Before George said these words, ye Moshen's cognition was that he would like to get him engaged to duanmuxue, a small matter, which he could take care of once.

So for him, he didn't pay attention to it at all.

After solving the problem, everything is back on the right track. We still live a normal life and do what we should do.

But now, as George said, Yemo Shen felt that his plan had been disrupted in advance.

Like a game of Gobang, he clearly set up the game, suddenly came a rampant animal, knocked down his chessboard, all his mind was in vain.

With this in mind, the breath on Mo Shen's body suddenly turns cold and cold. George's eyes look like a dead man.

The night was so cold that George unconsciously stepped back two steps and coughed to defend himself.

"Weichi, I really can't blame for this. You didn't tell me about it, did you? And When I called your little assistant, she didn't answer the phone. I almost blew her cell phone. I thought she knew about it, so she was angry... "

The deep tone of the night was gloomy.

"Who made you meddle? Do you really have nothing to do

George stepped back a few more steps: "no, I'm really busy, just by the way. Well, since I've told you about it, I'll leave first. "

After that, regardless of the reaction of Moshen, George turned and ran.

After running for a long time, George looked back with his chest covered and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mo Shen walking towards the garage at night.

I hope he didn't mess things up this time. If two people can't be together because of him, he really has to apologize for his death.


Han Muzi wandered in the street for a long time and realized that it was very late before she realized that she had to go home.

So she took a car and took it to the door downstairs. After paying for the car, she got out of the car to get the key. There was a cold male voice in the dark on the left side.

"Where have you been?"

The cold voice suddenly rang out, directly let Han Muzi scared, exclaimed, and the key in his hand also fell to the ground.

She had been thinking about things, and there was no light everywhere. After getting off the bus, the taxi soon left.

Look at the source of Han Muzi's voice.

In the dark, there is a small flame jumping. If she hears the familiar voice correctly, it should be the night

Thinking of the night, Han Muzi naturally thought that he would discuss the engagement this evening.

After losing her soul all night, Han Muzi is really fed up with this feeling. She reluctantly settles her mind and bends down to look for the key she has just left.

However, one hand was faster than her and picked up her key.

"Why don't you answer me?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

By the faint moonlight, Han Muzi reached for the key in his hand: "thank you, I went out to eat with my friends."

She took the key, and her soft fingers ran unconsciously across his palms.

At that moment, night Mo Shen didn't know what was going on and wanted to hold her hand and stay.

However, when he was stunned, Han Muzi took the key back and opened the door.

Night Mo deep silent to see her do all this, put out the smoke in the hand, and then follow her to go in.

After a few steps, Han Muzi realized that he could only stop following himself.


"It's too dark. I'll take you upstairs."

Han Muzi: "it's just

In fact, she wanted to ask him, what did she do when she came to her so late? And didn't he discuss the engagement? Wouldn't it be ironic to come and find yourself after the discussion?

Finally, she swallowed these words back and walked on silently.

Soon arrived in front of the house, Han Muzi looked at him: "delivered."

In the dark, Mo Shen's eyes seem to be brighter than the moon. He stares at her in silence and says, "don't invite me in for a drink?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

He asked for it on his own initiative.

Han Muzi remembered what he had done before he came here tonight. He bit his lower lip and gave him a cruel reply: "it's too late. It's not convenient."


Night Mo deep low laugh out a voice, go forward a step close to her, hot air spit on her neck.

"Tell me, then, what's the inconvenience?"

When he spoke, the breath passed on his neck consciously or unconsciously, itching. Han Muzi quickly stepped back to avoid it.

Mo Shen night seems to continue to move forward, Han Muzi flustered open the door, and then walked in to turn on the light, "then you sit anywhere, I'll give you a glass of water."Follow her into the door, night Mo Shen conveniently shut the door, thinking about how to explain to her at night.

If she takes the initiative to explain, will she have a misunderstanding?

Why don't you wait until she asks herself?

Well, it works.

After Han Muzi poured water for the night, they were quiet again. It was very late at the moment, and there was also a silence around.

Night Mo Shen took a cup of water, waiting for Han Muzi's question, but after he sat drinking a glass of water, the woman was still very quiet.

Soon a glass of water was at the bottom.

Han Muzi raised his head and reminded him weakly: "the water is finished, president."

The night is not deep

He was a little agitated, reaching out and pulling his tie on his chest: "I still feel thirsty."

"Oh." Han Muzi can only nod: "then I'll pour you another cup."

She picked up the glass and went back to the kitchen to pour water again, slowly.

Ye Moshen looked at her and put a cup of warm water in front of him again. This time, he didn't drink it slowly because he was upset in his heart, so he took it and poured it hard.

The water was thumping down his throat.

Then he raised his eyes and saw the woman sitting there, quietly drooping her eyes, and her whole body seemed to have no vitality and vitality.

Such she let night Mo deep heart is more restless, he suddenly bang the cup on the table.

Han Muzi, who had been sitting quietly, looked up at him as if he had been startled, but he quickly took back his eyes.

"You, have no questions to ask me?"

Finally, the night Mo deep can not help but take the initiative to ask.

Han Muzi, who had been sitting still, finally had a little reaction. Her lips moved, as if she wanted to say something, but she thought about it and shook her head.

"Nothing to ask. It's very late now. Don't you have to go back?"

Words down, heard the opposite night Mo deep sneer, and then look up, see him with the eyes of irony staring at himself.

Such eyes, let Han Muzi's heart fire also follow to run up.

He was the one who went to discuss the engagement. He didn't say it himself, but he wanted her to ask?

What did she ask? In what capacity?