Chapter 1264

Hearing this, Xiaoyan instantly widened his eyes: "you just invited me to your house? Why did you change your words again? You have no sincerity... "

With that, she covered her forehead and lowered her head, ignoring him.

The little girl drooped her head, revealing a round back of her head. Han Qing put out her hand to cover the back of her head and rubbed it vigorously.

"Why am I not sincere? It's too late for you to go home. Go to the villa. There is nothing waiting for you

Empty!? Empty!!

Thinking of the cute puppet cat, Xiaoyan felt her blood was full again. Her eyes leaped up and raised her head, but she thought of something, which made her suddenly depressed.

"Empty, don't seem to like me very much, don't let me touch its head."

"That may be because you touch it too often. It's afraid of baldness."

As she spoke, Han Qing rubbed her head.

Xiaoyan angrily patted off his hand: "then don't touch my head, I'm afraid of baldness!"

Han Qing's hand was patted off, but he was not angry. He took the little girl into his arms directly. "Then go to Kongkong and go first. Uncle Nan is waiting for us outside."

"Oh, oh."

It was midnight when we arrived at Hanqing's private villa. We were very tired because of the whole day's journey. Han Qing didn't disturb her. After saying good night to her, she let her rest.

Xiaoyan originally wanted to look for emptiness. Who knows that Kongkong guy ran away without a trace when he saw her. He didn't want to come out any way she coaxed or called.

She could only lie alone on the big bed, looking at the ceiling and sighing.

I thought something would happen tonight

I didn't expect to say good night and go to bed separately


What the hell is she thinking? What time is it? People are sleeping, and she is fantasizing about something??

When did she get this color???

Xiao Yan was a little bit crazy, turned over and covered herself with a quilt. A minute later, she opened the quilt and sat up again.


It's been several days since that happened, and she didn't take the contraceptive at all, and she didn't know whether she would win the bid.

The number of times of winning a bid is very few

But that night, they were more than once

Xiaoyan pokes her finger, biting her lower lip and thinking. After a while, she goes back to bed. What did she think? If pregnant better, Han Qing is not afraid of her pregnancy, then what is she afraid of?

If you're pregnant Maybe they got married as a matter of course?

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan couldn't help rolling with the pillow.

Oh How shy!

Han Muzi received a call from the woman the next day.

She means that she is really sorry to disturb so many days, so she can't stay in the hotel any more. She says that she has found a job these days, where accommodation is provided, so she should move in these two days. She also says that after getting her salary, she will pay back the money Han Muzi spent for her these days and invite her to dinner.

Very polite and grateful.

Han Muzi said that in any case, the two families had known each other before, and these were just a little work, so she didn't have to worry about it.

However, the other side said that the kindness of dripping water should be reported to each other.

If she had not met her, she would not have known what she would have been like now.

Han Muzi sighs. I don't know what she has gone through. Judging from her conversation and self-cultivation, her previous tutoring and environment should be good, but why is she so frustrated.

But the other side did not say, Han Muzi and embarrassed to directly ask, after all, this is their own private affairs.

After chatting with Han Muzi, the woman asked Han Qing again.

When asked when her brother would come back, Han Muzi was stunned for a moment. The woman was very quiet. She didn't do anything these days. She almost forgot the existence of this character.

Now she takes the initiative to mention Han Qing. Han Muzi thinks that she should trust her brother very much, and he came back last night.

Han Muzi is not a person who can cheat others.

So he said, "my brother came back last night, but he should still be resting now. When he has a good rest, I will tell him about it and arrange for you to meet. How about that?"

The woman immediately appreciated: "thank you, Muzi Thank you very much

So in the afternoon, Han Muzi confirmed that Han Qing had a good rest, and then called him to say it.

Han Qing was silent for a moment and said a name.

"Yan Wan?"

Yan Wan?

Hear this name, Han Muzi's first reaction is, good gentle name.

She said faintly: "I forgot to ask her name. She probably felt embarrassed, so she didn't tell me her name. Was it Yan Wan?""I guess it's the name in my impression, but..." Han Qing's words stopped, and then explained to Han Muzi: "the Xu family used to have a good relationship with our Han family. They were two families, but not long after their mother died, the whole family immigrated to Canada. Later, they lost contact with each other. Unexpectedly, she came back. I don't know what happened to Uncle Xu and his aunt. Have they all come?"

"Er..." Han Muzi only said that she saw the man, but not the person. Maybe Han Qing didn't know what the other party was like. So she briefly described it.

"Down?" Han Qing was silent for a moment, and then said, "what's going on?"

"This I'm not sure Han Muzi thought of the words Xu Yanwan said to the front desk staff before. She was a little worried, and she couldn't help thinking of Xiaoyan.

"Brother, do you want to meet? I'll put her in the hotel, and if we meet, I'll arrange it. "


Han Qing agreed.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Han Muzi arranged a dinner and gave the bean sprouts to yemoshen, ready to go out alone.

As a result, Mo Shen said that she did not trust her, and she had to take bean sprouts with her.

Then, Xiaomi Dou said that he had not seen his uncle for a long time. He missed him very much and wanted to come out with him.

Obviously, it was just a meeting of three people, but as a result, there were three more people.

Well, Yemo Shen and two little oil tankers.

Han Muzi feel shy make complaints about the two sons and sons of the night, "deep fried" and "Xiaomu". They say, "I am planning to meet others. You have to follow the past, and you will embarrass others."

Night Mo deep facial expression tunnel: "just reminiscent of the past, is not a blind date, what can be embarrassed?"

It's not a blind date. We have a meal together. It seems that there is no shame.

Xiaomi Dou on one side rarely shares the same spirit with his father. "That's right, Mommy, and aunt Xiaoyan is my future aunt. When my uncle meets other female silver, I'll look at my uncle for the future aunt."