
For her own sake?

"Do you need it?" Han Muzi blinked, looking at Han Qing's eyes seems to be because of what he said and feel inexplicable.

"I'm fine, brother Hurry up. Didn't you tell me today? What do they eat? How can they not be saved? "

The more said, Han Muzi's emotion more excited, directly pushed Han Qing's hand, wanted to get out of bed.

"Enough!" Han Qing severely reprimanded: "the search and rescue team went today, but they are going to salvage the body!"

Han Muzi stopped all her movements and stood there for a long time It was a long time before I looked up at him without expression.

For a long time, she seemed to sneer: "what do you mean?"

"Muzi, my sister is not a fool. You should be very clear about what brother said."

Han Muzi's sarcastic smile widened a little, "I know? Does the elder brother mean to say, night Mo Shen is dead? "

Han Qing's pupil shrinks. The word "death" is It has been reverberating in his mind, but he dare not say it, can only knock on the side, but unexpectedly it is said by Han Muzi.

He didn't take Han Muzi's words, but pressed her shoulder, took a deep breath, and then whispered, "don't worry. Sit down first. Later, the doctor will give you a check."

"Brother, even if he is dead, I will see his body with my own eyes, otherwise I won't recognize it. " Han Muzi raised his head and looked straight at Han Qing's eyes. "I understand all the words in front of you, but you said that the search and rescue team was going to salvage the corpse. What about the deepest corpse that night?"

Han Qing thin lips pursed: "that piece of turbulent sea area, even if can't find the body is also very normal thing."

"Where is normal? Can you find anyone else's? Why can't he? "

Speaking of this, Han Muzi suddenly thought of something, and she firmly grasped Han Qing's sleeve: "brother, do you think it's possible Mo Shen did not fall to the bottom of the sea at all. He is so smart that he can control the parachute well. He may not fall into the sea near here. Maybe He's left somewhere else, brother. Do you think it's possible? "

Su Jiu also mentioned these words with Han Qing before, but he only mentioned them. Han Qing didn't care.

But now Han Muzi said to him vividly, actually let Han Qing also give birth to this idea, pursed her lips and said: "maybe it may fall to other places. Don't worry, first take care of yourself in the hospital, and I'll send someone to look for it nearby."

Han Muzi nodded forcefully: "we must find him. I believe he will not be willing to leave me. He has just met our mother and son We will not be willing to leave us. "

Said, Han Muzi also smile, as if really saw the dawn in the dark.

When Han Qing saw her like this, he had so many thoughts in his mind that he didn't know what to say.

Of course, he knew that the greater the hope, the more disappointed he might be. But what can we do now? As long as there is hope, even if it is only a little bit, it has to be carried out, right?

After hearing that Han Qing would send someone to look for the nearby area, Han Muzi's heart was relieved. However, she still had no way to stay in the hospital. She woke up in the morning, and in the afternoon, she wanted to leave the hospital to find ye Moshen's whereabouts.

Han Qing was a little angry: "what's your body like? You know it in your heart. Don't fall ill when someone finds you. If you firmly believe that he won't fall into that sea area, you shouldn't be like now, Mao Mao is impatient to go out with everyone."

Han Muzi Leng in situ.

Yeah, she Trust him.

"It's about staying in the hospital, taking care of yourself and waiting for him to come to you."

Waiting for him to find himself? Han Muzi drooped her eyes and thought for a long time. For a long time, when Han Qing thought she would refuse herself, Han Muzi nodded and said in a low voice: "OK, I'll wait here for him to come to me."

Han Qing was a little shocked, but she heard what he said casually.

It seems that She said to give night deep enough trust, not just talk.


after the plane accident, the media quickly took the news back to Beicheng. Within one day, almost all people in Beicheng knew that yemoshen of Yeshi group had an accident.

After knowing this matter, naturally also know that the wantonly broadcast daughter of the Han family, Han Muzi, was left alone at the wedding ceremony. The grand wedding that had been envied by countless people was just like this.

Knowing the result, many people lament that the world is not satisfactory.

Of course, some people sigh, others laugh.

"You deserve it. Why go abroad to get married? If you hold a wedding in China, it won't happen? Rich people have more tricks. Now There are no more people! "

"Well, if you stay at home and have a wedding at any place in China, you can have a good life. Why do you have to go abroad?""They really deserve it. Who let them worship foreign countries? Good thing

“…… It's wrong for you to say so. Water flows down and people go up. Yeshi group's Ye Shao is deeply in love with his wife who hasn't passed by. What's wrong with wanting to have an unforgettable wedding? People have the ability to earn so much money. Besides, two big families are married. There is nothing wrong with a man trying to tell the world who he likes. It can only be said that the will of heaven is unpredictable and that fortune and misfortune depend on each other. "

"Are you too funny? Speak for them now? Did they give you money? "

"You can't say that. Even we don't know what tomorrow will be like to meet us. Can you guarantee that your life will be safe and smooth without worry or fear?"


The man was wronged, simply did not speak, just cut a sound, and then walked away.

When Meng Xueyou saw the news, she burst into a frenzy of laughter. People around her were startled by her terrible laughter. All of them turned their heads and looked at her like a neuropathy.

But Meng Xueyou didn't pay attention to what kind of eyes they were. She only knew that her heart was cool.

Originally thought they were going to get married, she would not let them go, but who knows Han Qing actually sent someone to watch her and let her do nothing.

Well, Meng Xueyou has been cursing them.

"Han Muzi, you can't think of it? My curse actually works, you Sure enough, you can't be happy together

However, with a smile and a smile, Meng Xueyou's heart is a little sad when he sees the news of the accident at night.

She I like him!!!

At that time, she fell in love with him at first sight, and wanted to get this man day and night, so she did the following series of things.