With sister Lin in, she certainly did not dare to make up her mind to send coffee to the night. Instead, she directly brought it to sister Lin and said in a soft voice, "sister Lin, the coffee is ready."

Sister Lin looked at her with appreciation and chuckled: "yes, you can send this information downstairs."

Han Muzi cleverly reached out and took it: "OK."

In front of sister Lin, she can only try to be clever and obedient and shape herself into a new person.

If she seems too eager, sister Lin has the right to dismiss her.

Han Muzi went to deliver the materials. Sister Lin picked up the coffee and walked towards the president's office.

Percussion -


When he heard someone knocking at the door, Mo Shen raised his eyes and thought it was the strange woman who came to deliver the coffee, but she didn't expect it was sister Lin herself.

Somehow, Yemo frowned subconsciously, then her eyes fell on the cup of coffee in her hand.

Just after drinking the coffee made by the strange woman, he began to forget about the taste, so he took advantage of sister Lin's working hours and asked her to deliver coffee for himself.

I didn't expect that she brought it in person. Is this coffee made by that strange woman?

"Deep less, coffee."

Before that, Wei Chijin had been in charge of this place in person. Everyone called him general manager weichi. After Wei Chishen replaced him, calling president weichi was like calling Yuchi Jin. Because he knew that there was a deep word in his name, he called him Shenshao directly.

Coffee on the table, the fragrance.

Night Mo deep eyes moved, took a drink.

The taste didn't change.

It's that woman.


In the future, if you want to drink coffee, just tell his secretary directly, so that the strange woman doesn't think she likes her coffee.

"Take a closer look at this information." Lin elder sister saw that he had a sip of coffee, then began to hand over the document in hand, with night Mo Shen to talk about business.

However, in one or two minutes, the coffee at night was already at the end. When sister Lin packed up her things and was ready to leave, ye Moshen asked her to send another cup of coffee in ten minutes. Sister Lin readily agreed.

After leaving the office, sister Lin was puzzled.

Strange, haven't you drunk so much coffee before? Is it too busy today? Or didn't sleep well last night? I don't have much energy today, so I need to drink so much coffee?

But Look deep less, it seems that the spirit is also good.

It's amazing.

After sister Lin went back, she took the time to make coffee for Mo at night. Originally wanted to let Han Muzi go to soak, but Han Muzi did not come back after 10 minutes, sister Lin had to go on the stage by herself.

She made a cup of coffee and delivered it to yemoshen in person.

Mo took a deep sip, then put down the cup, and then never touched the cup of coffee.

Lin elder sister also noticed, pick pick pick eyebrow: "deep little, drink so much coffee today, is last night did not have a good rest?"

Night Mo deep nod, thin lips pursed, and then raised his head cold voice: "heard that your secretary assistant has been recruited?"

Mention Han Muzi, Lin sister's eye ground appeared a touch of appreciation, nodded to admit.

"Yes, after many days of interview, I finally found a suitable one."

Night Mo deep nod head, be regarded as salute.

"If it's OK, I'll go to the Secretary's office first?"


Lin elder sister turned to walk two steps, but was night Mo deep call.

"Sister Lin."

Lin elder sister stops a step, look back doubtfully to night Mo deep, "deep little?"

It seems a little strange today.

Never care about the matter, he actually opened his mouth to ask himself a thing about the Secretary Assistant.

The gold-plated pen twists and turns in Ye Mo Shen's hands. Ye Mo Shen's eyes fall on sister Lin, and he says quietly: "sister Lin is a secretary valued by my grandfather. I only need to deal with some important documents, as for those trivial matters..."

He pauses for a moment. His dark eyes are so unpredictable that people can't see what he is thinking.

"Leave it to someone else."

Sister Lin is very surprised. Unexpectedly, Wei Chishen looks aloof and indifferent on the surface, but she still cares about others. She smiles and says, "Shen Shao, how can I say I am your secretary? Even if Mr. Wei Chi is not here, I should do my duty."

"Sister Lin can do as I say, or I'm not good to wait outside the bus."

Well, push all the perfect ones out.

Sister Lin went back to the Secretary's room and couldn't help sighing that an excellent person is likable and considerate. She thinks that he is an old man of weichi group, so let her deal with some important things, and hand over the trivial matters to others.

And on the other sideHan Muzi, like a small staff member, went everywhere to send materials. After sending this copy, there was another one. Because there was a place she didn't know, she asked someone else. As a result, the other Party pointed out the opposite direction to her directly. Han Muzi couldn't find it for a long time, so she had to go back.

After that, she learned a long lesson. She had to write down every place she went. She must take time to clarify the company's path, so as not to ask others about the opposite direction.

In fact, this kind of thing is too common in large companies.

After all, there are too many people in a big company. Although neither of them has time to deal with each other's work, if you ask for something from others, they may not help you, or even deliberately tease you.

The one who pointed her in the opposite direction was teasing.

Han Muzi dragged the leg back to the secretary room, saw Lin elder sister, had no choice but to express apology first. "I'm sorry, sister Lin, I just ran in the wrong place, so I'm a little late. Is there anything else I can do for you

Sister Lin saw that she had been running for a whole day, and now even her face was not very good, she shook her head.

"There's nothing more to do for the time being. Go sit down and read some information."


However, after a short time, Han Muzi began to be busy again. The tense hours finally came to an end at the time of work. Finally, he could get off work.

Sister Lin gently patted her on the shoulder, "it's hard today. I can see that you can bear hardships and work hard. If you become a full-time official, your salary will be better. In the future If I retire, I'll be in your position, too. "

Listen to speech, Han Mu purple lip corner smoked, hastily way: "Lin elder sister, you think too long-term."

She doesn't know whether she will stay here for long. Her goal is to let Ye Mo Shen recover his memory. As long as he recovers his memory, he should leave with himself.

By then, there would be no point in her remaining here.

After picking up some things, Han Muzi went home from work with a tired body.

Just home, Han Muzi has not had time to breathe, he first made a video call to his little baby.

"Mommy!" At the end of the video, millet bean God color flying, red light all over the face, especially happy to call her.

Han Muzi looked at such millet beans, and the corners of his lips gradually became hooked up.