Jason really thinks so.

When he said that he was the center of thought, Jason had nothing to say.

Then heard the night Mo deep light mouth: "I just want to restore memory, not to commit suicide."

As a result, he began to lift his hands and unbutton his coat one by one.

in front of him was the huge swimming pool, which was much more than what he had simulated before. Jason looked around and suddenly said, "let's go find more people to watch you, or I'm afraid you'll have an accident and I can't save you alone."

The night Mo Shen's hand movement, eh a.

So Jason quickly turned to call someone. He took out his mobile phone and took a look at it. He found that Xiao Su's wechat was still very quiet and did not reply a message to him.

Damn it, what's the matter with this asshole? Don't you care about your night?

He has been open for so long, but he didn't find it at all?

But soon, Jason found out that it wasn't right.

Because he saw on the map, Xiao Su's little green dots were very close to him, almost overlapped together, so that he almost didn't see it.

Jason was so excited that he almost cried out.

I didn't expect that Xiao Su really came, and it didn't waste him all kinds of procrastination along the way.

Just in case, instead of turning off the shared location, Jason shoved the phone back into his pocket and back again.

The night Mo Shen stands there, the complexion does not change, sees the person to come back, then cold voice asks: "can start?"

"Wait a minute." After seeing Xiao Su rushing to this side, jerin decided to fight for more time before he came. Maybe there will be different results today?

"Well?" Night Mo deep pick eyebrow to see him: "what else?"

"I thought about it carefully just now. It's not that there is no cure for your disease. You don't have to take this extreme route. Besides, in terms of experience, there are really few people like you to treat amnesia, so I just thought of a good way

"What can I do?" Don't ask deeply and coldly at night.

"There must be a way, but we need to work out a plan. So I don't think we need to worry about it today. We'll go back with me first. I've finished the plan. If you're satisfied, we'll start to implement it tomorrow."

The night was not moving, Jason was a little suspicious, looking at him: "how do you feel?"


It's a good time for you to laugh at it

“…… You see through it? Well, I really want to stop you from going into the water today. You've suffered a lot of mental attacks this week. You've been stuck together and haven't left. If something happens to you today, I really can't afford it. "

After that, he continued to add: "but I really thought of a way. Many people can be cured by this. If you don't believe it, you can go back with me. I'll tell you slowly."

Jason knew that he couldn't go back with him. He was just deliberately delaying time.

Perhaps night Mo Shen knew his purpose, did not pay attention to him, and walked slowly to the swimming pool.

"That Mo Shen, don't be impulsive. Listen to what I said just now. I said that if there is a way, there is a way. Stop quickly. "

At this critical moment, a light and thin female voice suddenly rang in the room.

"Is it fun to lie to me?"


The sudden appearance of the female voice, for Jason, is the sacred light. His eyes follow the source of the voice and see a woman appear in his sight.

And follow in the woman's side there are several people, one of them is Xiao su.

They obviously came, and their breath was a little unsteady.


Finally let him delay until, fortunately, he just made a voice, otherwise at this moment, the night Mo Shen may have been in the water.

When he heard Han Muzi's voice, he felt his heart hit hard by something. After a moment, he frowned fiercely and looked at Jason fiercely.

This was the place he looked for at random, so Xiao Su could not have known it in advance.

So, Jason was the only one with him.

It must be Jason who put the news out.

Jason received his eyes and had to take out his mobile phone.

"When I got on the bus, I started sharing location, but it's not easy to find you. I can only say that they are smart and fast enough."

Well, he is really a bad man.

The original intention is good, but now the party is going to eat his appearance, so afraid.

"I'm asking you something." Before that female voice rang again, almost instantly, Jason felt the anger and anger of Yemo Shen's body disappeared half.


Is this the power of love? Jason sighed in his heart, and then looked at Han Muzi recklessly.According to his understanding, ye Moshen's mother died long ago, and the people of the night family had no feelings to speak of, not to mention turning enemies into enemies.

So it's impossible to restore memory for the family.

The only possibility is this woman.

I didn't expect that my best friend was so indifferent that he had to die for a woman.

Well, more beautiful than he thought, the most important thing is that his temperament is very clean.

Is that what his friends like?

It seems to have temperament, but the tone just said seems not weak at all, but very strong.

It seems that his good friend is going to suffer.

Sure enough, night Mo Shen did not dare to look back at Han Muzi's face, let alone go with her on the eyes.

There were a lot of people around, but they were so quiet that they couldn't even hear the sound of breathing.

Night Mo Shen has not answered Han Muzi's question. Han Muzi was just standing in his position. Seeing that he did not answer, he simply walked towards him.

People hold their breath to watch this scene, always feel as if the surrounding air is about to freeze.

The room, which was not warm, is now even more air-conditioned.

Walking almost far from the night, Han Muzi stopped, she looked at the water, "dare not say, or disdain to say?"

The last three words let night Mo deep frown, thin lips pursed more tightly, he slowly turned around, on the Han Mu purple eyes.

Jason coughed slightly at this moment. "Why don't we go out first?"

After that, he went out directly, and the others didn't want to stay here any longer, so they left with him.

To the door, a cold wind blowing, Xiaoyan subconsciously hugged his arm, standing beside her Xiao Su saw, blurted out a question: "cold?"

After asking, he took off his coat and put it on Xiao Yan's body.

"If you've just had a fever, you'd better keep warm to avoid recurrence."

Han Qing lifted his eyelids without a trace, and the light from the corner of his eyes glanced at Xiaoyan's coat.