Chapter 1209

This thing makes Xiaoyan feel depressed, so she didn't give Han Qingfa information to tell him that he got up, but went into the bathroom in a low mood to wash.

After brushing his teeth, Xiaoyan grabs his hair and looks at himself in the mirror with chagrin. His stomach growls at this time.

I didn't have dinner yesterday. At this time, my stomach couldn't help protesting.

"I'm so hungry..." Xiao Yan feels her stomach.

I really want to eat, but there is nothing in the hotel room, or Would you like to go down and eat something for herself? But don't call Han Qing's words is not idiomatic, but because of his practice, her heart is too stuffy, so she does not want to talk to him, let alone go to him.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan sighed leisurely. Without changing her clothes, she went back to the bed and looked at the ceiling and continued to starve.

Lying on her back, her mobile phone suddenly vibrated. It was Han Qing who sent her a wechat asking if she was up.

Seeing this wechat, Xiaoyan's anger is even worse. If you want to know, why don't you come to see it by yourself? You have to send wechat and never reply!

Xiaoyan angrily throws the mobile phone back to bed.

She doesn't care about him.

But just put the mobile phone out, Xiaoyan began to counsel, people seem to have done nothing, she so angry is not too affectation?

So she thought about it, so Xiaoyan had to pick up her mobile phone and reply to wechat.

Just as soon as the message came back, there was a knock on the door.

Xiaoyan immediately got out of bed and ran to the door to open the door. Sure enough, she saw Han Qing standing outside with a bag. When she saw her barefoot, she had a slight pause in her eyes, and then walked into the room.

"I went to bed without dinner last night. I'm sure I'm hungry? I brought you breakfast. "

Xiao Yan looked at the bag he was carrying. Did he go downstairs to buy breakfast? I thought I could go out for breakfast together.

Breakfast was provided for the honeymoon trip, but it was a little early. In addition to Xiao Yan's special situation last night, Han Qing felt that she must be hungry when she woke up, so she brought her breakfast in person.

When eating breakfast, Xiaoyan was still thinking about two people and two rooms, but they only kept it in mind and didn't show it.

As soon as the time came, the staff showed up.

On the first day, we arranged a scenic spot tour. Even in foreign countries, there were so many people with the scenery. However, the staff opened a special channel, so many activities could be participated in. However, Xiao Yan's physical strength was not so strong that she soon became tired. But she did not dare to shout, but careful Han Qing noticed, and suddenly said: "have a rest for a while."

The staff realized that he was walking too fast. Looking at the sweat on Xiaoyan's forehead, he laughed awkwardly: "it's a little hot. There's a special bar ahead. In our schedule, would you like Mrs. han to hold on for a few more minutes?"

How many minutes? If Han Qing didn't say to rest, Xiaoyan felt that she could stick to it for another hour or two, not to mention a few minutes.

So she nodded, "OK."

After the staff took the two people to the bar direction, Han Qing held her in her arms, "I carry you?"

Xiaoyan: "it's No, I can still walk. "

With a faint smile on her lips, Han Qing reminded her, "don't be sorry. Now in the eyes of the staff, we are husband and wife, and everything is normal."

“……” He deliberately lowered his voice and came close to her ear. The heat was spitting on the root of her ear. It was itchy and touching.

But the meaning of this sentence makes Xiaoyan more depressed.

Because they are couples in the eyes of the staff, it is normal to do anything. Does he want to do this? If the staff knew they were not a couple, would he just

Oh, yeah.

What the hell is she thinking? Travel is to be happy ah, Han Qing is very good to her, what is she thinking?

Two people into the characteristics of the couple bar, where many people are lovers, in pairs, a bar not long after the staff ran away, leaving time for two people.

Xiaoyan wanted wine, but Han Qing changed it into juice.

Seeing her beloved wine changed into juice, Xiaoyan looked at Han Qing indignantly.

Then, Han Qing reached out and knocked on her forehead, staring at her like a smile.

"Come on, don't look at me like this. Are you here to drink or to quench your thirst?"

Xiaoyan micro Du lips: "drinking can also quench thirst."

"No, what if you're drunk? Don't want to play today? "

He has seen Xiaoyan drunk, all kinds of drunken crazy.

I still remember that she was drunk for the first time, and she had been crazy about kissing him. Maybe she didn't know what she had done after she woke up.

If you can, Han Qing doesn't mind her girlfriend drinking to him.It's just that it's outside. There are too many people.

Finally, Xiao Yan snorted and drank the juice.

Then she saw that many lovers were taking pictures with their mobile phones, so Xiaoyan also followed her heart. She and Han Qing had been together for so long, and they did not seem to have taken pictures together

Do you want to She's going to take pictures like everyone else?


Xiaoyan looked at Han qinglue's cold face, so she had to press the idea back.

Very strange, Han Qing is very good to her, but in front of him she still does not have self-confidence, many things also dare not to do, afraid to do let him hate.

At this moment, a scream came from the bar.

Xiao Yan was startled by the sudden sound and looked at the past along the sound source.

"I'll go to you. I'll take you to the honeymoon. It's my money. What qualifications do you have to tell me about Laozi's affairs? Under call? "

It was a man who was punching and kicking a woman.

The woman was knocked to the ground and couldn't get up. She covered her face with her hands, screaming and crying.

"Husband, don't fight Please stop fighting Sobbing, I was wrong... "

Xiao Yan, who had never seen this kind of picture, was frightened. She sat in the same place and watched the scene. Her heart beat faster and faster.

Well, what's going on here?

Aren't those two husband and wife? But Why do you have such a heavy hand??

Xiaoyan frowned tightly. The scene in front of her had a bad visual impact on her. She looked at Han Qing, who was also taking back her eyes. However, his eyes were light. They looked at each other for a moment, and then the next second they got up at the same time.

"Stop it!"

Xiaoyan drank a lot. Han Qing's tall figure also grabbed the man's collar and lifted him easily with one hand. Xiaoyan then ran to help the woman who was beaten black and blue.

"How are you? Are you all right? "