Chapter 1156

How about the Zhou family? Did Yan Yan say when she would be back? "

In fact, Luo Huimei got up early in the morning to cook porridge. The couple didn't sleep all night because they were worried about their daughter. So Luo Huimei got up at dawn. After cooking the porridge, she hoped that her daughter could eat it when she came back.

Who knows, wait left and right, daughter still did not come back, and the phone did not.

So they made a phone call. After hearing that Yan Yan was coming back, Luo Huimei urged Zhou's father to have a bowl of porridge and eat more.

"Didn't you come back later? What do you urge? Drink your porridge

Zhou's father: "I didn't sleep this night, I worried about her. Now I don't see her. How can I drink it?"

"If you can't drink it, don't drink it. You can speak when your daughter comes. Don't eat and drink crazily in front of your daughter

Zhou Fu said Not Huimei. How do you talk? Don't you worry about your daughter's accident? Do you think your conscience will not suffer if you eat so much? "

Luo Huimei was almost pissed off by him and directly took the bowl in front of him. "If you like to eat or not, put it on the edge to cool off. My conscience will not hurt. It's very good. Don't think why I told you to eat. If you don't have enough food, what your daughter said will make you angry. How can you have the strength to teach that little bastard for her? I think last night, Li Sihan probably did something to us Xiaoyan, otherwise how could he be in the hospital? "

Hearing this, Zhou's father reacted instantly.

"I see! Then I have to eat quickly and eat more. If Li Sihan dares to bully Xiaoyan, I promise to help him go back to his hometown to farm! "

With that, Zhou's father was going to carry the bowl in Luo Huimei's hand. Luo Huimei sneered, "do you want to eat your own wine, but you don't have long hands?"


I can't help it. I just met Luo Huimei, so now I'm scolded by Luo Huimei. Zhou's father doesn't dare to fart, so he has to go to the kitchen by himself.

Han Qing sends Xiaoyan downstairs. Xiaoyan unties the safety belt and turns to look at Han Qing.

"Thank you for bringing me back, and What happened last night Thank you

Words fall, small Yan saw Han Qing untied the safety belt on the body.

She was stunned for a moment and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Go up with you and make things clear."

Xiao Yan:

How can this, let Han Qing go up, then Luo Huimei will definitely misunderstand, think of here, Xiaoyan quickly made a voice to stop him.

"It's nine o'clock now. Don't you go to work?"

"The journey has been pushed back. I have time in the morning."

"But, you are the president, don't go to work Isn't that good? "

Xiao Yan is still trying to explain, Han Qing suddenly stopped the action, turned his head and looked at her quietly.

Just now she was struggling to speak, but now he was staring at her coldly, and her scalp was too tight to speak.

"No hurry." He looked at Xiaoyan, word by word, slowly opened his mouth: "deal with your affairs and then talk about it."


Xiaoyan bit his lower lip, feeling a little tangled, but she felt that she didn't need him to help him deal with it. He had already sent people to the hospital, and the other party would certainly not do anything to him.


Xiaoyan wants to say something more, but Han Qing has already opened the door and got out of the car. She sat in her seat for a moment, and realized that what he decided to do should not change, so she could only get out of the car along with her.

Let's go together. I'll see you then. I'll do it.

Two people are preparing to go upstairs together, but a sharp voice suddenly rings in the back not far away.

"Oh, I said that the girl of Zhou's family must have someone else. I said she was single before, and I was kind enough to introduce her blind date. Who knows that she has been married for a long time. If I knew that, we shouldn't waste our time like this."

Far away, Aunt Zhang's words floated over.

Far away, near, all heard.

Several neighbors are at the door. Some of them are playing with children and some are chatting in twos and threes. This is a common phenomenon in the neighborhood of Xiaoyan. Aunt Zhang shouts so far away that she just wants to be heard by others.

Do you whitewash yourself by tarnishing her?

When did she have someone on her own? Is it because Han Qing is standing beside her now? If it wasn't for Han Qing, she might have

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan's anger in his heart became heavy, and his hands hanging on both sides became fists.

She waited quietly for Aunt Zhang's arrival.

Although Aunt Zhang is older, she does not run slowly. She soon stands in front of Xiaoyan. Originally, she intended to rush directly in front of her, but after seeing the tall man standing beside Xiaoyan, she stops the idea and keeps a little distance with Xiaoyan."What's the matter with you, girl Zhou? How can Aunt Zhang introduce you to a blind date when you have a boyfriend? Xiao Li's child is down-to-earth and goes to your store to help every day. Every day he goes to your store after work. What an honest and steady child is really sincere to you. Even if you don't like him, you should talk to him well. Why let your boyfriend beat him into the hospital? Now people are lying in the hospital half dead. Oh, my God, that injury is too serious. I heard the doctor say that dozens of bones have been broken

“……” The corner of the mouth of Xiaoyan took a puff, thinking that you could make it up again. Could he still live with dozens of broken bones? It's not that you can't live, it's just half dead.

In fact, for Xiaoyan, after Li Sihan did something like that last night, she hated this person deeply. If Han Qing didn't show up, what would be the consequences of waiting for her and what would she do in the future?

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan's eyes were cold. She raised her head and looked at Aunt Zhang, without any fear.

"Auntie Zhang, you said that my boyfriend beat him into the hospital. Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Her voice is not small, but it is enough for those who listen to gossip to hear.

And the neighbors obviously smelled the smell of gossip, and gradually came to this side.

Xiaoyan knows that if she doesn't make things clear today, then these neighbors will point at her behind her back. Even if she is poked a hole in her back by these people, she doesn't care.

But she couldn't let her parents poke at her spine.

Aunt Zhang was stunned. She didn't expect that Xiaoyan would fight her back. After the meeting, she said, "I didn't see it with my own eyes. I stay at home all day. How can I see it? But today, Xiao Li called me to say that he was injured. I went to the hospital to see it. It was very serious! "