Chapter 1173

This breakfast, Xiaoyan was fed very full.

Probably because of the kiss, Xiaoyan became a little giddy. When Han Qing asked her later, she changed her mouth and said that she didn't have breakfast. She also said that she was pathetic and pathetic.

And then Han Qing then put a lot of things in front of her table, and ordered her to eat all.

"So much, where can I finish?" Xiao Yan is crying bitterly in her heart. If she knew this, she would not say that she didn't have breakfast.

"After eating, don't be dizzy again later."

There is no way, Xiaoyan dare not disobey his orders, can only a force of things into the mouth, but he is really hungry, and this meal is the God's love breakfast, OK? He made it by himself, so Xiaoyan was satisfied with the food.

After eating, her stomach was a little bit stretched. She fell back to the back and leaned against it. She could not help touching her stomach. Her expression was a little painful.

"Are you too full?" Han Qing frowned and asked.

Xiao Yan just wanted to say no, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she belched. She was stunned. The whole person was stunned and couldn't believe her eyes were wide open and sat there.

Just That voice is from her???? How could she make such a shameful noise in front of Han Qing.

After returning to God, Xiaoyan quickly reached out to cover his mouth, staring at his eyes, almost afraid to see Han Qing's eyes.

But gradually, she thought of what Han Qing said to her and the kiss. He didn't have to be so careful. She really listened.

Maybe she could try to resolve it herself?

Think of here, Xiaoyan then thick skin light cough, coyly looked at Han Qing, "all blame you, let me eat up."

The implication is, if you hadn't told me to eat so much, how could I have made such a shameful noise.

When hearing the girl's accusation, Han Qing was stunned and looked at her.

The little girl was sitting at the dining table in his shirt. The shirt was very big and she was wearing it loosely. Her hands were flat in front of her legs. She was holding the corner of her clothes nervously. She was looking at the light out of the window. Her white face was covered with a little powder. It seemed that there was light in her eyes when she looked at him.

Inexplicable, Han Qing thin lips slightly hook up: "well, all blame me, that go exercise consumption?"

I don't know why, when I heard these two words, Xiaoyan was puzzled and turned red. However, she knew that Han Qing didn't mean what she thought, but her painting style suddenly went awry.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan immediately shook his head, shaking off those abnormal ideas in his brain, and then firmly nodded: "OK."

They went out for a walk together.

This is a prosperous place, but after this place was bought and built into a private villa area, security facilities were made. Except for the residents here, other people could not come here at will. When Xiaoyan came, the security guard recognized her and let her in.

Because it's Sunday, so many people are still resting. Beside the quiet path, there are green grass and trees. The air is especially good. Then Xiaoyan found that there were runners at any time point. Originally, she thought that there should be no one running at this time point. She didn't expect that she and Han Qing came out soon after they met several people who came back from running, and some were preparing to start.

She's a little depressed. Shouldn't running mean getting up earlier? Isn't it hot at this time?

Just thinking about it, a middle-aged man with a big belly ran in front of him. Xiaoyan took a look at his body shape and subconsciously shrank beside Han Qing, leaving him a way.

Who knows that the man stopped not far in front of them, and then came to them with a towel hanging around his neck to wipe sweat.

"President Han."

You know each other? Xiao Yan thought in her mind, quietly away from Han Qing a little bit, just moved two steps, hand was Han Qing to hold.

Xiao Yan was stunned, and the whole person stopped immediately.

Probably because he walked a little way, his palms were so hot that they almost scalded her.

Xiao Yan takes a deep breath and presses down those random thoughts in the bottom of my heart.

Han Qing looked at the usual person and nodded lightly, "Chen Zong comes to run in the morning?"

"Yes, when I get older, my family says I'm too fat, so I'm urged to take exercise, so as not to accumulate fat and get sick easily." Finish saying, he is to smile to wipe a sweat again, and then put the eyes to small Yan, in the eyes take a look: "this is?"

Xiao Yan, who was named, was a little nervous. She bit her lips subconsciously, thinking how Han Qing would introduce her to others?

Is it a girlfriend? Or ordinary friends?

But soon, Xiaoyan felt that holding his big hand was tight a little bit, and then she heard Han Qing's slight light but full of the sound of accelerating heartbeat.

"Girlfriend. Let's say hello to Mr. Chen for the first time. "Han Qing looked at her girlfriend like a baby, and said softly.

Xiao Yan quickly regained consciousness and nervously squeezed out a smile to the middle-aged man in front of him. "Hello, Mr. Chen. My name is Zhou Xiaoyan..."

Probably nervous, she also bent slightly towards the other side.

Mr. Chen's eyes fell on her face with a deep smile and nodded his approval: "it's better for Mr. Han to have a good eye. The little girl is very charming. We all thought you would not find it. Unexpectedly, we found one in silence."

What's more, it looks like this posture. From a distance, he saw that Han Qing, who was not close to the name of female voice, took the initiative to hold the little girl's hand, and even took the initiative to introduce her.

After that, Mr. Chen looked at Xiaoyan again and said with a smile: "it's rare, little girl, cherish it. Don't mention that in their company, even in our company group, they all regard him as the pursuit goal."

Xiao Yan blushed and nodded in embarrassment.

Han Qing, however, coldly reminded: "Mr. Chen has finished running. Should I go back? We're going for a walk to eat. Excuse me first

He has always been alienated from others, especially far away. At first, there were some people who disagreed with each other. Later, when he saw that he was treating everyone like this, he naturally formed a habit.

What's more, they can also be polite. Although they give you a cold feeling, if you say hello to them, he will return them. In any case, people can't find fault.

So Mr. Chen immediately nodded, "OK, you go for a walk, and I'll go home first."

After walking for a while, Xiaoyan Shi couldn't help but look down at the way they held hands. It was clear that a while ago, she was still having a bad temper with him and was ready to marry her out. She didn't expect that they would be together now.

I just don't know if he will always hold his hand down.