Xiaoyan: "it's Is it because of the recent events that you can't help thinking too much that it might be a trap? But the contract is effective, and I also went to check the blue sky company. That Yi Tian is indeed the manager of blue sky company and has the right to speak. "

Blue sky company

Thinking of the name of the company, Han Muzi finally felt uneasy, "you go to check who the boss of blue sky company is, and then I ask my brother to help me find out."

Xiao Yan thought about it and nodded, "OK, no problem. I'll check it right away."

After Xiao Yan went out, Han Muzi sat down at the desk in the office, then opened the contract and looked at it carefully.

It's time to get off work soon. It's time for night.

Because of the previous things, so night Mo Shen will avoid Han Qing's car.

Although he has been loathed on his mouth and even resentful at the bottom of his eyes, he is still thinking for her. Now he should not have a positive attitude with Han Qing for the time being.

So Han Muzi is still at ease for the time being.

She pursed her lips and slowly began to pack up for work.

Anyway, Xiao Yan left first, so she can wait here for a while.

A second before work, Xiao Yan suddenly ran in, his face was a little ugly.

"Muzi, I'm sorry for you."

Han Muzi heard this, eyes a jump, "how, how?"

Xiaoyan bit his lower lip, "I just went to check the boss of blue sky company, and then I found that..."

"What have you found?"

Small Yan dare not speak, Han Muzi had to rebuke her: "don't be hesitant, hurry to speak clearly."

She lowered her eyes and her voice was fine. She was afraid that Han Muzi would be angry and scold her, but Han Muzi still heard it.

"I just checked that the boss behind blue sky company is actually our old friend. You are familiar with that man, his name is... "

Han Muzi frowned, almost *

when Mo Shen came to pick her up at night, she could see Han Muzi standing in front of the company from a distance. When he pulled up the car in front of her, she was still standing there wandering in the sky.

Night Mo deep frown, honked the horn.

This sound, Han Muzi's mind to pull back.

Raising her head, she found that the night Mo Shen had arrived, and her lips were open. She went forward and opened the door to sit in the co pilot's seat.

Night Mo Shen found that her mood seems to be a little depressed, also did not ask more, went forward to fasten her seat belt, leaning on the past, Han Muzi also scared, asked him: "what are you doing?"

"Seat belts."

He said as he fastened her seat belt.

Han Muzi Oh a, and then sat in a position to continue to daze.

After driving for a long distance, Mo Shen stopped to wait for the red light. After a look, she found that Han Muzi sat there and fell into meditation. Although her eyes were looking at the distance, her eyes were lax and she had no vision at all.

"What's the matter?" I can't help asking.

However, she did not get an answer. She was deeply immersed in her own thinking and did not hear what ye Moshen said.

Han Muzi has been thinking, what is the purpose of night Leng Han? She met him twice after returning home.

The first time was with Xiaomi Dou in the supermarket, but she did not recognize him, he gave her the mobile phone number, but she lost it.

The second time, he specially said that he was waiting for her in the supermarket, and said that he had no malice.

Without malice, what does he want to do?

Old friends meet and complain about feelings?

If that's all, why should he suddenly cooperate with his own company?

No, it's not that simple.

Hand suddenly spread a cold touch, Han Muzi suddenly back to God, only to find the night Mo deep holding her hand.

She was stunned and looked up at him.

"What's the matter?"

"What are you doing?" Ye Mo Shen stares at her with sharp eyes and reminds him, "you've been distracted many times today. What's the matter?"

Han Muzi moved his lips and then shook his head to deny it.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just thinking about work."



She was so distracted and denied so quickly that she became suspicious at night.

If not, he can check it himself.

When it comes to Cha, ye Moshen suddenly thinks that he said he can't investigate her. If the investigation of her work is related to her, is it also an investigation?

Night Mo deep some chagrin, how did he dig such a big hole for himself before?