"But Can aunt Xiaoyan really catch up with my uncle? "

This said, suspected that she could not succeed, Xiaoyan looked at Xiaomi Dou, could not help reaching out to rub his soft cheek.

"What are you talking about? Auntie Xiaoyan, isn't it in your powerful assists? As long as you are willing to help, aunt Xiaoyan will certainly be able to catch up with your uncle. "

Millet beans blink dark eyes, clear what mood can see clearly.

"Well, let's get to your uncle's company soon. Remember to help aunt Xiaoyan."


and on the other side

night Moshen heard that Han Muzi had arranged Xiaomi Dou, so the car did not turn around, but drove directly to Haijiang villa.

After returning home, she only visited Haijiang villa once.

At that time, she and ye Moshen had not yet made up their old friendship. When she came to the villa, she took over the design list.

I didn't expect Time goes by so fast.

The sea breeze at night is cool. Han Muzi sits on the board, wearing pajamas. She looks at the sea under the moonlight, and feels her heart calms down.

Calm nights and the sea can calm people's emotions, but if the waves roll up, it is also extremely turbulent.

The sea breeze blows, Han Muzi some cold, subconsciously hugs the arms, the body shrinks into a group.

However, the chill did not ease. As expected, the wind on the beach was stronger and colder than that in the city. When Han Muzi couldn't support herself and wanted to get up and go back to the house, a tall figure sat down beside her, and then a warm coat was put on her body.

Han Mu purple side eyes, bath night Mo Shen sat on her side, his skin was steamed a little red hot water, thin lips are still tightly pursed, broken hair is still dripping water.

Seeing this scene, Han Muzi couldn't help frowning.

"Why don't you even wipe your hair?"

The sea breeze is so strong, does he think his body is iron?

Ye Mo looks at her deeply. Her eyes are bright in the night. She says, "it's OK. I'm in good health. It's you I don't know how to wear more clothes when I sit here at night

Han Muzi smell speech shrunk shoulder, "if I'm cold, I will enter the room by myself."

"But you just had a bath, or..." She said she wanted to get up, but night Mo Shen grabbed her wrist and pulled Han Muzi into his arms.


This action is a little violent. Han Muzi plunges into his arms and bumps his soft cheek into his hard chest, which makes her cry out in pain.

He had just taken a bath, and his body still had the smell of bathing, and his arms were also very warm. Han Muzi's cold feeling was dispelled by the embrace.

"What's the matter?" Han Muzi noticed something was wrong with him and asked.

Night Mo Shen lowered his head and buried himself in her neck. The drops of water on his broken hair fell on Han Muzi's neck without warning. The cool feeling made her body shiver subconsciously. When she tried to push him away, she heard a dull apology.

"I'm sorry."

Han Muzi was stunned, thinking that she had heard wrong.

He just Are you saying sorry to yourself?

A very dull voice came from the neck. His thin lips were still close to the skin on her neck, so it was not very true to hear. Therefore, Han Muzi recognized it by the tone.

"You are Do you want to apologize to me? " She asked a question, always feeling a little inconceivable.

The night Mo Shen's big hand delimits to her waist, grasps her thin waist limb, the voice is hoarse a few minutes.

"Well, you're apologizing. Forgive me?"

Han Muzi thought, "because of these days?"

Ye Moshen didn't directly answer her yes or no, just hugged her a little bit. Han Muzi felt that he had something to say, so he didn't ask him again. He held him quietly, listening to his strong and powerful heartbeat, waiting for him to say.

In the quiet night, only the sound of the night wind pushing the waves against the beach, and the sound of their breathing.

With his arms, Han Muzi felt that he was not cold, lying in his arms until he was about to fall asleep, and the night was not deep enough to gently open thin lips.

"In the future, I will give you all my trust."

It's not easy for two people to get to the present.

If you don't build trust between two people, the relationship may collapse.

"All Trust? "

The trust between her and Yemo Shen? They don't spend much time with each other. If they can give each other more trust, they will not get there.

Like five years ago

"Well, then you can't doubt me even if you know something." Han Muzi thought for a while, and simply agreed with him directly.

Night Mo deep low smile nodded.

"I'll give you all my trust in the future. Even if I die, I won't doubt you any more. But... "He said: "you should stay away from the cold night. What I told you at the airport is true."

"I understand." Han Muzi nodded, "I will keep a distance with him."

After knowing the identity of Ye Leng Han and ye Mo Shen's past, Han Muzi thinks that if the two brothers do not hate each other, it is really too fake.

Ye Moshen's performance has always been very normal, but the night is cold

He has always been a gentleman, although he has never said anything bad about staying overnight in front of himself.

However, what he did was always trying to separate her from Yemo Shen.

The idea is really clear.

Han Muzi closed her eyes and made a decision secretly. She didn't want to be the victim of two brothers, and she didn't want to be a victim of her own embarrassment.

If you want to fight, let them fight openly enough.

"How did you suddenly become so good?" The night Mo Shen loosed her and held her chin and asked.

Han Muzi blushed, biting his lower lip and staring at him.

Night Mo deep eyes, dim light, thin lips hook up a light arc: "because I these three days of cold, so let you find that you still care about me, so?"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Han Muzi.

"Don't talk about it. I came to you on my own initiative. You're very proud, aren't you?"

The man came up, his forehead against her, and his laughter was muted.

"What am I proud of? Who came to see me, said less than a few words and then backed out? If I didn't hold you, you would have run away. "

Han Muzi: "who made you hot and cold..."

"No more..." Ye Mo Shen held her cheek in his hands, and his black eyes were bright in the night. He put his face close, and his warm breath spewed out on Han Muzi's face, and his thin lips moved gently.

"I'll give you all the enthusiasm in the future."

His eyes are too hot, and such a close distance makes Han Muzi a little unable to resist. She blinks, and when she wants to retreat, the hot kiss falls down.