Chapter 1245

The little girl's hand in his contrast, can be said to be cold, and Xiaoyan also surprised to find that his palm heart is actually very hot.

It's not the ordinary heat. It's like fire.

Take a look at Han Qing's forehead exudation of thin sweat, Xiaoyan now feel that he should have a fever, think about his strange downstairs, Xiaoyan heart pain is not good.

"Why don't you tell me earlier when you're not feeling well? You're still there. Are you a fool? If you had said you were not feeling well, we would have come back earlier

Small Yan side pulls Han Qing to walk, remorse ground says.

Originally, Han Qing still wanted to leave to blow the cold wind. Unexpectedly, the little girl found him on the way. She thought he was ill and wanted to take him back to rest.

He was helpless and didn't know how to explain to the little girl. He could only smile bitterly.

"I'm a man. I can solve it by myself. Aren't you tired? I'll go downstairs to see if there are any fever abatement stickers, eh? "

Listen to words, small Yan steps a meal, look back at him definitely.

Two seconds later, she shook her head: "no, you go back to the room, I'll go downstairs to watch for you!"

The hotel room is not far from them. Xiaoyan pulls him to the door and asks Han Qing for his room card.

"Open the door and go in. You go to rest. I'll go downstairs and ask you."

Han Qing:

This silly girl.

"Hurry up!"

At the urging of Xiaoyan, Han Qing can only swipe his card into the door. Xiaoyan pushes him inside, but he stands outside the door. "You wait for me in the room. First drink some hot water. I'll go downstairs to show you if there is any medicine. You are not allowed to run away, wait for me to come back!"

With that, he turned around and ran away, regardless of whether Han Qing answered or not.

Han Qing stood in the same place, staring at the room card in his hand, and then looked at the girl running away. He sighed and closed the door, then plugged in the room card to get electricity.

In such a situation, how would he tell the little girl? So she doesn't feel like she has a fever? After saying that, will she be afraid of herself and feel that she is terrible now?

In any case, Han Qing thinks it's better to take a cold bath first.

Instead of boiling water, he went straight into the bathroom to take a shower.

Cold water washes on the body, washing out a certain degree of heat, but the symptoms do not cure the root cause, the heat quickly recovered.

If you want to relieve it, you have to flush it all night.

Han Qing doesn't care. Anyway, his physique is always good. Even if it's a night's cold water, he won't have any opinions. But he and Xiaoyan live in the same room. If she knows that she flushes cold water all night, his little girl will be heartbroken.

As time went by, Han Qing felt that after a long time, the little girl had not come back. He turned off the water and went out of the bathroom.

Sure enough, the outside of the bathroom was quiet. There was no one there.

Ding -

the doorbell rang, and Han Qing's eyes moved, thinking about how to explain to him when he would see the little girl later, and walked forward steadily.

Brush -

as soon as the door was opened, a graceful figure directly rushed into Han Qing's arms and held his thin waist tightly. The whole person was attached to him like a water snake.

Han Qingmeng for a second, smelling an unfamiliar fragrance, suddenly threw the person out, and then staring at the visitor coldly.

It's Lin qin'er.

She wore a long black silk dress with a looming gauze over her. Her long hair fell down and she looked at Han Qing in confusion.

"Mr. Han, let me help you."

Listen to words, Han Qing's eyes dark color is a bit rich, his lips straight, staring at each other.

"It's you."

Lin qin'er, with a soft smile, said in a soft voice, "it's me. I just told the service staff that I wanted to buy you a drink, so he did it for me. I didn't expect that Mr. Han was not unprepared at all. Perhaps, Mr. Han was not unprepared, but On purpose? Xiaoyan's girl is too small. She must not be as good as me. If you like, I can... "

"Go away!"

Before she finished her words, Han Qing angrily rebuked.

The cold breath suddenly covered the sky. Lin qin'er's face changed slightly, but she still went forward and said, "why do you drive me away? Xiaoyan's girl has already run away. Now you are the only one in the room. Even if I go in, she doesn't know. And I know that drug, I put a lot of it, so tonight, even if you have strong willpower, you can't avoid it

In the past, Han's face was cold before he saw it

Lin qin'er was surprised by the horror in his body. She shrank subconsciously, but she quickly reacted and rushed to him regardless of everything.

"Mr. Han, I want nothing but tonight. After tonight, I will leave, and I won't tell Xiaoyan about it. In the future, you and Xiaoyan are still a pair, but if you need me, I will appear, OK? "Han Qing did not move, still staring at her coldly.

Lin qin'er was not sure what he thought. He didn't drive himself away, but he didn't promise. What does that mean?

Or did he waver?

Just when Lin qin'er thought he was moved by himself, Han Qing's voice sounded without any temperature.

"You know what I hate the most in my life?"

Lin qin'er stands in place.

"It's a woman like you who doesn't behave like a woman." Han Qing's lips with a scornful smile, look at Lin qin'er's eyes as if to see a dead man.

The last sentence, success let Lin Qin Er face lost color.

I didn't expect that what Xiaoyan said was true. Han Qing really hated people like her. But she even ran to Han Qing and said that she could come here when he needed to. Isn't it more annoying to him?

Hateful, she has lowered her posture so much, but the man was still not moved at all. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth, "why? You and Xiaoyan are not husband and wife. She can't help you. Can't I help you? "

"You deserve it?"

Lin qiner:

She almost broke her teeth: "what about Xiaoyan? Does she deserve it? If she really deserves it, why do you still let her go? Why don't you tell her the truth? It's just... "

However, before Lin qin'er finished, he was interrupted by Han Qing.


"I didn't care to explain to people like you, but since you want to know, it's OK to tell you. For her, I hold in the palm of my hand, do not tell her the truth is not willing to let her suffer a little injustice, not one of your dirty ideas, understand? "

In the palm of your hand? Don't want her to be wronged at all?

Think about Han Qing's gentle and meticulous appearance in treating Xiaoyan, and then look at his forbearance now. I'm afraid it's really not willing to let her be wronged, rather than not interested in her!