Wei Chi's family.

Han Muzi has heard before that weichi's family is ranked in the world, and is still an old man in charge of all the family business.

At that time, when she was a designer, she had a little contact with weichi's people. Later, when her colleagues saw that the people of weichi's family were excited and crazy, they immediately made science popularization for her.

According to the gossip, Yuchi's family is very strong, but the cattle force is back to the cattle force. Up to now, an old man is still in charge of the family business.

Although the old man was a little old, he was very tough and shrewd, and anyone who wanted to harm him or seize his property was crippled by him.

At that time, Han Muzi felt confused, so he asked why he had been taking care of himself. Did he have no children? Or don't trust them?

The colleague just told her that old weichi had a pair of daughters.

But later, it seemed that there was a conflict. The two sisters left weichi's house together, leaving such an old man to guard the family business.

Lament that some people are born from such a high starting point, but they regard money and power as dirt. They are pitiful for their low starting point. They can only run continuously on the road. Once they stop, they will be overtaken by others, and those who step on the back can only look up to these big men.

At that time, Han Muzi heard that the two daughters of weichi's family had run away. No matter what the family property was, he was also a little bemoaned.

What is the reason why the two daughters do not care about an elderly father, nor do they want such property?

At that time, she only felt that she was far away from these things, but now

The night Mo deep unexpectedly can pull up the relation with Wei Chi's family.

Song an and Song Xin are actually Wei Chi'an and Wei Chi Xin.

All this, it's unbelievable.

Han Muzi bit her lower lip, and the information was pinched to a fast deformation in her hand. Han Qing, next to her, looked at this scene and did not open her mouth.

Su Jiuzhang opened his lips and wanted to say something to Han Muzi. Han Muzi, sitting in the car, suddenly pushed the door open and ran forward regardless.

Two people a Leng, and then saw the front of the high-rise door out of a slender figure, familiar face, handsome eyes, lingering around the cold atmosphere, is not the night deep?

It turns out that Han Muzi pushed the door open when he saw him.

Han Qing and Su Jiu look at each other and get off the bus quickly.

Han Muzi saw yemoshen's first glance, she got out of the car directly and ran to him. However, her pace was not as fast as Han Qing's. Mingming looked very close to yemoshen, but a big hand suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Ah." Han Muzi exclaimed, trying to struggle.

"Come back." Han Qing pulled her back, Han Muzi continued to want to take out his hand, and said: "brother, you let me go, let me go."

Han Qing wrung her eyebrows and didn't release her, but said in a cold voice: "he doesn't know you now. It's no use looking for him in the past."

"I don't believe it. How long has it been? How could he not know me, brother You let me go. I'm going to ask him. "

Han Muzi saw that he never let go, heart a ruthless, directly lowered his head in Han Qing's arm and bit.

Maybe Han Qing didn't expect that she would suddenly come to such a move. She let go of her hand in the moment of pain. Han Muzi ran to Mo Shen at night.

She is recklessly ran to night Mo Shen, when she stopped the way of night Mo Shen and stood in front of him, Han Muzi was still panting.

Night Mo Shen's long legs stopped because she suddenly stepped forward to stop him.

Looking at this dishevelled, pale face, eyes slightly red, even lips are not bloody woman, night Mo deep good-looking eyebrows frown up.

Then, he classified her as the women who were always trying to pick up on him these days.

The next second, he took back his eyes directly and walked around Han Muzi.

Han Muzi: "it's just

She was stunned for five seconds to react, and then turned to catch up and block in front of the night.

The night Mo deep displeasure ground picks eyebrow: "what matter?"

Han Muzi has a pair of beautiful eyes staring at the boss.

His frown, his eyes and his face are full of impatience. It's true Don't you know yourself?


She doesn't believe it!

Clearly before he said in his ears those admitted are still yesterday, she and Xiaomi Dou are waiting for him to come back every day.

Clearly every night, he will enter her dream, with her sentimental, with her whisper.

Now this one, how can it be so cold?

"You, you don't know me?" When asked this sentence, Han Muzi felt that her voice was beginning to tremble.

The question seemed to amuse Yemo Shen. He lifted his lips, and his smile was somewhat ironic.

"Miss, do I need to know you?"After that, he subconsciously raised his hand, provoked a handful of soft green silk belonging to Han Muzi to play with in his hand. His light eyes fell on her pale lips, and casually opened his mouth: "even if you want to chat up, you have to find a decent reason, right? Do you want to attract my attention when you come here

Han Muzi: "it's just

Because of his words and attitude, Han Muzi's face became more pale.

Seeing his hand still playing with his own green silk, a casual and light pick, Han Muzi felt a dull pain in his heart. Without thinking about it, he directly grasped his hand and choked: "you don't make trouble, go back with me."

Ye Moshen was just playing with her soft green silk, and felt that this woman's way of chatting up was very strange.

The most beautiful part of a woman is to show herself.

She is good, even if she wears casual clothes, even her makeup is not changed, her face is plain and her hair is messy.

It is true that there is no aesthetic feeling at all.

When she held it up, the night Mo was stunned for a moment, as if there was some numb touch passed through the two hands, and directly penetrated into his heart.

He pulled his hand back like an electric shock, stepped back and looked at the woman in front of him in disgust.

The disgust in his eyes was particularly clear, and it hurt Han Muzi's eyes.

"Don't do that, will you?"

She choked her throat, and her tears were rolling in her eyes. Her beautiful eyes were so big that they seemed to hold on and never let them fall. As long as she blinked, those tears would roll down like pearls.

"I've been waiting for you these days. Do you know how long we've been looking for you? Let's go home now. "

"Come on! Shen Shao is entangled by a woman again. Go to that woman and take it away

I don't know who called out. Han Muzi's hand was put up by two tall men. She was a little flustered and looked at the night deeply.

"Help me, help me..."

The woman's voice was like the cry of a small beast, and her eyes were desperate for help.

Looking at this scene, the night deep heart do not know why, has become a little irritable.