Chapter 1010

"Old house?"

Hear these two words, night Mo dark dark eyes appear a touch of confused color.

Han Muzi also reacted. He had lost his memory. He couldn't remember his old house. He could only explain: "it was the house of Yejia before. We lived there five years ago, and then..."

Later, after she left, she did not know when they moved away.

After she returned home, she didn't care what the house looked like until these days. It turned out that the house had been vacant for many years.

Because the night old man has been living in the sanatorium, and night Leng cold set up his own house, also did not live there.

Yemoshen is needless to say, according to his temper, it is impossible to live in that house.

"What happened then?" I don't seem to care about it.

"I'm not sure. I have to ask Xiao Su about the situation at that time."

He has been following in the night Mo Shen's side, this matter asks him is the clearest.

Xiao Su?

Night Mo deep pursed lip to nod: "this matter I come to settle, you don't worry."


The next morning, night Mo Shen directly called Xiao Su to the office and asked about the old house.

Mention of the old house, Xiao Su's expression becomes a little delicate.

"Little night, why did you suddenly ask about the old house at this time?"

"What?" The night Mo deep observes his expression: "the old house has a problem?"

Xiao Su grabs his head and explains, "it's not a problem. It's that the old house has been vacant for a long time and no one has lived there. Do you want to go back to live at night?"

Go back to live?

Night Mo deep recall Han Muzi yesterday said those words.

She said that they used to live there, so If you go back to live, can you find your own memory through the track of your previous life?

Thinking of this, the night Mo deep nod: "you first let people to prepare, clean some, I will go to see the day after tomorrow."

"Good nights."

Xiao Su should leave the office after the next, the mood is still a little depressed.

Little night I hate old houses before.

Because there is the place where the Yejia old man lived, and the house was built when he was young. So after the two sides turned against each other, yemoshen swallowed the whole Yeshi directly and sent the old man to the sanatorium.

To put it better, it's a sanatorium.

It's actually a mental hospital.

Later, yeshao asked for someone to seal the house, and then dust sealed to the present.

I didn't expect that it would be opened one day.

Xiao Su thought carefully, if it was not for special reasons, ye Shao would not let him do so, so before doing this, Xiao Su called Han Muzi.

, it's not the least of the night's decisions, but actually the young grandmother has the final say.

Han Muzi was quite surprised when she received the call from Xiao su. She didn't expect that ye Moshen asked him to do something. He turned his head and asked his opinion. When did she have such a great power?

After Han Muzi finally nodded and said that he and ye Mo had mentioned this matter, Xiao Su secretly said in his heart. Sure enough, if it was not for the young grandmother, how could yeshao suddenly mention the old house of Yejia.

Think of here, Xiao Su will be before the matter said to Han Muzi listen.

"Well, I know all that you said, but now your night boy has lost his memory. We either live in it or take him around occasionally. After all, it's the place where we used to live. Maybe it can stimulate him to think of something."

Xiao Su heard this, nodded: "I understand the little grandmother."

"By the way, how did you call me to ask what you were told to do at night?" Finally, Han Muzi can't help asking.

Xiao Su: "it's Little grandma, to tell you the truth, yeshao is probably listening to you now. I'm sure I'll call and ask about it. "

It turned out that Han Muzi felt a little sweet in his heart, but he didn't say much.

When she was about to hang up, Xiao Su suddenly called out her little grandmother.

"What's the matter, Xiao Su, is there anything else?"

Han Muzi was asked by Han Muzi. When she got to her lips, Xiao Su couldn't say another word. Han Muzi resumed her normal tone when she heard the end of her mobile phone.

"It's nothing, young granny. I'll take care of these things."


After hanging up the phone, Han Muzi looks at the mobile phone in a daze. In fact, she knows that Xiao Su's desire to talk is to ask what she wants to ask. At that moment, her words also came to her lips and almost came out.

At last she held back.

It's better not to tell Xiao Su about Xiaoyan's resignation. Xiaoyan looks in a bad mental state that day. If she adds other burdens to Xiaoyan at this time, it will only make Xiaoyan more miserable.She needs an environment where she can slowly repair her mood.

So from the day she left, Han Muzi decided not to disturb her.

After all, she is Han Qing's sister.

See her words, will also let Xiaoyan touch the scene?

So this time she is not in front of Xiaoyan.

After Xiao Su hung up the phone, she also looked at her mobile phone for a long time. Finally, she sighed deeply, then put away her mobile phone and went to work.

Soon, Xiao Su sent for someone to clean up the old house. Although the things were valuable before, they were empty for so many years. After all, they were not used and maintained for a long time. Now they look very old.

If Han Muzi had not ordered the things in the old house not to be moved or replaced, Xiao Su might have replaced some of the furniture inside.

But after listening to Han Muzi's words, Xiao Su also knew what Han Muzi meant, and ordered the cleaning servants not to touch those things, just clean them up.

In just two days, the old house had been cleaned up.

Xiao Su went to find Han Muzi directly. Han Muzi did not tell ye Moshen that she had gone there in person. Although she had not been here for a long time, now standing in the old house of Yejia, looking at the plants and trees here, it seems that the previous scene has emerged.

Scenes flashed past.

When she just married in, she really suffered a lot of grievances.

At that time, the night Mo deep mouth is still very poisonous, good to her has never been said, anyway, although he was bullying himself, but never let outsiders insult her.

At that time, when there was no one to help her, the night was a touch of sunshine in the depth of the cold winter.

That's why she was at that time Can't you fall in love with him?

Thinking of this, Han Muzi smiles.

She didn't stay very long. She came out with Xiao Su about ten minutes later.