Chapter 1025

Ye Mo Shen pinches her chin and kisses her.

Slightly pale lip color with shallow cool, like flying snowflakes, but after falling on her lips, but gradually become hot.

Han Muzi saw that he closed his eyes attentively. His action changed from holding her chin to holding her hand. If it wasn't for the thin sweat on her forehead, Han Muzi might really think that this moment is wonderful for the night.

Unfortunately, she saw all this in the eyes, and then heartache can not.

Kissing can make people excited, may make them forget the pain?

Thinking of this, Han Muzi blinked. She had already agreed with him that she would not kiss her without her permission, but now it is a special case, or She'd better give me a response?

Just as he was in a trance, the touch on his lips suddenly disappeared.

Han Muzi returns to the God, sees the night Mo deep to look at her.

Cough Is it because he is thinking about other things, distracted, and let him know?

Han Muzi was embarrassed. She bit her lower lip subconsciously and wanted to kiss her.

Night Mo deep pupil suddenly enlarges a few minutes, the next second he narrows his eyes dangerously, holds down the back of her head, turns to the main.

The sweetness of the kiss gradually drives away the restlessness and pain of the night

They were kissing each other in the old house.

On the other side, in a room in the sunshine district.

Xiao Su sat on the sofa in his spare time, drank the coffee made in the room, and then looked up at the girl who was working in front of his notebook with her back to him.

She had been sitting there for nearly half an hour. Xiao Su finished her coffee and continued it by herself.

When I went to renew the coffee, I found that the house of this proxy sister was not big, but she was very good at enjoying life. There were all kinds of coffee machines, bread machines, cake machines and so on.

What's more, her kitchen is very large and full of props.

The fridge is full of ingredients.

Previously, Xiao Su also heard that the ghostwriters were all dead houses, either instant noodles or takeout. But seeing that the things in her refrigerator were fresh, she probably cooked by herself.

Xiao Su took another sip of coffee and suddenly thought of something. She looked at her back.

It felt like something was wrong.

She has been sitting there for half an hour. Why didn't she say a word and didn't get up for a while, and he just asked her to revise it. Does it take so long?

Thinking of this, Xiao Su frowned, put down the coffee cup in his hand and called her.


There was no response.

You're serious. Are you serious?

But why does he feel so bad?

Finally, Xiao Su waited for a few minutes, and the other side was still motionless, which was too unusual.

Xiao Su simply got up and walked towards her, saying, "are you all right? Does it take so long to change the manuscript? Are you still not a professional ghostwriter

While speaking, Xiao Su has already circled to her, glanced at the computer casually, and then dropped her eyes on her face.

The little girl sat upright, but her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open, and she was sleeping soundly.

Xiao Su: "what's wrong

Who will tell him what the situation is?

Isn't she revising the manuscript? How to sleep in front of the computer?

And how did she keep her back so straight while sleeping??

When I was sleeping heavily, she also hit her mouth.

Then he turned his head and went back to sleep.

Xiao Su:

Good, strong.

Xiao Su held back her anger and knocked on the table in front of her.

Percussion and percussion -

she seemed not to hear it, but she was still sleeping soundly.

Xiao Su was speechless and pounded at the table.

Kowtow, kowtow, kowtow!

This time, he can say that he used a lot of strength, if she is not awake, it is really

He didn't guess wrong, but she still didn't respond. The whole person was like a monk who had settled down. He couldn't hear the disturbance and any sound from the outside world.

Finally, when Xiao Su was really confused, she saw a thick cotton ball in her ear.

With a sneer, he directly stretched out his hand and pulled down the two cotton balls. However, he only intended to take off the cotton and wake her up to do business.

But I don't want to pull cotton when the fingers around her hair, directly her a handful of hair to tear off.


The next second, there was a scream in the room that was even more tragic than killing a pig.

Xiao Su looked at a handful of hair in his hand and unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.He Not on purpose.

"Horizontal trough, horizontal trough, horizontal trough!" When she woke up, she saw a handful of black hair in his hand and instantly exploded: "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean? Don't I just sit back and sleep? Haven't you changed it yet? What do you think of me? Come on me

Xiao Su:

"Why do you pluck my hair??? Do you know how important hair is to us who write? I think every day, my hair is almost gone, and you even pluck my hair Wuwuwu... "

Hair loss is the pain of every girl.

Especially for people with high hair, Jiang Xiaobai is the one with high hair and then hair loss.

What's more, after she became a writer, her hair fell more ferocious.

Jiang Xiaobai searches the Internet every day for a good way to grow her hair. However, geese's hair is a wayward guy. She doesn't listen to her advice. She still drops her hair thinly every day. She doesn't have much hair. She feels that she will soon become bald.

Now Xiao Su also plucked a bunch of her hair.

Jiang Xiaobai trembled his fingers and gently stroked the painful part of his scalp, obviously touching a small piece of flesh

There, there is no hair.

Jiang Xiaobai burst into tears.

She went up and grabbed Xiao Su's collar and resented: "you say, what do you have against my hair? Why do you do this to it? "

Xiao Su was the one who was reasonable, but now he pulled off a bunch of hair of a little girl, which was something he didn't think of. So now that reason has changed and he is questioned by Jiang Xiaobai by the collar, Xiao Su can't tell why.

"I tell you, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer today, I'm not finished with you. You don't want me to revise the manuscript, and you don't want to think of this door today!"

Xiao Su:

Some helplessly looked at her.

Is this still the little girl before? How can you turn into a mother in a twinkling of an eye? Because of a bunch of hair?

But Xiao Su looked at her hair and said, "sorry, I didn't mean to. I just want to help you get cotton. I didn't expect to..."

"You are waiting for an opportunity to get revenge. How can you get your hair when you take cotton?"