They are brother and sister.

See his sister cry into this ghost like, Duanmu Ze said not heartache is false.

But heartache, also can't connive her to do those things that beat the mandarin duck, that is to damage the moral. Duanmu Ze's big hand gently patted Duanmu Xue's back and coaxed in a soft voice: "darling, don't cry. What's good about him at night? He is not the only man in the world. My brother will introduce you more excellent ones. Besides, he doesn't deserve you at night. He has no vision, eh? "

Duanmuxue sobbed in his arms, tears fell down, always shaking his head, Duanmu Ze can only continue to coax her.

Duanmu Ze cried incessantly. When she finally stopped, she was still twitching. She sobbed and looked at Duanmu Ze's arm. The wound that was bitten there is still bleeding, and the meat is a little rotten, it looks very serious and terrible.

"I'm sorry I was really impulsive just now. Does it hurt? " She asked in tears of heartache.

Duanmu Ze touched her head, wry smile: "as long as you don't do stupid things, brother let you bite more than a few times doesn't matter, anyway, this small injury and can't die."

"I'm sorry, brother. I'll It won't be so disgraceful again. "

Duanmu Ze a listen, think she is the night Mo deep dead heart, has been hanging the heart also finally put down, "you can think of good, that kind of man is not worth."

"Brother, I'm all right, you go to bandage the wound, don't wait for the wound to deteriorate, it's too late." Finish saying that, Duanmu Ze also stretched out his hand to wipe tears from the corners of his eyes, urging Duanmu Ze.

Duanmuze hesitantly looked at her back, and then said: "I'll go to deal with the wound. I'll call the servant to clean up the room for you later. You'll have a rest first, and then take a bath to calm down. Then I'll take you out to play and introduce you more excellent men."

"brother, go get the wound." Duanmu snow pushed him downstairs, Duanmu Ze recalcitrant, but she had to go to the doctor to see the wound first.

Looking at Duanmu Ze's back, duanmuxue's expression just now changed, and her lips gradually brought up a cold smile.

She held out her index finger and gently wiped the tears out of her eyes.

My brother is right. If she goes on like this, she will only let others see jokes, which is of no use at all. No matter how she smashes and cries here, the night is too deep to see and will not like her.

It seems that She can't use the old way.

Since she still does not believe that fate will let her go.

The night is not deep You wait and see, even if you don't love me, but you refuse my hatred, I will certainly remember that I will let you ask me to marry you.

Duanmuxue made up her mind and her smile became gloomy and terrifying.

The servants hiding in the dark could not help shivering when they saw this scene. Several people looked at each other and communicated in a low voice: "is everything OK, miss? That smile was so terrible just now

"Who knows? When our young lady is so old, she is not held up? I think it will be very exciting to be rejected this time. Alas... "

"I hope you can recover quickly. If you lose your temper like this, I think we'll be too hurt to get out of bed in a few days."



on the other side, near the end of work, Han Muzi went to the office to deliver materials. Because of what ye Moshen had said to her, she didn't stay in the office any more. Instead, she put down the information and explained it, then turned around and left.

Who knows, night Mo Shen actually raised his head to look at her back and said, "wait for me when I get off work."

Han Muzi's step meal, some uncertain to look back at him: "ah?"

Night Mo deep pursed thin lips, squint eyes to see her: "do not want?"

Han Muzi said No, I'll go out first. "

In case he says he's seducing him later.


After Han Muzi left, the night Mo Shen opened the document, no one noticed that his lips were still with a faint smile.

Soon it was time to get off work. Han Muzi slowed down a little when she came out of the Secretary's room and looked at the door of the office.

Just now night Mo Shen told her to wait for him after work, but he didn't say what kind of waiting method it was.

Wait at the company and leave together or?

What about the kind of waiting like before?

After thinking about it, Han Muzi always thinks that the latter kind will be more reliable, because although her relationship with ye Moshen is further, they do not explicitly say what the relationship is.

And for ye Moshen's current identity, if she leaves the company with him now, it will inevitably attract criticism.

When the time comes, these things will surely spread to old man weichi.

After that, she decided to take the elevator with Han Chao.Because she was waiting for the night, Han Muzi walked very slowly this time, like a walk.

Sure enough, not a moment later, the car caught up with Mo Shen in the night. Before he lowered the window, Han Muzi turned around excitedly and went back to the other side directly to open the door and get on.

As she fastened her seat belt, she heard him question herself in a cold voice.

"Didn't you wait for me?"

Hearing this, Han Muzi's seat belt movement slowed down a few minutes. She raised her head to his dark eyes and found that there was a strong displeasure in his eyes.

"I've been waiting, haven't you noticed that I'm walking very slowly today?"

Night Mo deep frown, the expression on the face is still unhappy.


Han Muzi really does not understand, clearly oneself all intentionally slows down the pace to wait for him, how he still is not happy appearance? After thinking about it, Han Muzi quickly responded, "you You don't want me to wait for you at the company, do you? "

He pressed his lips in a straight line, silent, and the answer was obviously yes.

Han Muzi suddenly speechless, she will fasten the seat belt after hand back, look elsewhere.

"That won't work. I can't leave the company with you."

Originally facial expression is not good night Mo deep after listening to this word instantly tighten double eyebrow, "how, be afraid to be seen you with me?"

Han Muzi nodded honestly.

She was really afraid that they would be seen walking together, and there was nothing she could do about gossip.

See her unexpectedly without hesitation to admit, night Mo deep eyebrow twist deeper, the whole body has begun to gush cold breath.

"Are you so afraid of being discovered? I'm very shady? Well? "

Han Muzi didn't want to be with him. He was afraid that the old man weichi would find out. But she couldn't Parry at that time. She didn't think of anything else.

At this moment, she realized that she might have said something wrong and said in a flustered voice: "it's not what you think, i..."