Chapter 1304

He will come here, probably because he wants noodles.

She can't panic. She should calm down before things are clear.

Xiao Yan washed her brain, then quickly calmed down, took a deep breath, and then walked downstairs.

When she went downstairs, she tried to be very calm. When facing Lin Xuzheng, she said hello to him as usual, and then she went into the kitchen.

After entering the kitchen, Xiaoyan cooked his face and recalled the way Lin Xu had just met. His eyes and expression seemed to be the same. He didn't know it was her yet?

Fortunately, if you let him know, maybe he would talk nonsense with Han Qing?

Whether she is pregnant or not is unknown, so she has to use the pregnancy test stick to test. If the matter is oolong by then, it will be embarrassing.

Therefore, before confirming, Xiaoyan has decided that she is the only one who knows about this matter, and she can't go to the drugstore again in the future, so she can't be as bold as today.

Lin Xu is staying in the elegant room upstairs. He looks at the bag which is placed beside him. His expression looks like a smile.

He knew that his good friend was defeated this time, but he didn't expect that they were developing so fast, and he didn't know what his steady friend was like when he couldn't control it?

Also, if he knew he was going to be promoted to be a father, what would he look like?

If you can, Lin Xuzheng really want to take this bag of pregnancy test stick to find Han Qing, and then make fun of him a few more, see his color change, just think about it all feel very funny.

Unfortunately, these things are taken from Xiaoyan here. For a girl, it's better to keep a good secret for her.

Small Yan carries the face into the elegant room, a light cough to cover up his heart, and then put the face in front of Lin Xuzheng.

"Brother Lin."

Lin Xuzheng took a look at her. The little girl's eyes flashed and dodged, and obviously did not dare to face him.

Are you so scared? Clearly before already let her recognize oneself when big brother, now unexpectedly dare not look at him directly?

"Well, sit down."

Xiao Yan sat down in front of Lin Xuzheng, probably because he was guilty, so when breathing, he put it very light and light, as if to reduce his sense of existence.

But Lin Xuzheng calmly picked up chopsticks and ate slowly in front of Xiaoyan's face. On weekdays, Xiaoyan could chat with him, but today he has nothing to say.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xuzheng suddenly looked up at her.

"Ah?" Xiao Yan looked at his eyes like a startled bow: "brother Lin, what's the matter?"

"Isn't it my turn to ask you that?" Lin Xuzheng looked at her in a funny way: "today so silent, no words to talk to me?"

"Oh, No Xiaoyan repeatedly waved and denied: "I was just thinking about things. It's not that I don't talk to elder brother Lin."

"Oh?" Lin Xuzheng raised his eyebrows: "what do you want? Tell it to big brother? "

"No, big brother is eating now. I'll disturb you."

"I'm bored now, anyway. Just talk about it."

Finish saying, Lin Xu is bowing to begin to eat noodles again, small Yan is hard to do not have, "did not have, I just want to want to recruit a person's hand in the shop just."

A hand?

"Well? Are we short of staff now? Are you ready to retire? "

Is she paving the way for future pregnancy?

When Xiaoyan heard him ask if he was ready to step down, his hair suddenly stood up and he was alert: "no, no, I just I think my parents are a little busy, so I think I want to recruit another person. "

"Well, aunts and uncles are not young. They shouldn't be so busy. It's good to recruit more staff. Is there a candidate? Do you need a big brother to help you

"No, this is not in a hurry. Take your time until you find the right person."

"No problem."

After two people were silent for a while, Xiaoyan felt that she couldn't stay here, so she made an excuse to leave.

"Brother, I'm a little busy downstairs. I won't eat noodles with you today, OK?"

"Well, I saw it when I came in. The business is doing well. Go down and be busy."

"I'm sorry, brother. I'll be with you next time." With that, Xiaoyan quickly stood up and almost ran away. However, after she turned around and walked out two steps, Lin Xuzheng suddenly stopped her.



Xiao Yan turns around and looks at Lin Xuzheng with a puzzled expression.

"I forgot to give you your things."

Lin Xuzheng is smiling, next to the position carried a bag placed on the table, Xiaoyan at the beginning is a little confused, "my things?"

"Well, yours."

Xiaoyan walked to pick up the bag with a puzzled face. Because she didn't think about it, she opened the bag directly in front of Lin Xuzheng.As a result, the bag opened, and when she saw what was in it, Xiao Yan suddenly turned pale.

"This, this..."


Xiao Yan opened her eyes in disbelief. What was in the bag was the pregnancy test stick she had just bought in the drugstore. At this time, it was all delivered in the bag.

How could Lin Xuzheng bring these things to her? Is it difficult to He recognized himself when he was in the drugstore?

"What?" Lin Xu was looking at her shocked expression and was very amused: "isn't this your thing?"

Xiao Yan responded and released the bag consciously. The corners of his lips twitched and he laughed awkwardly: "brother Lin, are you kidding? These How could it be mine? "

"Not yours? But when you were in the drugstore, that's what you took. "

Hearing this, Xiaoyan's smile on her lips can't be maintained. She takes a serious look at Lin Xuzheng. The other side's eyes and lips are smiling, obviously just teasing her!

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan asked angrily, "elder brother Lin, you've seen me for a long time."

Lin Xu was smiling and speechless.

Looking at his appearance, Xiaoyan felt that he had guessed right. He recognized himself, so he bought the things and came to her shop to prepare to take these things to her.

"Brother Lin, how can you do this? You

Seeing that Xiaoyan was about to lose his temper, Lin Xu was quick to remedy: "well, don't blame big brother, big brother also came to buy things, and suddenly ran into you, and saw that you left things behind, so I sent them to you, no other thoughts."

"If you don't have other thoughts, why don't you just say that when you come, you have to wait until now? "

Lin Xuzheng was helpless:" isn't this to tease you? I didn't expect you to be so teasing. OK, my sister, don't be angry with my elder brother. I've sent you everything and paid you back. "

It's OK not to mention this, but Xiaoyan is even more ashamed.