Chapter 1086

As soon as the voice fell, song an looked at Han Muzi with displeasure.

"Muzi, why are you so used to him? If you want to get used to it, you are a girl

Song an fu'e is very worried about Han Muzi's position in the family in the future.

If a woman is in a weak position, isn't she going to suffer?

Night Mo deep, beautiful face bathed in the twilight, thin lips hook up.

"What are you worried about? She's used to me. Can I bully her

Listen, song an dynasty he rolled his eyes.

"Don't you bully her less? You have been bullying her. She was a good girl And I'm still with you. "

song an Tucao has a lot of strength and make complaints about himself. Anyway, his nephew is a slag man, and Mu purple is so good that his nephew can not match his finger.

The more she said, the more she frowned.

What happened at that time flashed quickly in my mind, still yesterday.

He's definitely a jerk.

song an saw him frown, thinking that he was not satisfied with his evaluation and make complaints about him, and then threatened him directly.

"What? You're not happy to hear from your aunt, are you? You tell you, if you bully Muzi again in the future, don't blame me for not recognizing your nephew

Han Muzi is not amused by song an, and her lips are always smiling.

"Auntie, he just woke up. Don't you..."

"I was wrong."

The low mute male voice suddenly apologizes, let Han Muzi and song an some reaction not come over, do not know why to look at night Mo Shen.

Night Mo deep eyes such as fire, staring at Han Muzi.

The eyes were serious and firm, and the voice suppressed a strong emotion. Han Muzi's smile gradually disappeared and his face was replaced by a slightly dignified look.


She spoke in a dumb voice, but she did not dare to say what she wanted to say directly. She was afraid that she would touch the other party's point, so she could only probe carefully.

Even song an on one side also noticed something. She felt that the atmosphere in the ward became tense. She frowned but did not speak.


Under Han Muzi's uncertain gaze, the night Mo Shen gently nodded and spoke faintly: "I remember."

I remember everything.

This lie, he seems to go back to the past, all the things in his mind all over again, like a big dream of Sansheng.

He felt that those dreams were not real, because every time something happened, he felt that he had experienced it. He could not spend his time here. He wanted to find a woman waiting for him in the future.

In the dream, the night is not deep, occasionally can hear some murmur, very close to him, as if in the horizon.

In short, now can wake up, remember all the things, their beloved people and stand in front of themselves.

The ward was strangely quiet.

"In the past, your night was a jerk, and never will be."

Han Muzi's nose began to sour. She bit her lower lip, even her hands hanging on her side quietly clenched into fists.

He really I remember everything.

She was still thinking that if she couldn't remember, it was the feelings between the two people that mattered to her, rather than the common memories.

But I didn't expect that he remembered everything after lying down these days.

"Are you willing to give the rest of your life to this bastard and let him make up for you and take care of you all his life?"

Han Muzi has tears in her eyes and can hardly see the man in front of her.

Song'an on the side of him said:

She thought she had heard the wrong thing. Is this a proposal?

Or in the hospital???

"Stinky boy, I warn you not to go too far..."


Before Song an's words finished, Han Muzi beside her nodded with a smile, and her tears also fell down.

Song an looked at her in surprise.

"Muzi, what did you promise him? This stinky boy has no sincerity... "

Han Muzi laughs and tears. At night, Mo Shen gets up and walks towards her with difficulty. The strong male breath suddenly comes over. He lifts his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of his eyes.

But Han Muzi is probably too moved, tears have been falling down, simply can not stop.

Night Mo deep hesitated for a moment, then bowed his head to kiss the corner of her eye, sucking tears for her.

Song an:

Well, she's here to eat dog food today.

But for the sake of nephew just waking up, let him go.


after the examination on the same day, he was discharged directly without any special circumstances. The doctor told him to go back for a regular review.Because the night is not deep, just wake up, so Wei Chi Jin plans to hold a party to celebrate, only invite relatives and friends and so on.

So on the day of the banquet, there were Xiaoyan's family, Han Qing, Xiao Su, and song an. Because there were fewer people, Han Muzi invited the designers from his own company to attend.

A group of designers get together, after knowing Wei Chi Jin's identity, suddenly all dumbfounded.

The cold moon howled, "my goddess is fierce. I don't want to say that I'm excellent. The person I'm looking for is also so excellent. Ouch, I'll try my best to become excellent, and then find excellent people!"

Wang an on one side heard this, and immediately began to worry.

"Then I will accompany you to work harder and become better."

On the other side, Xiao Yan and Han Muzi stay in the same place and ask her gossip.

"I heard that yeshao proposed directly in the hospital on the day he woke up?"

Mention that day, Han Muzi is still very palpitation, the cheek is slightly red nodded.

"No? I thought it was fake, but I didn't think it was true? " Small Yan hands holding chin, a face of envy: "listen to feel good envy how to do?"

Then she changed the subject.

"By the way, you asked me to bring my parents here. I didn't want to promise, but I didn't expect to tell them that they were very excited, so I took them to play."

"It doesn't matter, let uncle and aunt have a good time here."

The door opened with a click. Xiao Yan saw that night Mo Shen came in. She was stunned when she saw her. She probably didn't think she was here.

Xiao Yan immediately jumped up.

"I suddenly felt a little hungry. I went out to find something to eat. I left first, Muzi."

Then escape also like from the night Mo deep and Han Muzi under the eyelids disappear.

After slipping out of the room, Xiao Yan was relieved.

She is not so insightful, night Mo Shen see her that expression, obviously is a disturbed appearance.

Fortunately, she slipped quickly.

The party did not invite many people, but it was a celebration party, more than usual.

Xiao Yan was familiar all the way when she passed by.

After all, it's all from the former company.

"Xiaoyan, why did you suddenly quit? Where do you work now

"You don't think the company has disappeared in silence."

A group of people kept asking Xiaoyan questions.