Chapter 1215

She glared at Han Qing angrily, as if he had offended her.

"My fault, let me rub it for you?" Words down, Han Qing raised his hand but was patted off by Xiaoyan: "the pain is the face, how to rub ah?"

"Who says that you can't rub your face?"

"How do you rub your face?"

The voice just fell, small Yan waist a tight, has not yet waited for her to return to God, in front of is a whirlwind, and so on calm down, she has been under the pressure of Han Qing.

The air seemed to be still for a few seconds. After realizing what was happening in front of her, Xiaoyan even stopped breathing. She could clearly feel the body outline and lines pressing on her, so she didn't dare to move. She could only lie there, just like a string puppet under rough control!

"Stupid?" Han Qing pressed her white cheek with both hands and whispered, "it's not that it hurts? I'll look at it for you

Xiaoyan:.... "

And then The next time is Han Qing's various small movements on Xiaoyan's cheek. Originally, he said that he wanted to see whether there was any bump pain for her. What was the result? He pinched the meat on his cheek and had a good time there. His cold eyes actually contained warm smile and pulled her face to make various small expressions.

Although Xiao Yan doesn't have a mirror, she can't see what she looks like at the moment. However, she can imagine that she must be very ugly. At first, she was stupid and dare not move. But when she realized that Han Qing was malicious, she became angry!

She was so angry that she directly raised her hand and clapped Han Qing's hand off!

"Big bastard! Don't do it in my face

Xiaoyan didn't realize that what she said at this time was full of coquetry and even glared at Han Qing.

The little girl in front of her will be happy, angry and energetic.

For Han Qing in the past, he was always calm and self-sustaining. He was proud of his patience and control ability in front of him, because he could control everything, but now These things in front of Xiaoyan gradually separated from his control.

Just like He meant to kiss her.

But Han Qing was in control. Because he was afraid that he would do something to make the little girl afraid in this small space, he only pinched her face. Seeing her face change all kinds of expressions under his own hands, Han Qing actually felt that he had become alive.

Who knew that the little girl was angry and glared at him now.

Han Qing was a little confused and wanted to bend over

However, he knew that he could not do so. They had not been in contact for a long time. Besides, they had not yet reached that stage, so don't scare her.

Thinking of this, Han Qing put his hands on the bed into fists, tight a few minutes, a moment he turned over in Xiaoyan's side lying down.

"Don't you just pinch your face, if you're angry, let you pinch it back?"

Just now, Xiao Yan, still angry, heard this sentence, her eyes suddenly brightened and pinched back???

"Is that ok She looked at Han qingjunmei, but a little chilly cheek, and her mind had begun to imagine pictures of him doing other expressions. Wakaka, it was very funny to think about it.

He must have made his face ugly just now, and later she must take revenge, and if she can, she will find a chance to take it and make it into wallpaper!

Xiaoyan was very happy. When she thought about this, she already showed her expression on her face. Han Qing sighed in her heart, and her indulgence in her eyes widened a little. She said helplessly, "yes, I'm your boyfriend. Of course you can Do what you want. "

Speaking of the back, Han Qing pauses for a moment and then says the four words. The little girl doesn't know if she understands his meaning.

However, looking at Xiaoyan's excited expression and action, Han Qing knows that she must have not understood, or simply did not listen to it. Now all her attention is on revenge for him.

So even if Han Qing had other ideas at this time, they soon disappeared.

After revenge, Xiao Yan glared at Han Qing angrily, "you don't move, I want to take pictures!"

Listen to words, Han Qing couldn't help but pick eyebrows, "still want to take photos?"


"Stop shooting?"

Han, did you want to take a picture of your lips


"But you had a good time when you bullied me. Now I want revenge back Xiao Yan looked at his eyes seriously and said.

Two people looked at each other for a moment, Han Qing thin lips slightly hook up: "are you sure you want to shoot?"

Xiao Yan nodded seriously.

Finally, Han Qing had no choice but to admit defeat: "well, take it, and don't pass it on after all. After all, only you who are girlfriends have the chance to see it."

Listening to him speak to himself in such a doting tone, Xiaoyan was immediately satisfied, quickly opened the mobile phone camera, and then pressed the shutter on the face of Han Qing hero, and took several pictures.After shooting, Xiaoyan realized that Han Qing's appearance on the bed just now seemed quite handsome? She opened to have a look, and found that the photos she had taken were very beautiful!

What's going on!

She clearly wanted to take a picture of Han Qingchou. Why did she forget to help his face express?

When Xiaoyan continued to probe Han Qing with the devil's hand, Han Qing suddenly clasped her white wrist and asked softly, "do you want a group photo?"

Xiao Yan's attention was suddenly attracted by the two words of group photo.

"Group photo?"

Han Qing's clear and handsome face with a faint smile: "you girls do not like it?"

When he said this, Xiaoyan unconsciously touched the selfie lens of her mobile phone. In fact, when she went out to play today, she saw a lot of couples taking group photos. She wanted to take them at that time, but she didn't dare to speak up. So they didn't even have a group photo.

I didn't expect Han Qing to take the initiative now.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan almost scratched her ears. She looked at Han Qing in a tangled way. She did not say whether she would like to or not. She just said, "but now it's night. There is no scenery around. How can I shoot it?"

"It doesn't matter."

With a little effort on Han Qing's hand, Xiaoyan fell directly into Han Qing's arms. His arms were wide and warm, just in place for Xiaoyan.

Xiaoyan was so hugged by Han Qing, and her mood was still at a loss. She heard Han Qing say: "it's OK to shoot."


So now the posture is, he holds her in his arms, two people lie on the bed of the hotel to take selfie???

Small Yan forehead flashed a few black lines, this man's thinking is how fat matter? She really can't do such things in the big bed of the hotel. She always thinks that the background of the photos taken in this way is not good, which makes people think and fantasize