Han Muzi was dazed by her eyes. She just wanted to ask her what was wrong with her, but then she saw Xiaoyan turn around and walk towards the porch. The whole person looked very strange.

This is What's up?

She felt a little strange, after all, Xiaoyan who received the phone call from Han Qing should not be this gesture, and she did not clearly tell herself what happened.

Unless it's not Han Qing who called her?

Thinking of this, Han Muzi's heart hung up, and then quickly got up to keep up with Xiaoyan's steps.

Han Muzi followed Xiao Yan to the porch.

Seeing that Xiaoyan had come to the door, she wanted to reach out to open the door, but as soon as her hand was on the doorknob, she was scared to draw her hand back, as if the door would be electrocuted, and as if there was a plague outside.

Then, Xiao Yan stepped back a step, and then quickly ran to Han Muzi's back to hide, not swallow sound.

It looks like

Feeling very strange, Han Muzi looked out of the door suspiciously, then patted Xiaoyan's hand comfortingly, and said in a soft voice: "don't worry, I'll come."

Then she went up to the cat's eye to see who was outside.

Originally, the cat's eye was installed for safety, but she didn't care much about it. This time, Xiao Yan's extreme reaction also made her worried. So it's better to see who the people are outside.

Han Muzi looked at the cat's eye. She was stunned.

Then she backed away and quickly opened the door.

A tall and upright figure stood at the door, and her cold face became colder and colder under the corridor light. After looking at Han Muzi, Han Qing's eyes softened for a moment, but soon passed her and fell on the pale face behind her. Her eyes became cold and stern in an instant.

Xiaoyan shrunk her shoulders. At this moment, I really hope that she has a hard shell, so that she can retract, and then she can hide in it and not come out.

After all, this time, Han Qing's eyes are really cold and sharp, like a sharp knife, she did not dare to face.

Han Muzi naturally felt Han Qing's eyes, but she didn't expect that he would run over without saying a word. She was smiling and standing beside him without trace, blocking Han Qing's sight of Xiaoyan. "Brother, why don't you tell me?"

Han Muzi appeared in his sight. The coldness in Han Qing's eyes disappeared inch by inch, but obviously he came with emotion. Although he didn't want to have emotion in the face of his sister, his mood fluctuation was probably too big. He couldn't suppress it and let it out.

"It's too late."

He said faintly, and then stepped in.

When passing by from Han Muzi's side, Han Muzi smelled his dusty breath, frowned slightly, and then closed the door behind his back hand.

Han Qing came alone this time, and he didn't bring Su Jiuyi.

However, it's normal to think about it. This time is not working time. In China, today is the first day of the new year, yesterday is 30. Su Jiu is a family member. He has already had a holiday and went back to spend the reunion night. How could he accompany Han Qing to this foreign country?

Besides, even if Su Jiu is willing to work overtime, Han Qing probably won't let her work overtime.

When Han Qing passed by Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan felt that her body and mind were shaking. When she left before, she clearly thought well and had great courage. She also thought that when Han Qing came, she would push all the pots to Xiaomi Dou.

Anyway, their brother and sister won't do anything to Xiaomi Dou.

But now? Real Han Qing appeared, but she didn't even dare to breathe.

After Han Qing went in, Xiao Yan still stood in situ, Han Muzi came and took her hand, "go in."

"No way." Xiao Yan shook his head and bit his lower lip. His eyes were red: "Mu purple, my legs are soft."

Han Muzi: "it's just

She was stunned for a long time, and then she burst out with a helpless smile: "are you too useless? He didn't get angry with you, so you're scared? What will you do in the future? Don't you still want to marry him? "

Xiao Yan shook her head vigorously: "I dare not think about it now."

There is only one thought in her mind now, that is, hope Han Qing doesn't blame her, Wuwu, and don't talk to her.

"I'm here." Han Muzi can only comfort her like this: "what can I do for you?"

After listening to her, Xiao Yan went in after her.

Although this is Han Qing's first visit to this place, Han Qing treats it as if it is his own home. After entering, he looks around, as if he is checking the environment here. After making sure the environment was better than he thought, he took a breath and sat down on the sofa.

Han Muzi takes Xiaoyan into the living room. At this time, only two of them are at home. Xiaoyan hides behind Han Muzi and dare not look into Han Qing's eyes.

Han Muzi looks at Han Qing and smiles: "brother, what do you want to drink?"In the face of his sister, Han Qing pursed her thin lips, and then said, "boiled water is OK."

So Han Muzi patted her hand tightly and said, "Xiao Yan, you go to pour a glass of water."

Xiao Yan didn't dare to stay here. After listening to Han Muzi's words, she looked at her gratefully, and then quickly turned to the kitchen to pour water. Meanwhile, because of the tension, she staggered and nearly fell forward.

Fortunately, Xiaoyan's skill is not bad, and soon stood in the kitchen.

Han Muzi takes back her eyes and walks to Han Qing and sits down.


Han Qing raised his eyelids and his eyes fell on Han Muzi's body: "how do you feel thin? He didn't take care of you? "

When referring to the last question, Han Qing's tone was a little more cold, listening to feel very dangerous.

Han Mu purple Leng Leng, quickly shook his head for the night Mo deep explanation: "brother, what do you say? How can he take care of me if he didn't know me before

"This bastard."

Han Qing clenched his fists and made a hard speech. His face became ugly.

"But don't be angry, brother. I have already known him. He knows that Xiaomi Dou is his child and is very good to me. You..."

Hearing this, Han Qing sneered, "have you met? Is it because of Xiaomi Dou? If Xiaoyan didn't bring Xiaomi Dou with him, what's your situation now? "

His tone was very strict, and he seemed to have a strong opinion on her losing weight.

Han Muzi opened her lips, but she couldn't say a word. She was just a little thinner. Han Qing's opinion was so big. If he knew that he was about to miscarry, wouldn't he tear down the house?

This idea just flashed in my mind, Han Muzi was firm and couldn't tell Han Qing about it.

"Now, where are the people?"

As soon as Han Qing's problem fell, Xiaoyan came out of the kitchen with water.