Since George knew that Duanmu snow was brought home by Duanmu Ze, Duanmu Aotian became angry, and he felt that the evil woman had finally been punished.

After the excitement, George felt depressed again.

Anyway, it's because I used to like women for several years. In those years, she was really his light. Wherever he went, his sight would follow. Later His true heart was thrown under the trample.

George took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was almost evening. He looked through the business card list and found that he didn't even have a person to talk to.

George fell down and thought he was a failure.

For such a long time, he didn't even have a intimate friend. Weichi is such an asshole. If he calls now, he will only give himself a cold word to get rid of.

He is a friend who can make heart to heart, but he is not one who can talk to each other!

After thinking about it, George decided to go for a drink himself, so he drove outside and watched the shops selling all kinds of food.

A girl's face suddenly appeared before George's eyes.

She ate and was moved to the bottom of her heart. She looked at herself with tears in her eyes and said, "it's very kind of you."!

Why don't you tell her to come out for a big meal?

After all, she is the only one who can tell him that you are so nice when eating.

Fifteen minutes later,

Laurie entered the hotel with her bag, explained to the waiter, and was taken to a box.

As soon as she got into the box, Laurie smelled the delicious smell of the table full of delicious food, and George was sitting in the middle of it.

George in this scene is more attractive than a handsome man with long legs.

Lori quickly walked over, put down her bag and asked in a voice, "why did you ask me out to eat at night?"

"Coming?" George glanced at her and explained, "I'm in a good mood today. Don't you think of you? So I'll treat you to a big meal. "

"But So much, can we finish? "

"Don't worry. Eat slowly. It doesn't matter if you can't finish it."

Anyway, he just wants to find someone to accompany him today. Lori is a good choice.

Laurie looked at his generous look, subconsciously swallowing her saliva: "I can't finish eating, can I take it with me?"

George: "well Yes. "

"Thank you!" said Laurie

Then she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. George looked at her. When the food was imported, the white face showed a satisfied expression, then moved. Finally, she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"The food in this house is so delicious, isn't it? George, you are so kind

Again, began to praise him, as long as the delicious food, Lori is simply a changed person.

George couldn't help teasing her at the thought of her ferocious appearance before, so he began to ask, "is that it? How good is it? "

"It's very good, the best in the world!" Laurie murmured as she stuffed food into her mouth

George couldn't help laughing. "So you're bragging about me? I'll treat you to a big meal every day for the next month

It's just praising people. It's hard for Lori. She doesn't like flattery, so she licked her lips and said, "although the conditions of one month are very tempting, I can't boast you without conscience."

The smile on George's lips froze. Maybe he didn't expect Laurie to say so. He narrowed his eyes and said, "are you serious? Don't I have any advantages? "

The expression on his face almost became depressed in a second. Laurie was embarrassed and murmured, "in fact, you have advantages, too."

George seemed to have lost hope for himself and asked with a wry smile, "is that it?"

In the past, he thought duanmuxue looked down on him because she had no vision, but now Lori's words let him suddenly wake up, maybe Is he George really worthless?

Laurie nodded: "of course, everyone has advantages and disadvantages. Although the news I heard about you was passed on to me by others, I found that you still have advantages in these meetings

"Well, what are my advantages?"

"Sincere ah, I think you treat people very sincerely, do you know how difficult Muzi is to get close to? Because she and I are both Chinese, I want to be close to her, but she is very wary. I move her by sincerity. So she can accept you as a friend, which shows that you are also very sincere. The most important point... "

Speaking of this, Laurie pauses, seems to be hesitating, after a long time just looked up at him and said: "you are quite sympathetic."


Laurie dropped her eyes and didn't eat in her mouth. She was obviously depressed. "I know that you're pitying me by asking me to have a big meal. Those words that invite me first and then invite you when I have money are just comforting me

George was stunned, but she found out.At first, he simply invited her to have dinner with him. Later, he saw that she had eaten delicious food and cried, so he began to feel compassion, so he promised to invite her to have a big meal.

I didn't expect that she knew all about it.

"Thank you." Laurie raised her head and looked at him with serious eyes for the first time. "I used to think you always had a layer of filter, but now I find that I still can't listen to one side of others. No matter what others say about you, they just see one-sided, not all of you, so We can't just talk about a person's character. "

George: "it's just

He was stupefied for a long time to react, he was actually comforted by a little girl.

Oh, he was moved. George saw that she was looking at herself with her big eyes open. Her eyelashes were glistening with tears, flickering and shining, and her outline became bright and charming.

George was in a daze.

When he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but spit at himself. Loli, a little girl, was definitely not his type. What he liked was duanmuxue, which was bright and beautiful, but He thought Laurie was beautiful, too?

At the thought of this, George touched his nose. What a hell!

"Well, don't talk nonsense there. Even if you don't say nice words, I'll treat you to a big meal. Eat it quickly."

Hearing this, Laurie couldn't help but stare at her eyes: "really? Why didn't you say it earlier? "


Laurie: if you had said that, I wouldn't have to think so much about you

With that, Lori shook her head helplessly and continued to eat. But she raised her head and said again, "don't forget your promise."

George: "it's just

Suddenly, I want to take back what I said before? Even if not really praise him, but said it, how can not let him immerse for a while?

George felt that his heart was badly hurt.

More serious than lovelorn!

However, the previous sadness seems to have suddenly disappeared.