Chapter 1071

"Thank you. I know you will not go back with me. Instead of forcing you, it's better to let you live in this hospital to raise your fetus. Besides, the environment here is also OK. There should be no big problem in raising babies here. As for Mo Shen's situation, I have learned from the doctor just now. Don't worry too much

Because song an and Wei Chi Jin are there, Han Muzi is much relieved. After lunch, she takes time to take a nap.

My aunt is right. She should trust the doctor.

At the same time, she should also believe that the night is not deep.

He will wake up early.

After the observation period, night Moshen transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward, originally intended to be in the same ward as Han Muzi.

But later, considering the people who accompany the bed at night, so night Moshen has a separate ward. If the night watchman is cold and sleepy, he can go in and sleep for a while.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Han Qing came and talked to his sister. Xiao Su and Xiao Yan also came.

When Xiaoyan pushed the ward away, she still had the air conditioner on her body. She said in a voice: "Mu Zi, I heard that night Shao has passed the dangerous period, you..."

When he saw Han Qing in the ward, he stood at the door of the ward, and the door was half pushed.

A big hand reached out and pressed it close to her palm. She pushed the door open. Then she looked down at the little girl who was half his height in front of her.

"Go in and talk about it."

Xiao Yan retracted her hand, and then walked in obediently. Xiao Su followed her and closed the door of the ward.

Because of the cold weather, Xiaoyan was wearing a pink coat with her hair tied into a ball. Her light but fluffy scarf covered half of her face, showing only her delicate eyes and nose.

But Xiao Su is a black long windbreaker. When they come in, they are both air-conditioned, one tall and one short. They are very well matched.

Han Qing's eyes flashed a touch of evil, and then disappeared.

"Little grandma." Xiao Su nods to say hello to Han Muzi.

"Here you are." Han Muzi smiles and looks at Xiaosi Yan: "Xiaomi Dou didn't come over? It seems that he listened to you

"Well, Xiaomi Dou is very understanding. After I told him, he promised not to come."

Han Muzi nodded at ease: "hard, Xiaoyan."

Xiaoyan waved his hand: "no hard work, these are small things."

If Han Qing is not here, Xiaoyan will surely say, "what's the relationship between us? What's hard to say about this kind of thing? But Han Qing is here, she can't say a word.

There was a strange silence in the ward.

A moment later, Han Qing's cold voice rang.

"Why don't you let Xiaomi Dou follow me first

Hearing this, Han Muzi looks at Han Qing in surprise.

"Ah? Let Xiaomi Dou follow you, but in your company... "

"There are not many things in the company. You are my sister and your children should be taken care of by my uncle."

Words down Han Qing stood up, beautiful face can not be ignored, "now go to pick him up."

Han Muzi suddenly did not know what to say, because she saw a trace of seriousness from Han Qing's eyes and seemed to have decided to do it.

For her, Han Qing and Xiao Yan are equally trustworthy people, so no matter where Xiaomi Dou is, she can rest assured.

But these words heard in Xiao Yan's ears, but it was not the same taste.

He said Muzi is his sister. Xiaomi Dou should be taken care of by his uncle.

That means that she Xiaoyan is just an outsider. If she takes care of Xiaomi Dou, her name is not right and her words are not smooth.

She has no qualifications at all.

At the thought that he might mean this, Xiaoyan's face turned pale. She drooped her eyes and didn't speak. She looked up for a long time.

"In this case, it's up to Mr. Han to take care of Xiaomi Dou."

What can she say as an outsider?

As soon as the voice fell, Han Qing walked by her side. Xiao Yan subconsciously avoided her body and let him pass by. Who knows Han Qing stopped not far from her side.

"Is it convenient to lead the way?"

Xiao Yan regained consciousness and took a look at Han Qing and found that he was staring at himself.

What do you mean?

He means, let yourself lead him?

Yes, if he is going to pick up Xiaomi Dou, he is going to her home. He really wants her to lead the way.

Xiao Yan nodded dryly, "can, can."

While Xiao Su's eyes are dark, quietly looking at Han Qing, eyes have been exploring, but has been tightly pursed thin lips did not open.

Xiaoyan turns to Han Muzi.

"Muzi, I'll take him to pick up Xiaomi Dou. Stay, I'll come back later.""Well, be safe on the way."

Although Han Muzi is not sure what the current situation is, she thinks that this time or not to say too much.

So Xiaoyan went out with Han Qing.

Because he wanted to keep a distance with Han Qing, Xiao Yan walked very slowly. There was a long distance from Han Qing. He watched the tall figure enter the elevator, and Xiaoyan was still moving slowly.

She moved the kitten step, still slowly walking, when she came to the front of the elevator, the elevator door was closing.

Xiao Yan hastened her pace and stepped forward to block the door.

Han Qing, standing in the elevator, reached out at the same time.

Their hands accidentally touched each other.

Ding -

the elevator senses the collision and opens to both sides.

Xiao Yan retracts her hand like an electric shock and looks at Han Qing.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to. "

She just Meet Han Qing's hand.

Would he think he was going to touch him on purpose, and would he be more disgusted with her? Do you feel like you're trying to get?

Xiaoyan stood in the same place, feeling bitter.

Han Qing's cold voice came from the elevator.

"No? Want to wait for the elevator door to close again? "

Xiao Yan came back to her senses, and then she rushed into the elevator. After entering the elevator, she found a corner to hide and closed her eyes in despair.

She's really - she's almost embarrassed.

Before clearly still good, how now always all kinds of stupid?

Just because I want to avoid him, so

There are only two of them in the elevator. It's quiet. Maybe Han Qing's aura is too strong. Xiaoyan feels that her breath is full of male flavor belonging to Han Qing, and the clear breath surrounds her.

It almost choked her.

Ding -

the elevator door opened and a crowd of people poured in, one of them pushing a wheelchair.

Maybe it's afraid that it's going to be slow, so the implementation speed is a little fast. She's about to run into Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan wants to hide, but there's a wall on the side and Han Qing on the other side. She can only choose to stand where she is.

Hit it

It won't die anyway, she thought.

As a result, the next second, she felt a weight on her arm, she was pulled into her arms.


Xiao Yan's cheek hits Han Qing's chest heavily.