Chapter 1077

This said, Han Muzi some can't laugh or cry.

"How can I be so alive?"

"Why not?" Xiao Yan made a few more noises. Although there were only two of them in the room, they would still keep their voice down when they whispered, for fear that others would eavesdrop on them.

"The night is less than so bad, but it's not as many as you want to have."

Han Muzi shakes her head.

"No, two is enough. No more words."

"Well, that's good. If I were you, I'd have a bunch of brothers, and then I'd have a daughter to take care of my sister. In this way, my daughter will be the only little princess in the family."

"Then you have to work hard and get married early so that your wish can come true."

In the dark, there was a sudden silence.

The atmosphere seems to have become a bit heavy.

Han Muzi's lips were still smiling before he noticed the strangeness of the atmosphere, and then he suddenly reflected what he said.

She opened her lips slightly, glanced at Xiao Yan's direction, and made a hard voice.

"I'm sorry..."

Hearing her apology, Xiaoyan's response is also rapid, quickly interrupted her.

"What do you say I'm sorry? I think you're right. Since my wish is this, I'll try my best to realize her. I'll get married early, have children early, strive for both children, and then live a happy life. "

What she said was particularly relaxed and pleasant, as if there was no trouble at all, but Han Muzi was extremely distressed when she heard it.

Xiao Yan has been forced to smile in front of her. How could she not see this.

What she likes is that she has a lot of connections with herself.

Maybe for Xiaoyan, it's a kind of torture to see herself every day, but she still runs to accompany her every day.

With this in mind, Han Muzi reached out and looked for it in the dark, then put it on Xiaoyan's back and patted it gently.

"Xiaoyan, you will find a person who loves you very much in the future. Then you will have a bunch of boys and have a girl again. Your life will be very happy."

Her voice is full of sincere emotion, clearly should be very yearning for life, but at the moment, Xiaoyan's heart is very uncomfortable.

She really wanted to have a bunch of boys and a girl, and then let her brothers spoil her sister.

But there was still a word in her heart.

She hoped that the person who gave birth to her child would be the one she loved.


In the dark, Xiao Yan's voice took a nasal sound. Han Muzi quickly guessed that she should be crying, but at the moment, she really didn't know what to say to comfort her, so she could only pat her back.

The two of them were so close to each other, with things in their hearts.

However, in the end, it was still unable to withstand the pressure of sleep, and gradually fell asleep.

The next day, the night is not deep, still did not wake up.

The doctor said that this situation may happen, let the family be more patient and so on.

Although Han Muzi was worried, she kept comforting herself. After all, it just started. Tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, Moshen will wake up.

However, another day passed, the night in the hospital bed was still quiet, and there was no sign of waking up.

Han Muzi personally took a towel to wipe his body for him. He was very careful, for fear of hurting him. Song An, looking at this scene on the side of

, could not help but make complaints about the way he Tucao.

"Really, don't you know your wife and children are waiting for him? So many days have not woken up, he wants to kill everyone? "

Han Muzi's hand movement stopped, and then said with a smile: "he may have been too tired some time ago, so I want to take this opportunity to have a good rest. When he has a good rest, he will naturally wake up."


This speech choked song an out of a word.

Too tired? So take advantage of this opportunity to have a good rest? Song an really wants to say that Mu Zi, don't deceive yourself. If Mu Zi is not here, song an really wants to slap Mo Shen, the stinky boy, and then scold him.

Stinky boy, I have done so many things to hurt others before, but I still can't wake up now. How much pain do you want people to suffer for you?

However, I don't know how many generations their son of a bitch is. How can he be treated in such a different way?

These words song Ning of course only dare to make murmur in the heart, on the surface that is a word dare not mention.

Afraid to say too much, make Han Muzi feel anxious, after all, she is still a pregnant woman now.

I hope this stinky boy can wake up early, and then recover all his memories, so that there will be no more accidents in the future.

My God, song an has never asked for anything in my heart in my life. Even when my sister had an accident, I had a hindsight. Now I want to ask you to be merciful and not to mess with the two people who love each other.Song an closed his eyes and prayed piously for a long time before he opened his eyes again. Then he looked at Han Muzi, who took good care of Yemo Shen, and sighed.

Han Muzi rubs his body every day for Yemo. Although song an mentions to find a nurse for Yemo Shen, Han Muzi doesn't promise to come by himself. Others can only give up.

One day, two days, three days

A week later, the night is still lying.

Even when the doctor came over, they frowned, but still gave support and encouragement to the family members of the patients.

"There is nothing wrong with the patient. His family should believe him. Maybe he is struggling to wake up now. People familiar with him can talk to him more. If the patient can hear him, it can increase his sober consciousness."

Since then, Han Muzi has been with him all day except sleeping and eating. He is not only wiping his body, but also talking to him. Sometimes he even holds his palm and lies down beside the bed and falls asleep.

Song an see such Han Muzi heartache, can't help but complain with Wei Chi Jin.

"See? Where are you going to find a second granddaughter-in-law like this? You wanted to break them up

The accused Wei Chijin reached out and touched his nose. His expression was a little embarrassed. At the beginning, he didn't expect that the two children's feelings would be so deep.

Later, after he slowly accepted Han Muzi, he found that the granddaughter-in-law was good. In addition, recently, Wei Chijin was very fond of Han Muzi.

Now don't say it's to separate them. He won't do it. If someone wants to break up the couple, Wei Chijin is the first to disagree.

Unfortunately, his grandson never woke up.

Wei Chi Jin thought for a moment and said to his daughter song an, "Mo Shen, this situation, or Shall we worship in the temple

Hearing this, song an couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"I said, old man, at least you are a famous entrepreneur. Is it really good to be so superstitious? Do you want to wake him up? "