Chapter 1040

"Miss Zhou and Ms. Luo, you are here. Is it cold all the way?"

When Luo Huimei saw the other party's face, she felt that the other party was not at ease. She just wanted to say whether it was cold or not. You just went out for a walk and knew what to ask.

But when the words came to her mouth, she thought of the words Xiao Yan said to herself last time, so she changed her mouth.

"Hey, what's cold in this weather? It's just you who have been waiting for us for a long time? I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting so long. "

Last time, her attitude and that of this time had a great change, which made the introducer confused. However, she was in business and quickly gave the corresponding attitude.

"It's very kind of Ms. Luo. It's proper for us to wait for clients. Now I'll take you to see that gentleman."

"Sir?" Hearing this gender, Luo Huimei narrowed her eyes and said, "well, can you ask me, what are the conditions of the other party? Where can I meet you? Is there any danger? "

Xiaoyan:.... "

She did not have time to stop, Luo Huimei has asked those words out.

For a moment, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

A moment later, Xiaoyan took a puff from the corner of her mouth and explained for her mother: "sorry, my mother is feudal, and you should understand what the big mother in the community talks about every day. At the same time, I hope you can understand that she has no malice, but is afraid that I will be hurt."

The introducer nodded his head and said, "it's so. I can understand Ms. Luo's worries. But please rest assured that we are a regular introduction company, and all customers have pre audit. Generally speaking, there will be no accidents."

"Don't worry, mom. Don't think too much."

Luo Huimei just nodded.

Then the introducer took them to meet the owner of the Ramen restaurant.

It was a villa on the outskirts. When she went in through the gate, Luo Huimei was a little shocked. Because the environment of the villa was very good, and the other side was very rich.

It seems that the meaning is not so important.

Because the other person may be There is no shortage of rent.

"The owner of the shop is surnamed Lin. we all call him Mr. Lin. I heard that Mr. Lin closed the noodle shop after his wife died. It is said that the Lin family and his wife are very much in love, so Mr. Lin did not want to run a noodle shop after his wife died. It is said that this Ramen restaurant was designed and decorated before her wife died, which is why if you want to operate in this ramen shop, you can't move some things to decorate the shop

Hearing this, Luo Huimei agrees.

"According to what you say, Mr. Lin is a very infatuated person. How many years has his wife passed away?"

The introducer shook his head: "I don't know. The news I told you just now is what I've tried my best to find out these days. I guess the rent of the store will be so expensive, which also has something to do with his wife."

Hearing this, Xiaoyan finally understood his meaning.

It seems that Mr. Lin doesn't really want to rent out the shop, and he seems to be so affectionate to his wife that he doesn't want to be decorated.

I'm afraid that after the change, it will not return to its original appearance.

However, what Xiaoyan doesn't understand is that the rent that was said before was 30 million years, how could it be reduced so much today? These days, Xiaoyan did not ask for any relationship to run, and she did not force this store.

Even this store is not in her consideration.

"I understand what you said. Why did Mr. Lin lower the price again? There must be some reason why it has dropped so much at one time? "

The introducer, smiling shyly, touched his nose: "to tell you the truth, I'm not sure, but I heard that Mr. Lin has been looking for a person who is destined for him. Maybe Miss Zhou is the one he is looking for?"

Who are you?

Hearing these three words, Luo Huimei's face suddenly became bad.

"What kind of person is it?"

Xiao Yan's mind turned and her eyes turned: "in fact, it's the fate of ramen restaurant?"

The introducer nodded: "Miss Zhou is really smart, I think it should be like this."

"Mom, don't talk nonsense when you go later. Let's have a look first. Anyway, cooperation can't be forced to buy and sell. It's nothing."

Finally, under the guidance of the introducer, Zhou Xiaoyan's mother and son met Mr. Lin.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Xiaozhu from XX company. This is Miss Zhou and Xiaoyan I told you a few days ago."

Zhou Xiaoyan came forward and nodded to him. "Hello, Mr. Lin."

Mr. Lin smiles. "Hello, I heard you want to open a restaurant?"

Yes, Mr. Lin When Zhou Xiaoyan saw that the other party was so direct, he didn't look left to talk about him. He nodded directly: "I like the Japanese style decoration style of your shop, but to tell you the truth, the rent of your shop is too much for me, so Today, I also want to know why Mr. Lin has reduced the rent so much, and what are the conditions? ""Miss Zhou is really a thorough person. My conditions are very simple. As long as Miss Zhou can do it, we can discuss the rent again, or even lend it to Miss Zhou free of charge. "

Listen, Luo Huimei takes a breath.

Sure enough, he is rich and generous.

But this condition Must be tough, right?

No blame for Luo Huimei. She really can't think of any conditions that can make rent free. It's not her daughter's idea? But just now the introducer said that he had a deep affection for his wife. How could he make other people's ideas at will?

So Luo Huimei decided to listen to her daughter's words, not to talk, first to see what the other side would say.

"Mr. Lin, please say that if I can do it, I will, but if..."

"Miss Zhou, don't worry. I'm a decent person and won't ask you to do anything too much."

"I don't know what Mr. Lin means?"

"My wife loved Ramen best before she died. This noodle shop was also designed and decorated by her own, and the Ramen menu styles in the shop were all developed by her. Today, if Miss Zhou can follow these menus and make my wife's dishes, the rent will be free. "

While speaking, a servant has already handed over a menu.

Make the taste of her wife's? Be strangers to each other as like as two peas.

Luo Huimei heard this sentence and whispered, "my family Yan Yan is not familiar with your wife. How can you make the same taste?"

Mr. Lin, however, was silent with a profound look.

But Xiaoyan still saw a deep pain in his warm eyes.

She pursed her lips, looked down at the menu and whispered, "I'll try my best."