Chapter 1022

This happened overnight. In the morning of the next day, Xiao Su found that she could not contact the representative.

Call, no one answers.

Texting, no one answered.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, Xiao Su rushed to the third floor of the sunshine community. However, he didn't know which room the ghostwriter lived in. Seeing that the time was coming for the delivery, Xiao Su had to call someone to check the room number of the ghostwriter.

In the process of checking, Xiao Su thought of taking precautions, so he took the initiative to call ye Moshen.

Who knows night Mo Shen just answered the phone, heard the voice of Han Muzi coming from the mobile phone.

"There are few traces of our activities on the first floor. Let's go to the second floor."

This is

Xiao Su thought about it for a while and asked carefully, "yeshao, did you and your little grandmother go to the old house of Yejia?"

Night Mo deep cold voice in the end of the mobile phone.


Hearing this, Xiao Su was pleased, but he still didn't show it. He asked carefully, "that night, the information you asked me to make before..."

"There's no time now."

Night Mo deep voice, found that Han Muzi is staring at him, "who called you?"

"It's OK." Night Mo Shen directly hung up the phone, and then walked towards her with a steady step, "the wrong number, you just said you want to go to the second floor?"

While talking, the night is not deep at the same time his mobile phone back into his pocket.

Han Muzi nodded: "well, go to the second floor."

"I don't know if the elevator can still be used," she thought

"Take the stairs. Be safe."


Xiao Su, who was hung up on the phone, can say that he has no temper at all. On the contrary, he is very happy. For him, it means that he has no time to take care of his affairs.

So even if he can't get the information at this time, ye Moshen has no time to trouble him.

Then he has time to deal with other things.

Just at this time, Xiao Su asked to check the room number, so he rang the room number to ring the doorbell.

One, two, no response.

Xiao Su rang the doorbell while he called the ghostwriter.

At the thought of what she promised herself last night, but she didn't answer the phone and return the message this morning, Xiao Su's heart burst into a big fire, and the action of ringing the doorbell was also in a hurry.

Also do not know how long, Xiao Su finally satisfied to hear the door there came the sound of rapid footsteps, accompanied by a roar.

"Who? Are people allowed to sleep in the early morning? "

Brush -

after the other party opened the door, she saw a gloomy Xiao Su standing at the door. After about two seconds, she closed the door again.


Xiao Su just wanted to step in, but the other party closed the door in panic. After the door was thrown, he almost hit his nose. Fortunately, he didn't walk fast, otherwise, his face would have hit him.

"Shit! Open the door for me

When Xiao Su came back to his senses, he went up to the door with both hands and made a huge noise.

"Open the door, do you hear me? Do you know how long I've been waiting for you? "

There was no sound inside the door. Xiao Su suddenly calmed down and sneered: "do you really want me to kill people? I tell you, I've been looking for you all morning, and I'm very angry now. You'd better open the door now, or... "

Brush -

the next second, the door opens and the ghostwriter stands there with a face full of love.

After their eyes were on each other, Xiao Su sneered, "are you willing to open the door at last? Miss ghostwriter. "

The ghostwriter was shrunk by his eyes. Finally, he reached out and touched his ears. He said in a low voice: "Mr. Xiao, it's only seven o'clock now. Last night, I didn't come back until 12 o'clock."


"I didn't get home until 12 o'clock. It was already one o'clock when I finished washing. But when I was ready to go to bed, you called me again. I didn't sleep very much in the first half of the night, and then I fell asleep in the latter half of the night. Now It's not good for you to disturb people in the early morning? "

Xiao Su sneered: "you promised others things have not been done, you have been sleeping your spring and autumn sleep, so really good? Are you still a qualified ghostwriter? "

“……” The ghostwriter knew that no matter what he said, Xiao Su would not leave now, and would certainly let him modify it now. He was speechless for a while, "I know, you can come in."

On the other side, Han Muzi and ye Mo went up to the second floor.

Today, they didn't bring other people here. When they came, they saw several security guards at the gate of the old house. Besides, there were patrol people on the road.When asked, he found out that it was the person Xiao Su arranged here, which means that there has been no one living here for a long time. He was worried that similar things would happen that day. Therefore, for the sake of Han Muzi's safety, he strengthened his vigilance.

In this regard, Han Muzi is quite satisfied.

So when she and ye Mo Shen went upstairs, they were not on guard at all.

When walking upward, Han Muzi looks at the brick and tile in front of her eyes, and always has a kind of illusion that it seems like an afterlife.

It seems that it was five years ago and yesterday.

Sometimes after watching for a long time, she didn't know when she was.

After a corner, Han Muzi suddenly and definitely stood in the original place, looking at the front.

Not far ahead was the room where yemoshen used to be. At that time, she remembered that when she had just married, ye Moshen had a very bad attitude towards her and wanted her to get out of the night house.

Han Muzi didn't want to go. Later, she slept outside the door for a night. At that time It's really stupid and stubborn. Now think about it

When Han Muzi recalled the memory of the past, she did not notice that the night on her side frowned. Looking at the familiar scene in front of her, what fragments flashed in her mind.

As he gets closer and closer, ye Moshen feels that there is something to rush out of his memory, but what it is, he can't think of it for a moment. He has a painful feeling coming from his head. He is afraid that Han Muzi around him will worry about him, so he perseveres.

"This room is where you used to live."

Han Muzi came back from memory, probably because she was excited, so she stepped forward, "I didn't expect that the decorations here have not changed."

She suddenly saw the cupboard in the corner.

Right now, I'm just in the same place.

That little cabinet

It was she who bought it for herself, because yemoshen didn't agree that she put the clothes with him. Later, Han Muzi bought a small cabinet, but it was all packed in the trunk at the beginning.

However, Han Muzi thought that after he left, the cabinet should have been discarded.

Because this cabinet, whether in workmanship or appearance, is incompatible with this room.