Chapter 1199

Hearing Fang Tangtang's request to go back first, Jiang Xiaobai frowned and soon relieved. Fang Tangtang's family was very strict at night. If she didn't go back at this time, she might be scolded badly.

"Well, pay attention to your own safety and send me a message when you get home."

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about me, it's you..." Speaking of this, Fang Tangtang looks at Xiao Su, who is sleepy and sleepy, and looks at Jiang Xiaobai with a mysterious smile: "a moment is worth a thousand dollars. You should cheer up."

this makes Jiang Xiaobai's face full of black lines. What's the matter?

However, she had not caught the sugar candy to blame, she had run away without a trace.

Helpless, she can only admit life to get into the co pilot's seat, and then to the driver said an address.

The night is already deep, Jiang Xiaobai dragged Xiao Su back to his home by himself, and then threw him on the sofa, so tired that he gasped beside him.

"Damn man, I grew up eating something. I'm dead."

After that, she turned to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of cool water. Her heart was still beating very fast. As a result, she saw that Xiao Su on the sofa had fallen to the bottom of the sofa, and suddenly she stared speechless.

she's tired and unable to move him again. He's going to sleep on the floor tonight if he chooses to fall.

Because he helped Xiao Su, Jiang Xiaobai was full of wine. Not long after Xiao Su lay down in the living room, there was a strong smell of wine in the whole room.

So jiangxiaobai can only go to open the window and have a bath.

Originally, there was a man in the room. She was too eager to take a bath. However, the man was so drunk that he didn't move on the way back. He looked like a dead man. So Jiang Xiaobai felt relieved. Sure enough, when she came out of the bath, Xiao was still lying on the ground without moving.


If the man suddenly came to the earthquake, it is estimated that he would not wake up and would not run for his life.

Jiang Xiaobai dried his hair, went to him and kicked Xiao Su's leg. "Hey, I didn't mean to take you home. I met you and felt that I couldn't help you when I met you. I was afraid that you would be thrown on the road at night, so I moved you back. You sleep here at night, and you will leave tomorrow, and you are not allowed to Tell me about this evening

Where can Xiao Su have a response, just frown slightly.

"and, you sleep on the floor at night!"

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your promise."

Poor Xiao Su didn't know anything, so he was hung on the floor. Jiang Xiaobai went back to his room and took a hair dryer to blow his hair. Then he left an eye before climbing on the bed and locked the door of the room.

After all, there was a man in the room for no reason, and he was still drunk. What if he suddenly broke into her room in the middle of the night?

I don't know if it's because of drinking that glass of wine. After lying down, Jiang Xiaobai always feels uncomfortable in his head. Maybe it's because there are more people in the room, so he feels very unaccustomed and can't sleep in bed.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Xiaobai thought of something, got up and took a blanket from the cabinet, and then went out of the room.

When I turn on the light in the living room, Jiang Xiaobai is speechless for a moment, because Xiao Su is still lying on the floor in the original position, motionless.

She went over to cover him with a blanket and read it fragmentary.

"That's why I'm too soft hearted to take you home and cover you with quilts."

With that, Jiang Xiaobai realized that Xiao Su's eyebrows seemed to be tightly wrinkled. He looked uncomfortable, and there was a cold sweat on his forehead.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Xiaobai is soft hearted again. He thinks about it and goes to the kitchen to cook him up wine soup, and then comes back to feed Xiao Su to drink it.

It's a pity that Xiao Su was so drunk that he couldn't drink drunk soup? However, Jiang Xiaobai is tough. If she can move a man of such a big size back, she will be a pretty girl?

So Jiang Xiaobai simply sat down beside him, grabbed Xiao Su's clothes with one hand, let his head rest on his thigh, then pinched both sides of his mouth, scooped out a mouthful of drunken soup, and pried Xiao Su's mouth into it.

At first, Xiao Su was controlled by Jiang Xiaobai like a robot. Later, he didn't know if the sobering soup really worked. He actually began to react. When the spoon pried open his mouth, he subconsciously wanted to spit out the juice.

Jiang Xiaobai seemed to know what he was thinking. He immediately pinched his mouth and threatened: "dare to spit it out and I'll throw you out of the door right away. Do you believe me?"

Probably the threat was effective. Xiao Su took a long time to swallow the drunken soup again. After that, Jiang Xiaobai finished feeding a bowl of it as usual, and then he took a towel to wipe Xiao Su's face. While wiping, he complained: "I knew I had to work so hard, I should let you live and die outside."

Forget it. It's a big deal. When he wakes up tomorrow morning, I'll collect the money from him.Because of the need to collect money, Jiang Xiaobai made great efforts to move Xiao Su to the sofa, so that he would not wake up tomorrow morning and find himself lying on the floor thinking that she had abused him.

After all this, Jiang Xiaobai is ready to leave.

The wrist was suddenly held.

She looked back and found that Xiao Su, with her eyes closed, actually held her slender wrist. She glared and pulled her hand back.

Still good, feel she want to draw back, Xiao big drunk ghost hold her hand more tightly.

"I wipe, you take advantage of me?" Jiang Xiaobai yelled at him.

Unfortunately, Xiao Su did not hear her words, but repeatedly read something in his mouth. Jiang Xiaobai Hu bent down suspiciously to listen.

"Don't go Don't go Don't leave me... "


Jiang Xiaobai a listen, the face suddenly appeared a look of disgust, this still have what don't understand? This man is lovelorn and drunk. At this moment, he is probably calling the man in his heart.

She shook her hand: "let go, you're calling the wrong person."

"Don't leave..."

Jiang Xiaobai wants to pull back her hand, but she really underestimates the power of men, especially in front of a drunk and inept man.

Although her strength is tough in girls, but in front of men, what can we see about this strength?

So for a long time, Jiang Xiaobai didn't save his hand.

Jiang Xiaobai simply sat down beside him and was in a daze.

The other side finally does not escape, Xiao Su also quiet down, but still tightly holding Jiang Xiaobai's hand.

Jiang Xiaobai took a look at Xiao Su, and found that the guy's eyebrows and eyes were pretty good-looking, but he had a scar on his face. He didn't know whether the girl disliked his scar, so he didn't stay with him?

However, for Jiang Xiaobai, she does not dislike this scar at all.