Chapter 1130

It made her back hot.

Finally, Xiao Yan Shi couldn't stand it. She could only hide in the kitchen and work inside.

Luo Huimei see her really strange, then excuse to go out to send vegetables, who knows that Xiaoyan stopped.

"Mom, you are not allowed to go out. You can only stay here with me."

"What nonsense does the child say? Mom will go out to serve the dishes and go away quickly. "

"No, I don't. You're going out looking for someone to send food under your excuse."

Xiaoyan knows Luo Huimei too well, but she has decided that there will be no more disputes. Let's not let Luo Huimei know, let alone meet.

It will save you more embarrassment in the future.

"Who said that? Who am I going out for? Don't you see the store is so busy? Mom just went out to help

Xiaoyan said with a sad face: "the kitchen is also very busy, you help here is the same."

Anyway, no matter what Luo Huimei said, Xiaoyan was not willing to let her go out until dusk. After dinner, Xiaoyan was still in her seat.

"Has the man gone?"

She called the clerk and asked carefully.

The clerk shook his head.

"It's still there, Madame. Don't you really want to go out and have a look? I think he's been there all day, and he hasn't eaten yet, or... "

"No way!" Xiao Yan immediately interrupted her: "I know what you are thinking, but don't do it! Do you hear me? "

Isn't it just one day hungry? Before she went to the party with him that day, she was hungry all day and didn't eat anything. What did she get in return?

She doesn't want to be so stupid. If he wants to wait or not to eat, let him go.

Xiaoyan knows that he must have come for the 60000 yuan.

Until nine o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yan couldn't stay in the kitchen any more. She didn't want to open her eyes.

"Hasn't he left yet?"

"Yes, Madame."


Why don't you go?

Xiao Yan doesn't understand, just for the 60000 yuan? There's no need for that, right?

"Yan Yan, what's going on? People are waiting outside. I think you'd better go out and talk about it clearly?" Although curious, Luo Huimei loves her daughter more.

That night to see their daughter cry like this, when the mother how can not heartache? Now she's avoiding this man, probably the one that made her daughter cry that night.

"Things have to be solved, don't they? It's no use running away like this. "

"Mom, I'm not escaping..."

Where is she to escape, she just don't want to be humble again.

"It's not to escape. You've been waiting for a whole day. You've been waiting for it for a whole day. You can see that you're a conscientious child."

Luo Huimei has been persuading Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan's defense line has gradually been worn away, but she nodded.

"I see, mom. I'll go out and talk to him later."

"If you have something to say, don't hold back." Luo Huimei told Xiaoyan to pull her sleeve: "do you hear me? It's only when you have made it clear to everyone. "

"I see."

Han Qing came alone, but I didn't expect that he would wait here for a day. The little girl is not willing to come out to see him.

He is also a very good emotional self-control person, so he has been waiting here, until now has not produced a trace of bad mood.

When Xiaoyan came out of the kitchen, she was thinking.

After a while, you must be preemptive, take the initiative, and then pick out the words clearly, don't be humble yourself again!

After finishing the speech, let Han Qing go away! Don't come to her again!

When the little girl came over, Han Qing was answering a phone call, "well, almost, later..."

See the figure of the little girl in front of Han Qing quickly cut off the phone.


When the little girl came to him, Han Qing asked indifferently.

Xiaoyan was a little surprised, originally thought he had been waiting for a day, should be emotional, did not expect his tone is still so weak, he has no heart?

But what does it matter to her?

"Are you looking for me for 60000 yuan?" Xiao Yan opened the door directly and asked.

Han Qing slightly Leng, pursed thin lips.

He has already guessed that the 60000 yuan was transferred to him by Xiaoyan, but the reason is not this.

"I heard that you gave up a business to run the police station last time and lost a lot of money. You bought the dress and skirt for me that day. I know I owe you a lot of money, but I'll save it up and give it back to you. "

Pay back?

Han Qing frowned at the word.

"What did Lin Xu tell you?"

Xiao Yan doesn't want to give Lin Xu Zheng a confession, so she denies it very quickly."No

She denied, Han Qing did not seem to plan to investigate, but slightly collected eyes, light voice way: "this matter has nothing to do with you, you do not have to admit responsibility."

Doesn't it have anything to do with her? Xiao Yan ridiculed the corner of her mouth.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you say it doesn't matter." But I want to pay back the money. It has nothing to do with you.

Looking at her appearance, Han Qing is not sure, slightly narrowed his eyes and asked about the two days.

"Are you busy these two days?"

"Why do you want me?" Xiao Yan's eyes are still looking at him, Han Qing's pupils are dark, and there is a faint sharpness in her eyebrow.

"You didn't come to the company."

Hearing this, Xiaoyan's face made a sudden realization: "it's because I didn't go to deliver takeaway to President Han?"? You're right. I'm really busy these two days. It's inconvenient for me to go. As you saw just now, the store is so busy that I can't leave. "

After that, there was a moment of silence between them.

"Will you come tomorrow?"

After a few seconds of silence, Han Qingping asked calmly.

Xiaoyan:.... "

She blinked at the beautiful Han Qing. Half of his face was hidden in the night. It didn't look real.

"Not in the past." She said.

"Well." Han Qing nodded, indicating that he knew, and asked, "what about the day after tomorrow?"


Does he really don't understand, or does he pretend to be stupid?

Xiaoyan bit her lower lip, always think that Han Qing is deliberately to laugh at her today? That's why he asked her this question. Does he think that as long as he hooks his finger, she will run over again?

No way!

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan bit his own back teeth forcefully, "not in the past."

"When will you come?"

Hearing this, Xiaoyan finally understood that he was not ignorant, but was really pretending to be stupid. She couldn't help but hook up the corners of her lips and showed a sneering smile to Han Qing.

"No, I won't go again."

This sentence, she said firmly, usually full of vitality and smiling eyes, now gathered a firm.

"I won't come to your company again in the future, and you don't come to me."

Han Qing, who has been indifferent and indifferent, finally frowned at this time.