After all, night Lenghan saw millet beans in the supermarket at that time.

How could you not have guessed with the wisdom and wisdom of night Lenghan? She's even been investigated in private.

So he won't be unaware of it.

"Oh?" Night Mo deep pick pick eyebrows, originally sharp face suddenly smile, but this smile can not reach the bottom of the eye, but give people a cold and piercing feeling.

This smile makes Han Muzi feel very wrong. She is flustered in her heart. She does not care what she grabs the sleeve of Mo Shen at night.

"But it's not what you think. He'll know about it, and I don't tell him myself. It's him..."

"Whatever the reason, he knew it before me. And you But he has been working with me, hoping that my biological father doesn't know about this. This is the process of the matter, right? "

"I..." Han Muzi was blocked by his words and could not be refuted.

Night Mo deep squint eyes, eyes sharp, body's breath also cold down.

"Is that so?"

Han Muzi lowered her eyes: "it was true at the beginning, but now it is different, I..."

"That's enough."

The night Mo Shen suddenly interrupts her words, he also does not have the rage what, the voice sounds like also very calm, but the more is like this, Han Muzi feels more frightened.

"Now you Are you disappointed in me? Do you want to quarrel with me

The night is too deep to answer.

"Break with me?"

Han Muzi asked again, night Mo deep lift eyes, deep eyes reflect her facial features, "I have not thought well."

This said, call Han Muzi's heart sink a few minutes, her lip color suddenly become a little pale up: "what is not thought well?"

That is to say, does he really think so?

Han Muzi grasped the sleeves of his coat. The cuffs that she had ironed before were now many folds, "so what do you mean now? You haven't thought about it, which means that you have just really thought about it? Why? Because he's your son? So you're not happy

Night Mo deep standing in place, as if dead in general, motionless.

Han Muzi looked at him and tightened his strength in his hand, "you talk, do you think about it? You want to break with me? Break up? "

As soon as the word "break up" came out, ye Moshen's eyes moved, looking at the clear facial features in front of him. His clear eyes were obviously full of anxiety, as if there was a needle in his chest.

He didn't want to break up.

Even when it came to the moment when he knew she had cheated him, he didn't think about this woman in front of him Once he was unable to ask for a woman who had been dreaming for five years.

How could he break up if he finally got her?

It's just Now His heart was in a mess.

The night Mo deep lowers the head, slowly that pair grasps own cuff small hand to slowly push open.

At the beginning, Han Muzi was not willing to. She glared at him and held on to his cuffs. He glanced at her with tears in her eyes.

He was a little bit distressed, but at the moment his anger at being cheated was greater than his heartache, and finally sighed: "let go of your hand."

"I don't want it." Han Muzi was full of tears in her eyes, "if I let go, would you not come to me again?"

She asked carefully, the night Mo deep look at her, suddenly sneered and said: "you also have a day afraid of losing me?"

Han Muzi's eyes were wide open, and her tears were in her eyes and never fell down.

Her eyes were very beautiful, and now the tears were in their eyes, like a big blue, wrapped in a mist, like a dream.

She shook her head. "Don't be angry, will you? Things It's really not what you think. "

It is not easy for the two talents to have a hard time. Is it because of this that they have to separate again?

Although these days, it is night Mo Shen who rushed to paste it. On the surface, she won and he lost.

But only Han Muzi knows that in her feelings There is no winning or losing.

Although has been active is the night Mo Shen, but her heart has also been in the morning night Mo Shen slowly close, this Han Muzi knows.

And over the years, she never stopped loving the night.

But in the end, night Moshen or his sleeve from Han Muzi's hand, Han Muzi only felt that his hand was empty, he had stepped back a few steps.

"Let me see."

Ye Mo looked into her eyes and said, "I can't think clearly now."

Han Muzi's lips moved, "when you think about it clearly Are you going to be separated from me? "

Listen, the night does not frown deeply.

"I didn't say anything like that."

"But you're doing this. Xiaomi Dou is your child, isn't it? I thought Even if you will be angry, but at least less than happy, but did not expect... "His anger was so great that it covered everything.

Did she miscalculate?

"Let me see."

Night Mo Shen but said such a word, Han Muzi feel as if they have lost strength, she closed her eyes, body powerless against the wall: "good, you want to think, then let you think."

Around gradually no sound, also do not know how long after, Han Muzi re opened his eyes, eyes empty, has long been no night deep figure.

Although she had known this result for a long time, Han Muzi was really disappointed when she saw him not standing in front of her own eyes. Her legs were soft. Han Muzi felt that she could not stand. Then she sat down slowly against the wall.

At this moment, the cold floor seemed a little chilly, which made her unable to sit still. It was probably a matter of mood. Han Muzi quickly thought of something and got up and went downstairs.

It was empty downstairs, and only a plate of fruit was left on the table.

Han Muzi stood and made a long time's Leng, then suddenly reacted.

Xiaomi Dou

What about millet beans?

Han Muzi didn't think much about anything. He rushed upstairs to find Xiaomi Dou. As a result, he didn't see Xiaomi Dou's figure after looking for a long time. The noise brought Xiaoyan.

"What's the matter with you?"

See small Yan, Han Muzi then rushed up.

"Do you see millet beans? Is he with you? "

"What do you mean?" Xiaoyan looked at her with some bewilderment: "Xiaomi Dou, isn't it always downstairs? How do you... "

Speaking of half, she suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Han Muzi in disbelief.

"It can't be..."

After the words she did not dare to say, had to reach out to cover his mouth, and then looked at Han Muzi in front of her.

A moment later, she slowly lowered her hand.

"Muzi, Xiaomi Douhe..."

Han Muzi stands in the spot and smiles bitterly.

"Probably taken away by his father."

"What? We Are you going to bring him back? Or should I call your brother now? "

Finish saying, small Yan takes out the mobile phone immediately, hand just presses to the business card case there by Han Muzi to stop.

"Stop fighting."

He himself was very angry. If he called Han Qing at this time, Mo Shen that night What do you think of her?