Chapter 1079

The next day, Han Qing just woke up and received a short message from Han Muzi.

Seeing the content of the message, Han Qing was stunned for a moment, then relieved and replied.

Pay attention to your safety. Call me if you have anything to do. }

then put away the mobile phone, wash and dress as usual, eat breakfast and go to work.

His life has always been so regular that there has never been any change over the years, and no other woman has ever interfered with his life.

In addition to the years when he recovered his sister, Han Qing flew abroad from time to time, but all he consumed was his own personal rest time, which did not fall behind at all.


on the other side, Han Muzi and others have already arrived in the neighboring city. Because they came here all night, they stayed in the hotel that night. Then they had a rest and went to the Lingyun mountain temple to worship.

Han Muzi and Xiao Yan sleep in the car for two hours, but they have backache and backache because of their bad fortune. When they find the bed, they both lie on the same ground.

The next day, everyone went to bed until about ten o'clock.

During the meal, Xiao Su explained to them.

"I have consulted. It is said that Lingyun mountain is very effective, so many people come from all over the country to worship Buddha. I heard that many dreams come true and come directly to fulfill their wishes."

Xiao Yan believed it.

"Yes? Do you mean wish come true? So I came back specially? "

Xiao Su nodded: "yes."

Xiaoyan was surprised to stare at big eyes: "really? I thought We just want peace of mind. "

Xiao Su faintly smiles, in fact, who can say this kind of thing? After you ask for it, your wish comes true. Maybe it's your own special desire to get it, so you work harder and harder.

After all, there is no gain for nothing in this world.

It is still very difficult to ask for benevolence and benevolence.

He didn't speak any more, but Xiao Yan's heart began to beat.

If she is so effective, then she Can the dream come true?

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan quickly lowered her head to eat.

"Grandma, we'll have dinner later, so we'll take a taxi from the door. I heard that a road has been built in Lingyun mountain, which can drive the car to the middle of the mountain. But I hear some people who ask for help say that if we start from the first step to the last step of Lingyun mountain, we can show sincerity and have a greater chance of realizing our wishes."

Without waiting for Han Muzi to answer, Xiaoyan immediately raised his head to receive the way.

"Let's start from the first step."

Xiao Su:

He glanced at her and reminded her, "the young grandmother is pregnant."

If you can't walk down the first step with purple face

"I'm sorry, Muzi. I didn't think of it just now."

However, Han Muzi also put Xiao Su's words in his heart and looked out of the window.

No matter what the outcome is, you should be sincere and not disrespectful. You can not be superstitious, but you should also understand the principle of "do as the Romans do in Rome".

It's like a small village with its own unique customs. When you enter the village, you have to observe their etiquette. If you insist on breaking the old customs or not observing the etiquette, it is easy to cause other people's antipathy.

In fact, it's just like this. They all pay attention to sincerity. If their attitude is loose and disdainful, it's better not to come.

Thinking of this, Han Muzi's access road.

"Let's start from the first step."


Xiaoyan was a little surprised, "you just said..."

"Well, if you want to come here, you can show your sincerity. These steps are not long. It's nothing to go up."


"It's been decided. I'm nothing. Don't worry about me. I'll tell you in advance if there's any problem."

"Well, if you feel uncomfortable then, you must stop and have a rest."


After dinner, they went directly to Lingyun mountain.

When I arrived at the destination, I found that there were a lot of people who came to ask for a ticket to burn incense, and even foreign travelers.

Xiaoyan couldn't help whispering: "can those foreigners say English when they ask for a signature? In English, do you think our gods can understand it? "

“…… Well, maybe they are fluent in Chinese? "

"Let's go."

Han Muzi did not have the mind to pay attention to the rest of the people, and so on, he walked forward in advance.

Lingyun mountain is surrounded by green trees from the outside. It is said that the mountain was a famous Lingshan mountain in ancient times. It is said that it was very difficult to go up there. If you are not careful, you can easily fall into the abyss.

Later, with the development of the times, there were many stone steps in Lingyun mountain. This project took a long time to complete. After that, a temple was built on the mountain. Because of its effectiveness, it became more and more famous. Later, many people from other places came here.Later, many vendors who saw business opportunities opened incense shops and beverage shops on the hillside for the convenience of pilgrims.

At first, many people came to burn incense to pray for God. Later, Lingtai mountain became a scenic spot. There were also many tourists who came to visit. They had different purposes and took different roads.

For example, the steps up a mountain start with only one path.

But as we walked along, we divided several paths.

But no matter which one you take, you can reach the top of the mountain.

Han Muzi and others did not deliberately choose which to go, follow the fate.

Because these roads are only for the convenience of pedestrians, so as not to be too crowded, so it is divided into several steps of stone road.

The farther you go, the fewer people are on the road.

Han Muzi's breath was just a little wheezing, when he heard Xiaoyan gasping: "am I too little exercise? How can I feel so tired after walking for such a short time? "

Xiao Su looked at Xiao Yan and found that her breath was really strong, so she stopped to teach her.

"Your breath is not right, so..."

After Xiao Su personally to small Yan for demonstration, Han Muzi also slowed down the pace.

Under Xiao Su's instruction, Xiao Yan's breath was smoothed a lot, but she was still a little puzzled: "I usually don't walk. I don't feel so miserable."

Han Muzi looked around and explained.

"You usually walk on the flat ground, but now you are stepping up step by step. Every step requires strength. How long have you been walking now? Can you climb the mountain like this?"

She said the old God is in, as if can't see tired, Xiaoyan can't help but complain.

"It's unfair. Muzi, we used to be together a lot. How come you don't look tired at all? If I can't climb the mountain, shouldn't you, a pregnant woman, be more difficult than me? "

Listen to words, Han Muzi light smile.

She is different from Xiaoyan. At the beginning, because of her abundant vitality, she often trots or takes a few steps in one step. Although she stops to wait for them from time to time, her physical strength is fast and her recovery is slow.