you have already started to scare the snake. How can you continue to do it today And it's the type of prank. "

Night Mo deep stare at her, black eyes have unspeakable emotions.

She has really changed a lot.

Mingming was scared just now. Mingming fell down. Mingming held his hand so tightly, but he still analyzed it calmly.

These years How much has she grown?

The night Mo Shen suddenly very distressed her to get up.

"I suspect that there were two parties involved in this incident. Today's one..."

Half of the words suddenly stopped, because night Mo Shen suddenly held up, and in the posture of a bear, opened his arms and held her tightly in his arms.

Her cheek thus bumped into his warm chest without warning.

"Don't think too much. It's not what you should think about now."

Han Muzi felt a little sour in his nose.

"Let me do these things."Ye Mo Shen sighed, "today is my carelessness. I thought that as long as I was by your side, they would not start. But negligence is really easy to happen. In the future No more. "

"I'll be with you every day for the rest of the day."

The nose is sour, the orbit is sour, and the eyes are a little confused.

Han Muzi thought that maybe she was really scared just now, because as soon as the lunch box was opened, something suddenly flew up and almost attacked her.

When she was afraid, the night came out to be a flower protector, so She would feel so moved.

She thought that if it was not the night, but someone else, she would feel the same way.

Think of here, Han Muzi forced himself to take back tears, eyes stare big, just did not let tears fall down.

She bit her lower lip and spoke softly.

"I know, I just want to say What happened today, and what happened last night, may not have been done by one person. I Well. "

She did not have time to say the latter words, because the night Mo deep back to open the body, and then bent over to kiss up, all her words are sealed between the lips and teeth.

Han Muzi's eyes widened. Tears fell down the corner of her eyes and ran across her white cheek. Finally, she was thin to her lips. The salty and astringent tears were deeply sucked by Yemo.

This kiss became a little sour. Han Muzi's tears flowed more and more. The night was deeply distressed. He held her cheek in both hands and sucked the crystal tears on her face one by one.

Finally, against her forehead, he murmured in a low voice.

"Don't cry any more. I'll have to drink my tears today."

Han Muzi: "it's just

Originally it was a very romantic scene. Han Muzi almost felt that his heart was lifted by him and surrendered. However, he suddenly said this sentence, which directly defeated the good atmosphere.

"Well?" At night, she stretched out her hand and rubbed her chin. She laughed in a low voice and said, "the mask is not washed. The eyes are going to wrinkle. "

Han Muzi: "it's just

she stretched out her hand to feel her chin. Didn't she clean it when she put on the mask just now?