Chapter 1033

Thinking of this, Han Muzi thought.

"I heard from them that Xiao Su is here?"

The night Mo deep pauses, nods a sound.

"What is he doing here? Isn't it Sunday? Haven't you dealt with the business of your company? Can I help you with anything? " Han Muzi asked anxiously. "I was in the company for a period of time, so I should be able to help a little, if you..."

Her words have not finished, night Mo Shen put out a finger on her mouth, stop her to continue to say.

Han Muzi was stunned to stay in place and saw a helpless rise between his eyebrows and eyes.

"What do you think?"


"The company's affairs have been dealt with. Don't worry about it. Don't talk about my company's affairs. Even in your company's affairs, I hope you won't be busy."

"If you're not busy, what about the company? No more? " Han Muzi joked, but his hand was no trace to the deep back of the night. His fingertips seemed to touch a piece of hot and humid, some sticky.

Delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and at this time, ye Moshen seemed to be aware of her small movements, gently pinched her big hand in her waist, which made Han Muzi cry softly. Ye Moshen took her hand and held it in his hand.

A big hand will her a pair of small hands to wrap, Han Muzi can not escape, want to struggle, "you hold my hand to do, quickly release."

Night Mo deep smile: "warm for you."

Han Muzi: "your hand is obviously colder than me. It's a warm ghost."

"Good." The night Mo deep immediately turns to: "then you warm for me."

He was so shameless that his hand was colder than hers, but he had to hold her hand. According to the past night, Moshen would not have done so. Han Muzi thinks there must be something fishy in this.

And the more he didn't want her to know, the more curious she was.

But despite his curiosity, Han Muzi could understand him. Next, he didn't say anything and warmed his hands seriously.

She had just come out of the bed and was really warm, like a small stove.

After a while, the night Mo Shen's cold hand was held warm by her.

Han Muzi continued to arch toward him: "warm?"

The night is not deep

He rolled down his throat and bowed his head. His eyes fell on Han Muzi's face: "seduce me?"

Han Muzi shook his head innocently on his face, "I'm pregnant. You know that. How can I seduce you?"


Mention this, the night Mo deep, eyes a dark, yes, he will practice for a long time.

"I'm serious about warming your hands." Han Muzi said again.

Words fall, she saw night Mo deep forehead more a layer of light thin sweat, coincidentally is this time outside sounded knock on the door.

"Little night?"

It's the voice of Xiao su.

Han Muzi is still sitting in the arms of Mo Shen at night. Their posture is ambiguous. If Xiao Su comes in to see it, isn't it very embarrassing? Thinking of this, she quickly pushed aside the night, Mo Shen got up and pulled her clothes, "since Xiao Su is looking for you, I'll go back first."

"Well." The night Mo deep nods gently, also did not obstruct her. Watching her leave.

Seeing him like this, Han Muzi is more sure that the night is not right, otherwise he will not be like this.

When he opened the door, Han Muzi happened to look into Xiao Su's eyes. Xiao Su was not surprised when he saw Han Muzi, because when he came over, the servant on the side told him that his little grandmother had just come and was now in the study.

Xiao Su was not sure what was going on inside, but he felt that he should knock on the door and help the night less.

In the final analysis, although he felt that the needs of his young grandmother should be the main concern, it was also based on his loyalty to yeshao. Otherwise, he would not respect the women he identified as his own.

Moreover, the young grandmother is also good to him, since he was injured after the scar on his face, the young grandmother saw the scar on his face many times, will feel bad for him.

However, she did not say, always politely moved her eyes, did not stare at the scar for long, will not let him feel uncomfortable.

How can such a young grandmother be disrespectful?

Two people on the vision, Han Muzi also did not ask Xiao Su, just light smile way: "come, that you chat, I go back to the room first."

After seeing Han Muzi leave, Xiao Su turns to enter the study and closes the door.

After entering, Xiao Su found that the night Mo Shen was lying on the desk, with a shade of forbearance between his eyebrows and eyes. He thought that he was enduring a lot of pain.

When the little grandmother was here just now, yeshao must have pretended to be nothing. He must have endured very hard.

Thinking of this, Xiao Su suddenly felt that he had come too late. He should not have been wandering around. Instead, he should have come earlier or stayed at the door directly after leaving the study.After all, those data may have a memory impact on the night.

I don't know what's going on now.

"Little night, how are you?" Xiao Su approached and inquired with concern.

At night, Mo Shen was silent. He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes wearily.

He didn't speak, and Xiao Su didn't say anything. He waited quietly beside him.

After a while, the night Mo Shen re opened his eyes, the dark eye base has been much clearer than before, and the pain in the eyebrows has also faded.

This is not a problem with him. As long as he doesn't touch his memory, he is like a normal person and has nothing.

But as long as the memory is touched, headache problems will be committed, just like causing old diseases.

Xiao Su looked at him for a long time. He turned around and poured a cup of warm water to night Shao in silence.

After a cup of warm water, Mo Shen's face looked better than before, and her thin lips with no color moved: "if grandma asks, don't tell me you're here to deliver these."

Xiao Su nodded: "nature, don't worry about night."

"Did the little grandmother notice something just now? I looked at me when she went out, and I didn't explain

Ye Mo deeply thought of Han Muzi's performance before, and then combined with the performance in the night family's old house, helplessly pulled his lips and wryly laughed: "I can't hide everything from her. If she says she doesn't know, it's just with good intentions."

Hearing this, Xiao Su probably understood the meaning of Mo Shen at night. There was no answer for a long time.

"That's all for today. Hard work. Go back."

Xiao Su was surprised and surprised.

He didn't expect that ye Shao didn't investigate the information. He should have left immediately, but now that ye Moshen looks like this, Xiao Su can't bear to leave directly.

"The night is little. I'm fine too. Why don't I stay and take care of you?"

Listen to words, night Mo deep lift eyes, eyes with cool: "what can you take care of me? Share the headache? "

“……” Well, he'd better go.