Seeing her coming towards him, Han Muzi frowned.

If she wants to do it, it is absolutely disadvantageous to herself. Although women fight less heavily than men, it is very terrible.

And she's pregnant now, in case

Han Muzi wrung her eyebrows and thought about the countermeasures. The door of the bathroom was suddenly pushed open, and then sister Lin came in.

Two people here were stunned at the same time, especially duanmuxue. She immediately went to pick up the bag she had thrown away on the ground, and quickly arranged her hair and clothes.

"Well? Muzi, are you here? " Sister Lin came into the bathroom and saw Han Muzi, so she said hello to her.

Han Muzi blinked her eyes, and her lips rose to Yang: "sister Lin."

"What are you doing there?" Sister Lin frowned and said, "what are you doing? You're not lazy, are you? "

Han Muzi smiles and shakes his head: "no, it's just that this young lady happened to come in. She told me that her things were lost, so I helped her find them by the way."

She pointed to Duanmu snow.

Duanmu snow is facing Lin elder sister in finishing himself. Hearing Han Muzi say so, she immediately glared at her with hatred, and then turned her head.

"Oh, isn't this the first lady of Duanmu family?" Seeing her, sister Lin immediately thought of the phone call from the president just now. She only said, "don't take the no three and four people to the head of his office.".

She was thinking all the way that the Duanmu family and the weichi family had made friends for generations? How did the president suddenly say such words? Is it possible that the eldest lady of the Duanmu family did something to make the president lose his temper?

So now see Duanmu snow, Lin Jie's mood is very delicate.

Duanmu snow on her inquiry eyes, instant temper up, haughty glance at her: "see what I do?"

Sister Lin shook her head and coughed gently, "nothing, Miss Duanmu. Have you found what you are looking for?"

Did not wait for her to answer, Han Muzi first voice: "have found, Duanmu Miss said she will go back soon, sister Lin see whether to find a send her downstairs?"

Sister Lin blinked and thought it was right, so she nodded: "well, I'll personally take you downstairs."

Then he euphemistically conveyed the meaning of the president just now, hoping that duanmuxue would not come again tomorrow, so that the front desk would suddenly send people to the head of the office.

Originally, Han Muzi thought that sister Lin would let her send it to her. Unexpectedly, she went out in person, which made Han Muzi a little surprised.

Duanmu snow is also angry teeth itching, but in front of this looks very heavy, she cold hum a: "do not you send, let her send me can."

She pointed to Han Muzi beside her.

Sister Lin looked at Han Muzi and Duanmu Xue. How could she feel that there was a different atmosphere between them?

But think about it, sister Lin can understand.

When a young woman comes to Wei Chishen, the answer is naturally self-evident, and Han Muzi is also a young woman, or a beautiful one. Duanmuxue sees her, naturally will regard her as a love enemy.

If it is usually, she may have agreed, but today she wants to euphemistically express Wei Chishen's meaning, let Han Muzi go, it's not easy to say directly, and what if she offends people? After all, no one knows what will become of Duanmu family and weichi family.

And she, just a secretary, doesn't want to be the fuse in the middle.

Thinking of this, sister Lin said with a smile: "I have something else to tell her to do, or let me this secretary take you downstairs. It's reasonable. Muzi, don't hurry back to sort out the information. How long do you want us to wait for you? "

When talking about the back, sister Lin also deliberately stiff face, very angry look.

Han Muzi Leng for a moment, quickly react to come over.

"I know, sister Lin. I'll go back to work immediately."

With that, she took a look at Duanmu Xue with the rest of her eyes, and then left the bathroom quickly.

Duanmuxue looked at her back, hate can't, take back his eyes, found Lin sister's face still with a faint smile, can't help but sneer: "you are deep brother's secretary? According to your age, you should know the relationship between the weichi family and the Duanmu family? "

Sister Lin is a person who has come here. How can she not recognize what she is trying to say by saying this. She smiles and nods: "well, I used to be the Secretary of the old man, but I don't know much about the affairs of the big family. I'm just a small secretary, and I usually deal with the company's trivial matters."

The implication is that I don't know. Don't tell me. It's useless for me.

Duanmuxue heard it and snorted coldly, but she didn't dare to shake her face on purpose. After all, she would come to find ye Moshen in the future, so she could only change her tactics and soft voice.

"Secretary sister, I heard that brother Shen is very busy recently, so I have told my grandfather Wei Chi that I want to help elder brother Shen relieve his work pressure. So, Secretary sister, look at what positions are suitable for me in this company. I can do anything. "As long as you can see the night every day.

Before she thought she could come every day, but now after seeing Han Muzi, duanmuxue suddenly felt that she could not relax any more.

She actually worked as a little assistant here for the sake of Yemo Shen. I didn't expect that

Just don't know now she and ye Moshen have developed to what extent.

Sister Lin can't help frowning when she hears the speech. The president is angry. Don't let her come. She even wants to enter the company to find something to do? What's more, he moved out the old man weichi to oppress her?

Ha ha, when she worked for so many years in this position, is her brain made of water?

However, without smiling, sister Lin smiles: "the company's current personnel situation has basically stabilized, if you want to add a new position, I'm just a small secretary, not the winner."

As they were talking, they walked outside. Duanmuxue quickly followed her: "there is no special position. As long as you can help Shen brother, Secretary sister, I have really told my grandfather about this matter, and my grandfather has agreed. Do you think you can arrange it for me?"

Sister Lin shook her head: "it's not that I don't arrange for you, it's that there's really no good position for you in the company. You're a big lady of Duanmu, you can't Let you go to the bottom? "

"What?" Duanmu Xue smelled the words, his face was a little ugly: "the bottom? What do you mean

Sister Lin said with a smile: "now it's only there. Miss Duanmu didn't say As long as you can help the president? But now there are no job vacancies in the company, and I'm in a dilemma. "

Let her go to the bottom? Where can you see the night? To also useless, duanmuxue some chagrin, "that just left the person is what position? Why can she be here? "