Chapter 1062

There was silence in the car.

Lin Xu seems to want to be the same as Han Qing in the end, deliberately speaking very heavy, as if to force Han Qing.

After a while, Han Qing took out his mobile phone and began to make a phone call.

Lin Xu is squinting his eyes, "what do you do?"

"I'll call you valet."

Lin Xu was stunned and laughed: "as for it? Don't you just make a joke, you look like you're stepping on your feet

Han Qing doesn't pay attention to him. His mobile phone has already dialed out. Lin Xu is helpless and reaches for the screen interface.

"Stop it, will you? My head hurts a little. Go back. "

Han Qing turned her head and looked at him without expression. Her eyes were black.

"I remember that you still owe me the favor and didn't pay it back. I'll ask you to pay it back next time." With that, Lin Xu Zheng took back his hand, leaned on his seat and closed his eyes, looking very tired.

Han Qing saw that his friend was really sad, and he didn't care any more. He put away his mobile phone and drove.

With the dusk, it's getting dark, and when it's time for dinner, there are more customers in the shop.

Xiao Yan didn't expect that the first day of business was so hot. One day, she didn't even have time to eat a meal. The two employees who helped were also very busy.

Even Luo Huimei and Zhou Fu stayed to help.

Han Muzi is a pregnant woman, we dare not ask her to do anything, and she did not add to the chaos, but she does not do, does not mean that she can not ask others to do.

She pushed her side in the night.

"The shop seems very busy, or Are you going to help with the dishes? "

Was pushed the night Mo deep mouth corner to smoke, "serve dish?"

It seems that he can't believe what he heard in his ears. Although Mu Zi said it, but Let him serve the dishes.

The night Mo Shen looked at Han Muzi seriously, the meaning of inquiry in the eyes.

Unfortunately, Han Muzi did not understand at all. When the two eyes were on, Han Muzi blinked innocently, "go."

Ye Mo Shen took a smoke from the corner of his lips. Seeing this, Zhou's father immediately said with a smile: "ha ha ha, Madam President, your joke is too big. The president's wife who can come to the scene has already made the shop more brilliant. If it comes down again..."

He didn't even dare to think about it, and how could he end up serving food at night?

He is the president of the hall group!

I haven't done anything like this in my life, OK?

Han Mu purple see night Mo deep did not move, this time and listen to Zhou father said such a words, probably also understand, nodded: "OK, then I go myself."

With that, Han Muzi will get up.

Night Mo deep see her rise, instantly frown and take her hand.

Now she has been pregnant for nearly four months, and her stomach has become pregnant, but her clothes are thick in winter, and Han Muzi is slim and slim, so she can't see it.

However, this can not cover up the fact that she is pregnant. In addition, she has an unstable baby, so yemoshen is very worried about her.

Seeing that she was going to get up to help, yemoshen clasped her wrist and pulled her back, then he got up.

"Stay here."

Han Muzi looks at him discontentedly.

Night Mo dark dark eyes emerge a touch of deep helpless color, voice a bit soft, "I go."


"Can't I serve the dishes?"

One side of Zhou's father heard the speech and was surprised to open his mouth. The roundness of the mouth could almost put in an egg.

"Well." Han Muzi nodded with satisfaction and whispered, "you've worked hard. We've helped this for a while, and we'll go home."

"Well, wait for me here."

Yemo Shen turned and went in.

As soon as he left, Zhou's father got up in a hurry. It seemed that he wanted to keep him, but he was stopped by Han Muzi.

"Uncle Zhou, please let him go. The shop is so busy. It's just a matter of a hand to help now."

Zhou's father was very anxious, "president, how can you do such a thing? No, Madam President, let's just let... "

"Uncle Zhou!" Han Muzi stopped him: "we are friends with Xiaoyan. It's normal for her to open a shop and help us. It's not in the company here. Uncle Zhou should not be so restrained, otherwise I'll feel embarrassed, too

Han Muzi said so, and Zhou's father couldn't say anything more. He could only nod his head.

Night Mo deep into the kitchen, Xiao Su is helping to wash dishes, see night Mo Shen came in, but also a little surprised: "night less? Why did you come in? Is there something out there? "

Xiao Yan also looked up at him when he heard the voice.

Night Mo deep micro frown eyebrows, thin lips pursed tightly, seems to be tangled with something, a moment later collapse tight lips just quietly spit out a word.

"What can I do for you?"

When they heard this, their faces changed slightly.Xiao Yan first responded and shook his head: "no, we are busy here. You can go out to accompany Muzi at night."

However, ye Moshen stood still. He knew that the store was very busy. If he went out now, Muzi might help himself.

Seeing him standing still, Xiaoyan was embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Xiao Su took a look at Xiaoyan and continued to brush the dishes.

In fact, this is his first time to wash the dishes. He has been around for a long time and seems to be omnipotent. But in the kitchen, he is really not good at it.

But his learning ability is still strong, even if not the best, but also not very bad.

If the bowl is not cleaned the first time, brush it several times more.

At least he shared the work so that others could work on other things.

And at the moment of Xiao Su, really can't think of night less come in can help what help?

On the contrary, he also felt that because of the aura of yeshao, if he continued to stand here, the rest of the people in the head of this place could not continue to work well.

For example, the two girls who asked for help.

Because of the emergence of night Mo Shen, he has been staring at night Mo Shen, even his face is shy to red.

Xiao Su:

He didn't dare to let ye Moshen work, but Luo Huimei was different. He just saw the communication between the young couple. He knew that night Moshen must have come in because of Han Muzi's meaning.

So she didn't mention it. She called Ye Moshen directly.

"Mo Shen, since you want to help, please take this bowl of noodles with me to table 3 outside."

Table three?

Night Mo a deep look, nodded the plate, and then turned around expressionless.

"Mom, how can you..."

"Oh, don't worry. Since he has all come in, you really don't want him to help you. How do you think he came in?"

After listening to this, Xiaoyan changed his mind and could probably understand.

Night Mo Shen came in, Mu Zi didn't come, it should be mu Zi called in.

"Since he wants to help, you can rest assured."

Xiao Yan bit his lower lip, but he couldn't help but draw, "how dare I feel at ease..."