As early as a long time ago, the relationship between yemoshen and yelinhan has been completely torn apart. The previous pattern of occasionally greeting and nodding at night has long since ceased to exist.

Sure enough, after the word "night is not deep", people's faces around him have changed.

Is this a feud?

Hearing this, the wife of fat uncle opened her eyes and exclaimed, "I didn't expect this man to be so domineering. Good response, but Are they brothers

Suddenly, the elder sister looked at the night Lenghan curiously and was humiliated in public. How would he respond next?

Ye Lenghan has also paid the bill. He puts away the card and walks forward. His face is not irritated and angry by the night Mo Shen's sarcasm. Some are still that kind of warm and gentle.

He said faintly, "are you still blaming big brother for that? This is not the original intention of the elder brother, and the elder brother doesn't want to do that

"Oh." The night Mo Shen sneers, is really not a little face to him, see his eyes under the lens unconsciously follow his hand with Han Muzi, so he pinches Han Muzi's soft little palm a little bit, and even forcibly clings to her.

"Not your intention? Are you forced? "

Night Lenghan looked at him, two men's line of sight in the air intersection, instant collision out of innumerable firelight, a war without smoke of gunpowder burst out like this.

Han Muzi knows that the two have always been at odds with each other, but they have never thought that they have torn their faces. Ye Moshen's desire for possession in front of the cold night is too strong, for example Now his hand is tightly held in his palm, stronger than ever.

And from the moment that the cold night appeared, Han Muzi felt a kind of emotion from the body of Mo Shen at night.

It's fear.

But she felt that she felt wrong again, because she could not feel it when she went to feel it again. In addition, she felt that she should not feel this emotion from her deep body at night.

After all, how can you feel afraid when you see the cold night?

Even if ye Linhan himself registered the company, but his company's strength to catch up with the night's group, or impossible.

So, where does this fear come from?

Unfortunately, without waiting for ye Linhan to talk, ye Moshen has already taken her hand and walked out. His steps are in front of him, and Han Muzi is behind. So from her direction, you can see ye Moshen's back. He holds her in one hand and carries the things just bought in one hand, which is really like her husband who brought her to the supermarket.


Han Muzi lowered her head, and the light in her eyes was dim.

Night Leng Han looked at this scene, silently collected the edge of the eye and cold, and then carried things out of the door.

The fat uncle, who witnessed all this, sighed: "I feel a little bit sorry for his elder brother when I ask what is the love in the world. I'm so fierce that I can still respond with good voice. Alas..."

"That's why you men are so shallow-minded. His response is obviously to retreat. Do you think he's a good voice?"

"Ga?" Fat uncle touched his head: "retreat to advance?"

"Don't you admit that your head is simple? You don't understand that, do you? In front of the beloved woman, if he quarrels with each other at this time, isn't he losing his own standard? Don't look at this man who is very gentle. Maybe he has a deep city

"The city is very deep? how did you know? Can you tell by looking at people? "

"You can't tell by looking at people alone, and it's the first time we met. It's too much for me to conclude that he is a man with a city. So I didn't say, I just said that I was gentle, maybe the city was very deep, it was possible! It didn't say maybe! "

With that, the elder sister turned back and gave the fat uncle a popcorn.

Fat uncle touched his head: "Oh, I see."

"But..." The elder sister encircled her hands and looked at the far away figure of the night Leng Han and narrowed her eyes slowly: "this man, even if it is not the kind of person who is extremely deep in the city as I said, he is definitely not a general person."

"I don't understand."

"Go, go home."

Uncle fat, hurry up.


on the way back, Han Muzi was pulled back by Ye Moshen. All the way, she had been very clever and did not speak. She knew that ye Moshen was not in a good mood, perhaps because she was guilty, so she could only follow him all the time.

But his step is too big, Han Muzi is very tired, finally really can't help, way: "can you walk slowly?"

Night Mo deep smell speech, step a meal, look back at her panting appearance, just realize what he just did.

His eyes flashed and then stopped.


"What do you say?" Han Muzi gave him a resentful look.

She is not only tired, but also after experiencing his tossing and turning, her legs are now sour. Today she has been walking for half a day. Now he is walking so fast, is not he torturing her?Han Muzi is a little speechless, holding her waist for breath.

Night Mo deep looked around, did not find a place to rest, so he bent down to Han Muzi way: "come up."

Han Muzi: "what?"

She was a little surprised to see his action, if she did not understand the wrong word, night Mo Shen is to want to carry her?

But They are all so old. It seems that it is only young people who do this kind of thing.

And she

"What are you doing?" Night Mo Shen saw her standing in a daze, simply raised her hand, directly pulled her to his back.

She didn't have time to respond, she felt that she was lying on the back of Mo Shen at night. Because he was holding the bag in one hand, she could only hold her buttocks with one hand, and admonished, "if you don't want to fall down, hold me tight."

Then he stood up.

Everything happened very quickly, Han Muzi almost reflexively reached for his neck.

For a moment, the skin touched each other, the night Mo deep satisfaction to hook up the lip angle, carrying her forward.

The way back to the community is not far from here, but because of carrying himself and carrying things, Han Muzi feels that the pressure of the night is great, so he can't help but say: "or I'd better get down and go by myself. "

"Hiss." Night Mo deep ridiculed her: "who just yelled tired?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

She lowered her eyes and looked at the blue veins in his neck. She had known that she would not have said it. Did she blame her?

After walking for a short time, although he didn't hear the gasping sound of night Mo Shen, Han Muzi always felt that he was very tired, so he adjusted his posture on his back to make himself lighter.

After a twist, the night Mo deep breath heavy a few minutes, the voice hoarse roared a: "you move on my back to do what?"